"Month of Uprising"

Mojahedin Khalgh statement on increasing protests in Iran



dar dar to pirouzi!!

by Anonymous334 (not verified) on

I agree, I'd rather be governed by Islamic mullahs, than by Socialist Islamic crazy people. The Mujahidin leadership deserves a place next to Saddam Hussain and a noose around their necks.

They are traitors, they started the heavy hand of the mullas against our people and cused the stricts rules that closed universities and forced backwardness on everyone because they took the cuase of armed struggle … and got us into this bullshit to begin with!!! They attached their own country from Iraq, they deserve to NEVER be allowed back on Iranian soil, they did the biggest disservice to Iran and Iranians. all I can say is FUCK YOU all....


To That Anjoman Nejat!! check this buddy

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

Let us see who is doing what Mr. Anjoman Nejat-e Mojahdin sitting in Therana nd trying to "rescue" t) the PMOI from "the clutch of the Camp Asshraf"!!

تروریسم اینترنتی رژیم آخوندی
12:49:41 AM 1387/8/8
هك سايتها توسط مامورين رژيم آخوندي

این یك نمونه منحصربهفرد در دنیاست كه یك دولت در تلویزیون رسمی خود این چنین با صراحت تمام به نقش خود در هك كردن سایتهای مخالفان خود در سایر كشورها اعتراف میكند. فاشیسم مذهبی به این ترتیب میخواست پیام خود را خیلی صریح و روشن به گوش همه مخالفانش برساند كه اگر با این رژیم در بیفتند و در برابر بایستند، با تروریسم الكترونیكی و اینترنتی خود جواب میدهد.

البته این شیوه بزدلانه و رذیلانه رژیم برای مجاهدین و مقاومت ایران كه مكررا سایتهایشان توسط عوامل و مزدوران رژیم هك میشود، امر كاملا آشنا و شناختهشدهیی است، اما از مدتی پیش، وزارت اطلاعات آخوندی با صرف میلیونها دلار هزینه، و با به خدمت گرفتن هكرهای حرفهیی در كشورهای مختلف، ‌حملات خود را به سایتهای اینترنتی نه فقط سایتهای متعلق به اپوزیسیون بلكه سایت العربیه، سایتهای وزارت خارجههای كشورهای منطقه وحتی سایتهای متعلق به رهبران سایر ادیان و مذاهب در كشورهای همجوار شدت بخشیده است. شدت این حملات به حدی است كه تعجب خدمات دهندگان بینالمللى را هم برانگیخته است.

رژیم تروریسم اینترنتی خود را ابتدا از داخل ایران و با سانسور و دستگیری وبلاگ نویسان شروع كرد. و همزمان اقدام به فیلتركردن و بعد هك كردن سایتهای مختلف كرد. در اسناد داخلی رژیم این تروریسم اینترنتی را، با عنوان جهاد مجازی مورد اشاره قرار میدهند. و به این وسیله بسیاری از سایتها و وبلاگهای مختلف ازجمله وبلاگهای سرویس دهنده را به بهانه جلوگیری از انتشار مطالب مغایر نظام جمهوری اسلامی هك میكنند. اما این سانسور و چماقداری رژیم فقط در سطح داخل كشور نماند و اكنون به‌طور فعال از این شیوه برای به سكوت كشانیدن سایر سایتهای منطقه و دیگر كشورها نیز استفاده میكند.

در این رابطه العربیه نت نوشته است: دزدان اینترنتی معروف به (هکرها) تعدادی از سایتهای سنی را که در زمینه علوم شرعی اهل تسنن فعال هستند، باپیامی كه با زمینه پرچم رژیم ایران هك شده، موردحمله قرار دادند.
روزنامه 'الشرق الأوسط' چاپ لندن هم نوشته بود كه به سایتهای اهل تسنن ازجمله 'الإسلام نت' که متعلق به دکتر عائض القرنی، مبلّغ دینی سعودی، حمله شده، سایت تخریب شده و كاملأ از بین رفته است. این مبلغ دینی سعودی گفت كه حمله هکرهای رژیم ایران به سایتش بهخاطر دفاع وی از شیخ یوسف القرضاوی رئیس اتحادیه جهانی علمای مسلمین بوده است. چرا كه این روزها تاكیدات شیخ یوسف القرضاوی، درمورد فتنهگریهای رژیم آخوندی ودامن زدن به اختلافات مذهبی و اینكه رژیم درفلسطین و عراق باعث دودستگی وكشتار مردم بیگناه است، در این سایت گذاشته شده بود.

در همین رابطه، الوطن روزنامه چاپ عربستان نوشت كه: تعدادی از سایتهای وابسته به علمای برجسته سعودی بهطور جزئی و یا به‌صورت كلی هك شدهاند، و منابع عربستان سعودی در یك گزارش گفتهاند، تعداد سایتهای اینترنتی كه هدف حمله انتقامی هكرهای رژیم آخوندی قرار گرفتهاند، بیش از 900 سایت است، كه معروفترین اونها سایت مفتی عربستان، سایت آل شیخ، وسایت شیخ بنباز، میباشد. روزنامه الجریده عربستان هم نوشته بود كه: «رژیم ایران سایت وزارت اوقاف كویت را اشغال كرده و اكنون این رژیم تلاش میكند حملات مشابهی را به سایتهای امارات متحده عربی هم انجام دهد. روزنامه مصری الیوم هم نوشت: عوامل مخرب رژیم ایران 900سایت اینترنتی اهل تسنن را با درج تصویری از خمینی هك كردهاند.

This is the regime that wants to rescue Mojahed and bring them back to the embraceof Islam based on the mantra of one "Anjoman-e Nejat" whose agents want us to believe that they are anti-IRI, anti-Rajavi, but for the regular Mojahed!!


Jaleho keep up the good work

by Jaleho is a patriot (not verified) on

and don't be discouraged by these morons who frequent this site. reading the postings here, you seem like the true Iranian patriot to me, and these opposing postings appear as the 'right-wing' idiots who just tow the party line.

long live iran and true iranian patriots.


Jaleho... Are you an Iranian???

by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Because on every topic you bring up something totally not related subject (palestine)...I start to believe that you are citizen of GAZA... And please don't give credit to IRI for the war.. It was the people who fought. some with religious and many because of their patriotic reason. Your ayatollahs sat tight at home and gave empty rhetoric during that time. As for few posters on North Tehran and The Nuclear Weapon; and you call these achievement...We are now an isolated country with poverty and inflation while we sit on a country with Oil...You are just another lost supporter who are not in touch with reality...


To that Vatan-Nafroush "mrlyal"!!!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

Hey chill it dude Mr. Vatan Nafroush!!

First, when you call others "vatan forush" you should take a look at your own conduct and thought structure before accusing others and specially the PMOI of this grave slander.

Second, those who are selling Iran's national interest left and right o foreign entities, are a bunch of corrupt and criminal mullahs from Khomeini all the way down to this "BOOZINEH" Ahmadi-Nejad.

Third, the people of Iran despise this criminal regime and its supporters; the people don't want war, dont what "akhund," but want a democratic regime that would act as a stabilizer in the region and not as a warmonger that these mulkllahs have become.

Fourth, the PMOI has formulated this demand of the Irnaian people: No War, No Appeasment, Democratic Change in Iran. Are you against this?

Fifth, the PMOI has been involved in three decades of heroic Resistance against these mullahs and has fought it tooth and nail and has lost hundreds of thousndands of its compatriots who are way smarter and dedicated patriots than those who support this terrorist entity called IRI. It is time that the world-over recognized this fact.

Sixth, in the past Italy has been a powerful and influential supporters of these criminal mullahs, but now she has started changing course recognizing that these mullahs are on their final stage of decomposition; Italy, like other EU countires, is cognizant of the importance of the PMOI for a democratic Iran of the futture thus is giving its support to Iran's main resitance force, the PMOI

Finally, I could not care less for the likes of you as to what you think about the PMOI; but I do care that the likes of you realize that there are hundreds of thousnds of the supporters of the Iranian Resistance who would give a well-deserving response to those who continue beating the dead horse of demonization of the PMOI.

The time for getting ride of these is now and IRI will be thrown out of Iran and the PMOI will play a big role in that clensing Iran from the garbage of Khomeini and his ilk whether you like it or not.


What BS, Jahelo?

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

Unlike you, the young upstart college radical, I lived in Iran when Operation Karbala and Operation Fajre, etc was going on. The talk was not of kicking out the aggressors and asking for retribution, which Iran deserved back then and deserves now. The talk was of liberating the holy sites. Where the hell do you get your documents and your facts. Back in the mid-Eighties a group of prominent world muslems headed by Malcom X's wife came to Iran and attempted to intervene in the war between "two muslem nation" but Khomeini was not willig to concede. Now, I do believe that Saddam's true goal was expansionism but the IRI's open support of the Shi'a political ambitions in Iraq did provide a context for the conflict in the early 80's. The newspapers were full of coverage of both Ayataolh Hakim and Sadre. Iran was getting involved in the internal politics of Iraq, plaine and simple, no matter how oppressed the Iraqi Shi'a had been. Now, see for once if you can actually address points rather than your silly jingoistic blabbering about this and that. We're not talking about the nuclear issue, so don't drag that in. Can you handle analysis or you're too immature for that?



by mrlayl on

You say ""see why the PMOI is representing Iranian people's wishes and views"


But all the "news" items you quote are Italian politians' oral diarrhea.Now, since when Italians are "representing Iranian people's wishes and views". Unless the one quoting them is another Vatan Forrosh like the rest of PMOI.


Anonymous-today and yesterday

by Jaleho on

You say:

By the way, even though it is true that Saddam invaded Iran ultimately for expansionst reasons, the Akhoonds insisted on extending that war.”  


This BS has been repeated in the west as much as “Jews have a RIGHT to land in Palestine,” to the degree that it has become an automatic accepted FACT among visitors of the sites like Iranian..com.


People who don’t like IRI have been discrediting  and making fun of ALL achievements of Iranians made UNDER IRI, including their great advances in defense technology, nuclear technology AND defeating Saddam. In the case of Iran-Iraq war, since the Iranians under IRI managed to defeat Saddam in a war that practically militarily, economically and politically was the world against Iran, all Iranians NOW are happy to have their country in one piece. They show off by posting pictures of how pretty and advanced Tehran looks like. So what do losers like yourself do to discredit such a monumental achievement? “I could have done it better, sooner, with less sacrifice, and would have gotten lots of money too!"


Some people did the sacrifice and defended the country despite all odds, some sour losers here did nothing, but claim that they could have done it better!! I am willing to bet that when, thanks in part to Ahmadinejad’s steadfastness and not budging to the west, Iran joins the small group of privileged countries who would be able to produce its own nuclear energy,

 all of you who are making fun of “energy haste ey, ponsad toman baste ey” 

all of you who call Iran’s nuclear achievements “questionable at best” and are even joining the west in throwing stones in Iran’s path to get there,

you will be the first to keep your head up and show off with what Iran can do in nuclear arena, only you’d claim that you could have done it safer, better and faster!!


How Isolated the PMOI is? Check this item!

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

For those who prefer the IRI regime to the PMOI on this BB, check this news item and see why the PMOI is representing Iranian people's wishes and views:

اكثریت سناى ایتالیا، از راه حل سوم خانم مریم رجوی برای تغییر دموكراتیك در ایران حمایت كردند
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بابلیه: حمایت اكثریت سنای ایتالیا از مقاومت ایران
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لالیبر: یك پیروزی جدید حقوقی برای سازمان مجاهدین خلق ایران
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دولت ایتالیا، باید برای خارج كردن نام مجاهدین ازلیست تروریستی پیشقدم باشد
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رادیو سراسری كانال3ایتالیا: مریم رجوی، با سناتورهای ایتالیایی دیدار كرد
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تهدید و شانتاژ آخوندها علیه دولت و مجلس ایتالیا
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تلویزیون كانال دو ایتالیا: خانم رجوی، این زن شجاع كه هدایت اپوزیسیون ایران را برعهده دارد، رأی دادگاه عدالت اروپا را مورد استقبال قرار داد
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روزنامه یونیتا: «جلادان ایران در انتظار سه هزار تن از ساكن شهر اشرف هستند»
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اكثریت سناى ایتالیا، از راه حل سوم خانم مریم رجوی برای تغییر دموكراتیك در ایران حمایت كردند


MKO = Mullah in disguise

by Iva (not verified) on

MKO mind set is no different than barbaric mind set of akhonds. MKO helped that murderous old man from India (JJ, I hope this discription is to your liking and won't cause you much of heartburn!) to take control and once Rajavi was not given his "fair share" of power he started his fight for power.

PS .. what sort of a "democratic" entity has a leader for over 30 years? What MKO is saying is that among thousands upon thousands of their members, there IS NOT one other person who is better leader than Rajavi ... in other words, MKO is not a democratic they are simply akhonds without towels arounds their heads.


> Nejat organization reveals the truth about MKO

by Anonther Lost Iranian in Paris (not verified) on


Why is Iranian.com posting the propaganda clip of a terrorist gr

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Why is Iranian.com posting the propaganda clip of a terrorist group which is on the same list as Al-qaida?!!!!!
because: many europian countries such as Great Britain and France have allready striked the Mojahedin from terrorists List. "Iranian" must of course preform preparing work to achieve the same hier in the United states. of course "Iranian" is doing only a job. The activity must not be related to personal sympathy for MKO. Greeting


remember Khmer Rouge

by Mehran-001 (not verified) on

That is what Mojahedin will do to people if they ever get the power.

PMOI supporter

instead of. . .

by PMOI supporter on

instead of constantly trying to discredit mojahedin and giving nonstop rants about them, try to argue against what they are saying

you people all claim that "MILLIONS" of iranians in iran are against them,


so why are u so worried about mojahedin? how many people do mojahedin have on death row?

It seems only the real regime apologists are the most critical of mojahedin, 


because honestly, if rafsanjani had a fit tomorrow, and set out to assasinate khamenei, i would cheer for him, regardless of my views of him as a thug,


the point is, most ppl agree that infighting within the regime is good, even tho they are totally against the regime, yet mojahedin fighting the regime is wrong?

u guys crack me up, 

1 last thing. . . u all claim mojahedin are brainwashed, but whenever anything about mojahedin is displayed, u all have the same fit and start bickering in the same way as if somebody brainwashed YOU for the sake of just that, like a buncha whining kids. . .


islamic marxism or Shia fascism .... Which would you choose?

by kurdish Warrior (not verified) on

Both MKO and Ayatollahs are the menace of society. One with its Shia Fascist ideology and the other which represents a moderate islamic marxist agenda. None of them are democratic. If one day MKO adjusts its goal and change the structure of its ideology, refraining from becoming the only party that should be for future of Iran and join other opposition groups then I'd give them credit...As far as I can see it, I doubt that they will change their policies.


Chill out, Jaleho

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

I don't particularly care one way or other about MKO but hypocricy of the likes of you is nauseating. There are plenty of graves in Behesht-e Zahra that are of the making of the IRI. By the way, even though it is true that Saddam invaded Iran ultimately for expansionst reasons, the Akhoonds insisted on extending that war. You have to be out of your mind to deny that. Which means many of those graves you talk about are courtesy of ambitions and stupidity of the Akhoonds. And by the way, plenty of those Iranians you talk about have always cursed the Akhoonds too. That apparently never registers with people like you. Or are they all traitors, Mr / Miss Stalinist?


Are they taking credit for

by Anonymously (not verified) on

Are they taking credit for the students movement in Iran now?

I don't have enough patience to listen to mojahedin's rant, so please somebody give me the lo-down! what do they want now? is Rajavi still alive? is he still married to hazrateh maryam or did another rafigh take his turn?are they closing camp ashraf? will they give people's babies and their money back? when is the scheduled trial for their crimes against humanity?

ebi amirhosseini

I seond SALTY &...

by ebi amirhosseini on

the others who hate these murderous cult.


If a MKO member wanted

by Jaleho on

to know how much they are hated by Iranians by posting this message here, count me as one of those DISGUSTED to see your propaganda here.

But, reactions here doesn't really count. The key is the millions of people inside Iran who still curse you when they go to Behesht Zahra to visit their sons and daughters killed in the hands of Saddam, and the traitors called Mujahedeen who collaborated with Saddam.


> MKO is a cult, and their members are brainwashed

by Another Lost Iranian in France (not verified) on

MKO is a dangerous cult, and their members are brainwashed. period.

I have a question for those of you MKO members who have already started typing a formated answer : who the hell is Maryam Rajavi ? I mean what makes you guy SERIOUSLY consider her as a potential leader ?

Common sense is a rare value among MKO supporters.

Common sense people, common sense.


You people are out your mind

by Anonymous-today (not verified) on

You actually prefer the mullahs in power for another 2000 years than Mujahedeen for 2 days? And who said MKO is on the same list as Al-qaeda? Is this the same list that US and UK control? The same list that didn't include the terroirst Islamist in the 80's in Afghanistan or the Nicaraguan Contra terrorists? Is this all becuase of MKO's collboration with Saddam? Half of you people are Bush lovers whose daddy was number 1 collaborator with Saddam. And how many of you so-called Iran lovers had even the guts to breath in Iran during the 80's? At least the MKO had the courage of their conviction to fight the mullahs mano o mano. Yes, the current incarnation of MKO I don't particualrly like either but boy, to say you prefer the mullahs for another 2000 to MKO...



by SALTY on

I have lost 3 family members to the Ayatollahs' firing squads. I also lost my innocence and whatever good was there in my soul in a war that the Islamic government continued for 8 years. But I rather mullahs stay in power for another 2000 years than the MKO take control of my land for even 2 days!


Why is Iranian.com posting

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

Why is Iranian.com posting the propaganda clip of a terrorist group which is on the same list as Al-qaida?!!!!!


khoda oon rozo nayare

by mostazaf (not verified) on

man ba in mojahedin ziyad boodam va ba khelihashoon ashna hastam va savade siyasim kam nist.
roozi ke mojahedin beghodrat beresand rooziye ke hamamoon ba cheraghghove donbale hamin hezbolahiyaye kesafat miyoftim.khoda oon roozo nayare ke in dictatorhaye faribandeye dorooghghoo be ghodrat beresan.ina az hame badtaran.ina be ghodrat naresidan hamash doroogh va khiyanat mikonan .bebin oon rooz ke zaboonam lal be ghodrat beresan chikar mikonan????