McCain dying to kill Iranians

John McCain jokes about killing Iranians with cigarettes

Los Angeles Times: While waiting for cheese steaks at Pittsburgh's Primanti Bros., famous for its thick sandwiches piled high with French fries, an Associated Press reporter asked McCain to comment on a report that U.S. exports to Iran had increased tenfold during the last seven years -- with cigarettes ranking as the top export. "Maybe that's a way of killing them," McCain responded. He quickly followed up: "I meant that as a joke, as a person who hasn't had a cigarette in 28 years.">>>



The US Elections may indeed affect Iran's future

by Yinzer (not verified) on

The US Elections may indeed affect Iran's future but probably not by as much as some would claim. US Policy on Iran hasn't really changed since the Revolution.

McCain's statement is most certainly a bad joke but it does show that he cares litte for Iran.

Obama on the other hand has expressed interest in having unconditional meetings with Iran's leadership. Maybe he cares about Iran but frankly I think that it's more of a display of ignorance. After all, wouldn't such talks undermine the legitimacy of Iran's current leadership? And if so, then there's no way such talks would ever take place. Iranians would either refuse the talks or create such a list of demands as preconditions that the talks would never happen.

At best, US-Iranian Policy as a voting issue will be a matter of choosing the lease worst candidate. Currently I think Obama but that may change.


There is no reason to apologize

by Zion on

There was nothing wrong with asking, and I am happy that you find the topic interesting enough to investigate and read about.
Take care.



by American Wife (not verified) on

Actually I did a little research after making that comment.  Not knowing exactly WHAT a Zionist was, I inferred it was this horribly radical violent kinda "thing".  However, and this is purely a novice observation, it's far less a type of person and much more a movement.  Please forgive what might have appeared to be a casual dismissal of your beliefs, irregardless of any personal beliefs I may or may not have.  I will continue my research and hopefully muddle my way through this obviously intense debate.



by American Wife (not verified) on

Actually I did a little research after making that comment.  Not knowing exactly WHAT a Zionist was, I inferred it was this horribly radical violent kinda "thing".  However, and this is purely a novice observation, it's far less a type of person and much more a movement.  Please forgive what might have appeared to be a casual dismissal of your beliefs, irregardless of any personal beliefs I may or may not have.  I will continue my research and hopefully muddle my way through this obviously intense debate.


American Wife

by Zion on

I am indeed a supporter of the Zionist ideals and proud of it too. :-)
Why did you think otherwise?


I'm just curious... and

by American Wife (not verified) on

I'm just curious... and certainly not trying to be critical.  BUT... I just wonder why it's NOT ok for Bush to make HIS asinine statement but you can make a "hope he dies" comment.  Please... I'm asking a serious question... consider your answer before rushing to the keyboard to talk about America's corruptive government or lack or morals.  I'm asking a very specific question... do two wrongs make a right?  Are you better than Bush for making that comment... worse because you presumably know better... or just as bad.  If you don't see anything wrong with your comment, please tell me why.  Perhaps my moral compass is out of wack.  I truly look forward to hearing from you and reinterate again how very UNoffensive I'm trying to be.

Zion... don't feel bad about not reading Fountainhead.... I didn't "reat" it either.  Are you really a Zionist (I don't think so) or do you just use that name to provoke

Niloufar Parsi


by Niloufar Parsi on

is unfortunately not dying fast enough!

Q: what are you doing wasting your time on this zionist agent of AIPAC on this site dadash?! can't you see he obviously has nothing else to do than spend all his time distracting others from real issues and positive discussion? 



Get a grip for christs sake

by The_Grinning_Mullah (not verified) on

It's hilarious but also tragic to see you comparing the US gov't with the mullahs. I'm not a fan of the USA(I don't live there either) but there is NO COMPARISON. The US has not killed millions of its own citizens or routinely kill anyone who dares to speak out. Don't give me no Iraq or Abu Ghraib, it is NOTHING compared to what the mullahs have done. The US does not oppress free speech. It does not force you to wear certain clothes or arrest for not doing so. It does not require you to worship a particular god or live a strict religious life. It does not execute people for their sexuality. It does not censor the media or only allow islamic propaganda to be shown. If you want to criticise USA, start with the mullahs first. Please....

You have been blinded so much by your hate to USA that you are forgetting what the mullahs have done the past thirty years. I don't like Bush and the Neocons either but at least they can be REPLACED. With the mullahs it's different, once you got you got to pry them out!

One of the many differences between USA and Iran is that most of the world supports the US while the WHOLE WORLD loathes Iran in its current state. Iran used to be respected among the nations and its culture was something that was looked up to. Thanks to the mullahs, Iran is now the pariah of the world.

Every family in Iran has lost a member to them, either by their incompetent wars, torture or execution. The prisons in Iran are filled with thousands and thousands of political prisoners and people are being tortured and executed daily. Most of the oil revenue goes directly in the mullahs pockets. The rest goes to fund islamic terror all over the world. People are getting poorer and poorer. It is impossible to find medicine if you get sick. Iran is being flooded with cheap afghan heroin peddled by the mullahs. Teheran is filled with MILLIONS of dying drug addicts, most of them are very young. The graveyards around Teheran are so HUGE that you can get lost within them! The smog in the city is so bad that people often drop dead on the street. The prices for food such as rice is so high noone can afford them, same with prices for gasoline. Iran has the highest suicide rates of the world, many young people either commit suicide or end up as heroin addicts.

Try calling someone in Iran and even the phones are wiretapped. If you say something critical of the regime you can get interrupted as you speak! The funny thing is that the telephone system was built under the Shah and has not been updated since. Is this progress? They have even banned cell phones with cameras because people used them to document attacks by the police and the rogue islamic militias. There is NO FREEDOM, not even a single grain. If I were in Iran while typing this, they would come for me and kill everyone, not just me but my family as well.

Can you compare this to USA? The truth is, most Iranians would die for an american passport. Not because USA is a wonderful country, no it isn't better than so many other places. It is because Iranians want to GET OUT! While there used to be a little hope, there is nothing but despair now. I have heard people say they don't fear death anymore, things are getting so bad and there is so little food they don't even care about getting arrested no more. What do they have to loose?

Let me put it plainly: the islamic revolution was the biggest mistake Iran has ever made for the past hundred years. Things were much better before the revolution even if it was a dictature. EVERYTHING has has been going downhill except the number of people suffering or dying.

If you cannot see past your stereotypical hate to Israel/USA and get your sh*t together, you will be stuck with the mullahs for a very long time. Forget about USA and focus on Iran instead. All this petty bickering and hate among Iranians inside as well as outside Iran is only helping the mullahs stay in control. STOP this stupidity and instead try to unite yourself. Act like mature individuals and organise some decent political resistance instead of constantly criticising Israel/USA for every minor thing that pop up in the media.


You are wrong as usual

by Zion on

Knowledge is not just knowing facts. Knowledge is having good theories about the truth and the right approach towards acquisition of truth via theories. That is why a belief system includes all of this, and more. It is what gives you the values for your life, and your stance towards the complexities of the world and your ignorance of it.
Contrary to what you claim, not all value systems, not all approaches towards seeking knowledge and the level of recognizing dissent are the same. Some are better and some are actually quite catastrophic.
This has nothing to do with having respect for other people`s beliefs or spiritual taste. You can have respect for them, and yet disagree with them and not adopt their system but the one you have reached the conclusion that is better, less wrong and... yes, superior. ;-)
(And I won`t even get into the deliciousness of you talking of respecting other people`s opinions.)

So your understanding of power is only in terms of exploitation of one group by another? Everything is a zero-sum game for you. See, that is why you`ll always be loser, because the moment any side comes to a position of power, you`ll be against it irrespective of what is the value system that this position of power will establish. That is the difference between free men and those who are stuck in the slave mentality. You mention Exodus? Go read it again. It is precisely this. The story of a people who cease to be slaves, and as free men set up their own laws and exercise power as free men do.

If I am living in the United States, I do not believe that people here see me as flies and monkeys. I see people here as friendly, and respectful and that is something I treasure.

Take good care of your flag. I doubt it would ever fly over the white house, but it could be stuck somewhere useful nevertheless. You never know. :-)

(Oh and I haven`t read fountainhead either. Told you already. Too many pages, no pictures. My mind won`t keep up! )


Zion, you know what's worst than stupid comedy by someone

by Q on

who is more of a clown than a comedian? Give up? Unoriginal comedy.

I still do not know whether you are pleading with me to go or to come back. Not that it really matters, I am just curious.

I know Zion, it's a bit confusing. I'll try to type slower and with more spaces, also adding pictures if I can. And your right, very little about you matters to me or anyone else at this point.

As I said any rational person will adopt a belief system that to his knowledge is superior to other belief systems
First of all, my illiterate friend, "knowledge" is not a "belief system" that's like comparing apples to oranges. Knowledge is just facts about the world or human artifacts. A belief system implies morals and spirituality. That's exactly how you meant it when you said Judaism is superior to Islam.

Second, for the third time: NO that's not what a rational person will adopt. A person who is first and foremost concerned with having a "superior" belief system is called a "fanatic" and is usually quite ignorant for a simple reason: to have a "superior" system you must have an even higher system to make judgement as to what is superior. In other words, unless you have already adopted the system, you could not possibly know if it is superior and after you have adopted it, it becomes superior by definition.

Still with me? Don't doze off, I know it's a lot of words.

Only a self-centered narcissist believes their "belief system" is superior to others mostly out of self-justification. Even if you are in search of higher truth, you make a comparison based on what you know and what you seek, not what other people believe. It must be news to you but most humans do not think in these terms at all and exceptional humans actually specifically acknowledge and respect other belief systems. Examples: Einstein, Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King.

Once again, I realize you're brainwashed into thinking: being selfish is "natural". Snap out of it, and put down the Fountainhead (tell me at least you reat that one.)

Being Jewish is maternally inherited according to most rabbis, something you yourself have explained. Therefore, you did not "adopt" the "belief system" as much as grew up with it, just like Muslims growing up in an Islamic household.

you do have an inferiority complex about the notion of power.

It's called being human. We, as a species, don't like to be treated as less than others. It goes back to the book of Exodus. I'm sure you wouldn't understand.

It's the essence of all justice to treat everyone fairly as equals. Does this ring a bell in your Universe at all?

The rest of your stuff was very interesting. Quite a good description of yourself I'm sure.

Oh LORD what a devestating come back. My description was really of myself? Wow, the cleverness has reached Herculean proportions. And they say people can't be original anymore!!!

Yes, I know, it was all about myself. Especially what I said about "ashke-zionist rand-heads". (sorry, was that too many words for you to remember? You really should try harder, it saves embarassing moments like this.)

Is that why you are so at peace? ;-)
Oh man, another devestaing end-game. A dagger straight to my heart. How do you come up with all this grade A material? Seriously, is this Jerry Seinfeld?

The truth is I never claimed to be at peace. I am not. But I am at least not obsessed with having a "superior belief system". Shit like that will pretty much guarantee you will never find peace in this life time. But hey, who am I to argue with Jerry! :O)

Anyways, you still refused to answer my question to you:
Oh yea, "refuse" that's it. It's not "laugh my ass off and ignore" or anything.... honest. Don't you have to offer something of substance before a "refusal" can have meaning?

If you believe what you quoted that anti-semite fool to be true, that the Americans see you as flies and monkeys, why did you come here?
I know, another clever logic puzzle from the master genius Nobel-race winning "superior belief system" holder.

I don't know. Perhaps to educate these Americans and make this place a better country? (I know you don't understand someone doing something that doesn't directly benefit someone), but hey, we humans actually do something for a higher cause once in a while.

or maybe I'm just trying to lay the ground word for the Islamic Khalifate, you know Allah's will for all man kind, convert or die time! I've already made the green flag that we will fly over the white house. But first we have to destroy Israel. Speaking of which, why don't you live there? Any particular reason YOU are rejecting what you worship on daily basis.

Niloufar Parsi

look in the mirror SpreadTheMessage

by Niloufar Parsi on

Why don't the Americans understand that Iranian and other anti-imperialists are not trying to attack the US. What they want is to remove the neocons.
You should blame the neocon propaganda for displaying the US as a murderous imperialist nation of butchers that is hell bent on destrying the rest of the world. USA is now known as the most dangerous country in the world, everybody hates it. Why shouldn't they?

How can the world be expected to believe the average American is not a fascist fanatic with all the propaganda the neocons have been showing? However Iran is only out to get rid of the neocons, not the American people. Don't let the propaganda convince you otherwise.

It is your job as Americans, inside and outside the US, to stand together and organise a new democracy. You have been constantly fighting the world and this is the reason the neocons are still here.

The US regime is a cancer on the world and trust me, it will be removed within one or two years. The neocons will not be allowed to bomb civilians with atomic weapons again as they did in Japan. They will be removed either with your help or without. If you help, you reputation may be redeemed, but if you do nothing, the world will shun you.

When the fall comes, there will be no one there to help you out. This is your only chance. You have to show some self respect and save what little democracy is left in your corporatist political system that has trampled on your good constitution. Raise your voices and stop your warmongering regime from more global massacres as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam etc.

You must synchronise your action and each of you depose of the neocon in your own area. The more you are, the less lives it will cost you. The neocons will fight for their lives for there is no country in the world that will receive their exile.

When they are overtaken, a new democratic government must be elected as soon as possible. You MUST establish a democratic tradition and leave imperialism behind you. Can't you see that your bloodthirsty imperialism has cost the world millions of lives? For years the people of the world have been starving while the corporations have gotten fatter, and still you do not have a decent public health care system that exists in one form or another in any other industrialized nation, is this what you wanted? It is time to rediscover the proud democratic culture that De Toquville raved about. You have been forcibly dehumanised for so many years, now is the time to let the US be ruled by Americans.

All this is up to you. You can either support the neocons andthe corporations and their PNAC and zionazism that leads millions in the world to starve to death or help the world get rid of them. The world can provide you with external support but it is up to YOU the American people to depose of the neocons and their corporate masters and form a real democratic government as you had before. It is for your own good...



Ignore the Anti-Iran Ignorance

by Zac (not verified) on

We all need to take a step back and look at all of this propaganda with skepticism. It is accomplishing its main objective, which is to make us hate each other so we support our governments ridiculous policies. Unfortunately, you have to either ignore or put up with ignorant individuals like SHALOM...who preach the word of hate.

I'm an American and currently a college student in Washington State. Below is a paper I wrote for a college course two years ago. It has to do with the language American presidents used to launch the Vietnam and Iraq wars. It's well worth the read.

From the end of World War II the United States of America rose and still stands as the world's lone super power. The United States prides itself on being the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave” and has acted as the world police over the last half century imposing its will on whomever the government has deemed an "axis of evil". While most of our intentions are good, there have been two instances when the serving Commander in Chief has used the corrosion of language to launch unjustified and unpopular invasions of other countries. Both the Vietnam war and current war in Iraq have had a majority of opposition both from the general public as well as the elected congress but continued to be waged defiant against the will of the American people. Justifying their actions both President Lyndon B. Johnson and President George W. Bush use language such as: freedom, peace, and protection out of context to woo support for their own agenda.

In a national address President Lyndon B. Johnson justified his escalation of the Vietnam conflict in a resolution that in his words were:
“expressing the unity and determination of the United States in supporting freedom and in protecting peace […] This treaty with its accompanying protocol obligates the United States and other members to act in accordance with their constitutional processes to meet Communist aggression against any of the parties or protocol states” (Kenworthy).

It’s ironic that the words freedom and peace can be used in any argument for war. In no way does armed conflict involve peace or make a countries inhabitants experience freedom and feel secure. Life around the world is different depending on the location and the culture that is present there. The definition of freedom would be different for individuals on different sides of the subject (Foner). Communism is not supported by the United States but serves as a stable way of life for millions around the globe. Johnson’s definition of freedom is different of that from a Vietnamise’s for the obvious reason that we live under different forms of government. In America people are free of major government control but deal with prevalent everyday stereotypes that control the outcome of their lives like nowhere else in the world. People are constantly evaluated and stereotyped based on simply what they wear, how they walk, talk and appear to other people before even being known. An individuals skin color or sexual preference unfairly damages their place in our society because of the standards that are persistent in the American culture. On the opposite end of the spectrum Communism represents an economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. While citizens of a Communist society are not controlled by the standards set by society like in America, they are greatly dictated by the ruling power. Not only do we live and experience different lives, the definition of freedom alone is completely different do to the circumstances of our own lives. Freedom to one man may be confinement to another and by no right that we possess can we justify waging a war against another country entirely on liberating them to the American way of life. War only pruduces fear bloodshed and loss of life. It does not represent protection, peace or freedom for anyone that experiences the conflict.

Ironically a little less then half a century later we find ourselves in the same circumstances that we faced through the war in Vietnam. In March of 2003 the Iraq Resolution was passed with congress approval. This resolution allowed the United States to invade the independent country of Iraq on certain premises similar to that stated by President Johnson in 1964. Introduced by president George W. Bush the Iraq Resolution states:
“Iraq’s threat to the national security of the United States and international peace and security in the Persian Gulf region. Iraq's hostility towards the United States […] the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998, the resolution reiterated that it should be the policy of the United States to remove the Hussein regime and promote a democratic replacement” (United States Joint Resolution).

In the forty years since the Vietnam war the face of the world has constantly been changing. The two wars have very little in common as far as the anatomy of war is considered, but one thing remains stupefyingly the same. The language used by the serving president in both conflicts is almost exactly the same. Once again American forces were invading a foreign country on the premise of freedom, peace, and protection. It was even stated by president Bush that we were there to replace the Iraq government with our own American Democracy. Like in Vietnam the United States government was going to free Iraq and bring peace to the region by invading the country and waging a war. From our previous experience not only have we failed to notice our way of life and form of government cannot be forced on other entities but that their way of life and view on similar subjects is not the same as ours. Iraq has been ruled by outright Tyranny for decades and by removing their dictator, the only sense of control the country had, we unleashed a rein of chaos that is persistent to this present day. Iraq is a Muslim state with a Muslim culture. They do not long for the American way of life, with our faddish clothing and numerous supermalls. If that was so wouldn’t the Iraq people rise up and challenge their own country. Even President Bush stated “Like free people everywhere, Iraqis want to be defended by their own countrymen” (“In the Presidents Words”).

If the President believes this then it is obvious invading Iraq with American troops would not bring protection, peace or security for anyone involved. Like different nations throughout the world, Iraqi citizens grow up in their own country, live their own lives, and form their own interpretations on what certain language means to them. Nowhere in the world is war interpreted as freedom, peace and protection especially not here in America.

It is obvious that war causes harm, pain, suffering and dramatic loss of life. Invading another country in an act of war is not a way of protection for its people. Even peace is most commonly defined as unwarring conditions between two factions and while freedom can be defined in an extent of ways none of these enclose being occupied by a foreign force. Through a misleading deformation of language both President Johnson and President Bush concocted the American public on intentions of good will, but after analysis it is clearly evident that their premise for war is completely fraudulent. The language they use to launch invasions of independent countries is eroneous and contains no similarities with war. This is symbolized permenantly in Unites States history by the fact that American citizens and congress both expressed a majority disaproval to both wars as time passed but defiant against the will of our country, both Presidents refused to end our warring occupation of other countries.

While trying to force the American Democracy upon other nations they ignored the most vital part that represents a Democracy, the supreme power of the people. From ignoring the very government they were trying to expand throughout the world and reprehensibly using language to postulate a good will of intention for war. It leaves the whole world to wonder what are the real reasons behind are aggressive acts on other countries?


Why don't the Iranians

by SpreadTheMessage (not verified) on

Why don't the Iranians understand that the west is not trying to attack Iran. What they want is to remove the MULLAHS.
You should blame the mullah propaganda for displaying Iran as a murderious islamic nation of butchers that is hell bent on destrying the rest of the world. Iran is now known as the most dangerous country in the world, everybody hates it. Why shouldn't they?
How can the west be expected to believe the average Iranian is not an islamic fanatic with all the propaganda the mullahs been showing? However the west is only out to get rid of the mullahs, not the Iranian people. Don't let the propaganda convince you otherwise.
It is your job as Iranians, outside Iran as well inside, to stand together and organise a new revolution. You have been constantly fighting among each other and this is the reason the mullahs are still here.
The mullah regime is a cancer on the world and trust me, it will be removed within one or two years. The mullahs will not be allowed to get atomic weapons. They will be removed either with your help or with atomic weapons. If you help, it will only be done with conventional weapons however if you do nothing, things can go much worse.
When the strike comes, the forces loyal to the mullahs will be under heavy bombardment and will not be able to move on the roads. When this is happening, the Iranian people MUST rise up and seize all points of control. This is your only chance. You have to take up arms and fight forces such as the Basij militia. It is important that you do it at the same time and that everybody gets out on the streets. You must synchronise your action and each of you depose of the mullah in your own area. The more you are, the less lives it will cost you. The mullahs will fight for their lives for there is no country in the world that will receive their exile.
When they are overtaken, a new democratic government must be elected as soon as possible. You MUST establish a democratic tradition and leave islam behind you. Can't you see that islam has cost you millions of lives? For years the people have been starving while the mullahs have gotten fatter, is this what you wanted? It is time to rediscover the proud pre-islamic Iranian culture that is thousand of years old than islam. You have been forcibly arabicized for so many years, now is the time to let Iran be ruled by Iranians.
All this is up to you. You can either support the mullahs and starve to death or help the world get rid of them. The west can provide you with air support but it is up to YOU the Iranian people to depose of the mullahs and form a real government. It is for your own good... -20188


You're absolutely right...

by American Wife (not verified) on

You're absolutely right... it IS a matter of perspective.  I think... no, I'm quite sure... that I tend to speak out quickly and loudly when it comes to comments about Americans.  Good and bad.  You won't see me shying away from a legitimate criticism.  Perhaps I'm trying too hard one-on-one to relay how strongly I feel about misconceptions about Americans.  It IS a personal matter with me as you know.  I AM trying to bridge the gap as often and as loudly as I can... perhaps because this government is so determined to blow that bridge up!!!!!  Just like that stupid joke by McCain and the followup satire by Andy Borowitz, it only takes ONE WORD to start a riot.  Hell, the Civil War started over a careless cadet firing at a shadow. 

It's an unfortunate truth that American's are singularly insulated and it's youth poorly prepared to deal with an international world.   Yet we're shocked at the lack of respect we have today.  I'd bristle if I heard anyone else say it's arrogance but... you know what, sometimes the truth hurts.

And yes, I finally got my $5 bill signed... with a wee bit of whining too, I might add.  It joined the many others that I've had to 

Now that the game is over, I can go back to catering to my man full time...:-)

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

With all respect, you must understand that your perspective will naturally differ from mine, or Zion's or any other Iranian.

The average American, for example, cannot speak a second language. Foreign language courses are all but ignored in schools today. You'd be amazed at how many are utterly clueless in matters that we talk about here. They don't even know who their local repesentatives are. Ask them the order of succession in the executive branch of government......They'll grunt like Tim Allen on Home Improvement. Hell, they don't even know the three branches of government.

I wasn't saying anything with the intent of offending you. I was just pointing out the result of years of observation. I'm the kind of person that will trust until I'm given a reason not to.

Truth be told, the warmest, most gracious and most hospitable Americans I have met are in South Carolina.

If I don't hear from you beforehand, have a great weekend. By the way, did you have trouble collecting on the NBA Finals bet?


Kaveh and Zion

by American Wife (not verified) on

Both of you have valid points.  The average "joe" probably doesn't know that much about Iran.  I don't think it's as bad as Kaveh thinks though.  I DO look throughout the internet and read posts and while there are those who are stuck in a time warp of the hostage-taking period, I firmly believe THEY are in the minority.  You see what you want to see.  I'm not justifying either position, just stating what should be obvious to everyone.  Isn't it just reverse stereotyping when you say that educated Americans are few and far between?  I will defend this very strongly.  I believe with all my heart that most Americans are extremely gracious and hospitable.  I won't beat the Lady Liberty welcoming the masses drum because it speaks for itself.  She's not there because YOU put her there.  It does mean something to us.  If you've had a bad experience, your point is valid to YOU.  Should I lump all Iranians together as being rude or crude because of one or two individuals attitude to ME?  Even here on  It's a two way street my friend.  You can't expect hospitality when you reject it again and again.





by Zion on

Negative images is one thing, and if you are honest you won't blame them. After all Iran has done in the past 30 years, a negative image is the least you've got in return.
Still I doubt it very much if Americans hold this against any individual Iranians they meet, work with or live beside.


Promoters of democracy!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

It is so ironic that mad fascists like this guy want to promote democracy! Despite my many disagreements with IRI I wish IRI total success in deterring these ruthless "freedom lovers"!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I was reading what you wrote to Mensa about the average American not holding grudges and ready to see people in good faith. I can't say I agree with you on that one.

We all know that the problem is not Iran, but rather the IRI. The U.S. government knows this, and educated Americans know this. I italicized that part because in all honesty, truly educated and world-savvy Americans are few and far between. They are clearly in the minority. The average American, whether their political preferences are blue or red, elephant or donkey, have a tendency to stereotype people on the basis of nationality or religion or any other reason. The unwashed masses have been deluged with negative images of Iran. Many of them cannot even find Iran on a map. The truth has never been taught to them. Do you know how many Americans still think we are Arabs?!!?!?! You, of all people should know that.

If you were to play a "word association" game with an Average American, this what you might find:

Persia: cat

Middle East: Camel jockeys and terrorists

Iran: Bomb the fuck out of 'em

But it all goes back to my earlier post. This rhetoric was brought upon Iran, by Iran. Yes, it is wrong. Yes, the joke was tasteless and just wasn't funny. But I don't expect a 70 year old man to be a comedian. I still cannot understand why we have just continued to roll over for the IRI to hurt our country the way they have but if a khareji makes a stupid remark, we make a larger issue of it.


Thanks for the Jeff

by American Wife (not verified) on

Thanks for the Jeff Foxworthy clip but I was actually looking for something a little more definitive from ass... I mean arse....I mean arsene... whatever. 

I refuse to be insulted by comparisons as defined by Jeff... some of them hit a leetle too close to home...

In the South, there are those who stand tall and proud when called a redneck... please don't insult rednecks by making comparisons with McCain.  I know rednecks well and McCain ain't one (although most of them ARE Republicans).  I say all this safe and sound tucked away in  I doubt I'd be so mouthy on... say...


Kaveh Nouraee

What Is a Redneck?

by Kaveh Nouraee on


This should help clear up the definition for you.


American Wife

by Zion on

You see, only whites can be truly racist. Others might seem to do the same vis a vis the whites or even each other, but that is not the same thing. That is only a small offense and a reaction. You see, Q has already explained all this before somewhere else. The reason seems to have something to do with technology and forcing people to worship Coca Cola... but don' ask me how.

Ask the maestro himself. ;-)



by Zion on

I still do not know whether you are pleading with me to go or to come back. Not that it really matters, I am just curious.

There we go again with the spins. As I said any rational person will adopt a belief system that to his knowledge is superior to other belief systems, not other people! You are sensitive to superior, replace it with best, leas wrong whatever suits your insecurities best.

So you know Ayn Rand. Very good. Who else do you know? You are so knowledgeable. I haven't actually read Atlas Shrugged. Too many pages, no pictures. You see, my juvenile sub-developed teenage brain can't handle it. I have read her Anthem though. :-)
Anyway yes,Ayn Rand did say a lot of sensible things and I do agree with a lot of what she said. Not all, but a lot.
It is passe, huh? Not chic. Good grief, what to do. I am an old fashioned person. You are the trendy one and the original at the same time. I guess all your rants on colonial power and Zionism and Neocons are very original. Right.

On another note, you don't need necessarily to be commie to be an idiot. Communism would definitely qualify, but it is only one chain in a whole long tradition of such degeneracies. You are part of that tradition Q, you do have an inferiority complex about the notion of power. A slave legacy that hates free men who exercise their power and is only comfortable with dead martyrs.

The rest of your stuff was very interesting. Quite a good description of yourself I'm sure. After all, you are the one going around demanding people to apologize to you when you deem their opinion as wrong, and have this urge to "expose" everyone you disagree with. lol. :-D

Is that why you come here? You only write something when you are ... what is it.. compelled by an obsession?
You know, normal people write stuff and put comments because it is fun, because they chose to and like to. Ever thought of that?
I have a lot of fun here and good part of it is due to yourself.

But this was the best of them all:

'Most people who have some sembolance of inner peace are just fine valuing and honoring other belief systems (which cannot be done if your is "superior").'

Is that why you are so at peace? ;-)

Anyways, you still refused to answer my question to you: If you believe what you quoted that anti-semite fool to be true, that the Americans see you as flies and monkeys, why did you come here? Why are you still living here? Why do you let yourself exposed to such a condition, Q?

Kaveh Nouraee

There is only the IRI to blame

by Kaveh Nouraee on

As much as the comment was in poor taste, (and it most certainly was), it hopefully will be seen for what it really is.

When you scratch below the surface, you will find a reflection of the contempt for a government (the IRI), that holds everything and everyone, both inside and outside of Iran, in comtempt as well.

I'm sure many of us remember from childhood being told, "No one will respect you if you don't respect yourself."

Unfortunately, Iran's self-respect has been missing since 1979, when it was replaced by these gangsters. And the people have been paying the price for it ever since.


to Q...

by Mehdi-Palang on

qorboone dastet agha, kheili lotf kardi

Alas, zion has proved once again that he is self-righteous and has (against his own will) served the Iranian community in that he has brought us closer together.

Thank you zion for bestowing your presence upon us. 


Mc cain is a red neck, and as a red neck he is candidate for bei

by American Wife (not verified) on

"Mc cain is a red neck, and as a red neck he is candidate for being president. This is not surprising also in USA where most of amrecicans are red neck and jews."

Pray tell... what exactly is your definition of a redneck.  It's amazing how quickly one can use a word that denotes something less than positive and yet get so offended by any criticism of their own ethnicity.

And would that be just the teeniest tiniest bit of anti-seminism showing in that statement?  Is it be a BAD thing if there are Jews in America?

McCain is an ass.  I don't think ANYBODY here has suggested anything different or supported his comments in any way.   


McCain sees Iranians as sub-humans

by Mehdi on

Moments like these gives it away how these idiots really feel about Iran and Iranians. Let this be a wake up call for those who still think that a US attack on Iran might be for the purpose of improving conditions there. It is not! These bastards have their own greed to worry about.


He is an idiot

by Alborzi (not verified) on

I am really disappointed with Obama's new look, but compared to McCain (idiot, Ahmadinejad of west), I guess you have to vote Obama.


Please elaborate (re Zion)

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

Zion said: "Could you please elaborate on what you mean? What exactly is (t?)he strongest possible deterrent? These admissions are getting exciting"

my friend Zion, you seem very stressed and excited right now, so I postpone my reply to you. ... I am however surprised that you are defending this mad fascist candidate?
take care Zion,


Zion, Shalom-palom et Co.

by Hajminator on


Can you tell us how you qualify a group of people who betrayed their savior and prophet? ... There aren't any exact word in the dictionary to describe this but let it be damns as Moses called his traitor followers.

‘Cursed be he that setteth light by his father or his mother’

Our father, Cyrus was a humanist when he came and delivered jews from Nebuchadnezzar but I think that if he had the possibilty to see what you did these 60 last years to live in a rip up land he would certainly have constructed a second tower around the babylone's one where your ancestors were imprisoned. Now Berid kenar bezarid yekhoordeh bad biad