Mashhad demonstrations

Street protests condemning economic corruption

جمعه 24 خرداد 1387 و از ساعت 12 ظهر و به دعوت یکی از شبکه های ماهواره ای و در اعتراض به فساد اقتصادی حاکم بر کشور تعداد زیادی از مردم در مقابل پارک ملت مشهد تجمع کردند و به شعار دادن پرداختند. با ورود لباس شخصی ها, گارد ضد شورش و نیروی انتظامی این تجمع در مشهد به خشونت کشیده شد. از جمله شعارها بود: "موجم اگر می روم گر نروم نیستم" و "ما هستیم"


To Jean-Charpenter III

by Hajminator on


Fake is your name, tell us your real one. Abdul-zizi something like that?


Mshad? highly unlikely.

by John Carpenter III (not verified) on

This demonstarion in Mashad never took place. The clip itself screams that it is a fake.


Great country and a great system

by XerXes (not verified) on

Could you imagine if people in the US or most of the countries went to the streets without permission? wow, so many would be jailed. Yes, under any regimes in Iran all those people would be dead but the Islamic Republic of Iran, a movement to the Iranian democracy is as such that you see they come out and demonstrate.
The people are not scared of the regime, because it's not dictatorial. Remember that well. Take a trip to Iran and you'll see how relaxed and free Iran is. Except stupid social restrictions, the country and the system is democratic to the political sense of the word.
Thanks for posting this, and although you have tried to say that "they got beaten", you'll see that it wasn't the way you are saying.
Know that there are many religious and undemocratic people that would attack others without a governmental orders.
I love the Islamic Republic of Iran. Love it


مشهدي ها يا

Rahaee (not verified)

مشهدي ها يا خراسانيها هميشه پيش قدم رهايي از يوغ و استعماره حكومتهاي جبار و خليفه ايي عربها بوده اند . فكر نكنم كه تعارف داشته باشيم كه بپذيريم ما بعد از انقلاب اسلامي دوباره تحت سيطره و استيلاي اسلام كه همان اعراب هستند رفتيم و يكبار ديگر بايد خو را با تحمل مشقتهاي فراوان از يك ديني كه حكومت ميخواهد تا عقايدش را با ضرب شمشير تحميل كند برهانيم ..... فراموش نكنيم كه دفعه بعد اگر دنبال تغيير هستيم, اسلام پاسخ گوي احتياجات شما نخواهد بود .


Margh bar Hezb, Margh bar Hezb, Margh bar Hezb ...

by Hajminator on

