Nasrin Jewell

Myths and Realities: Complicated History of US-Iran Relations

This clip is from the 28 minute education DVD recorded at Peace with Justice Forum presented by Nasrin Jewell, Professor of Economics at the College of St Catherine in St. Paul, Minnesota.


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by American Wife (not verified) on

You know what... you're right!  In reading over the posts again, there IS a lack of anger (so far).  Even disagreeing with someone lacks that "attack mode". 

How cool is that! 



I am so surprised by the

by varjavand on

I am so surprised by the flow of positive and supportive comments and wonder what happened to the army of demonizers who have inundated this site with their hate-filled views. Those who utilize every opportunity they can find  to twist the realities and trash their country and its government.    


Reply to "American Wife"

by AnonymousAnonymous (not verified) on

"Eruptions" might not have been the right word...I think Fred's habit of cutting and pasting from none other than Fred (particularly, ad nauseam invocations of "Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies") can be more correctly characterized as "flatulence". Everything and everyone are "Anti-Semites" (reminiscent of Woody Allen's parody of such dimwitted folks in "Annie Hall").

P.S. I like the Irish flag avatar. I spent a few nice days in Dublin several years ago. Cheers.



by American Wife (not verified) on

Eruptions?  Little overdramatic, don't you think?  Are you honestly saying that Fred's criticism carries less weight because of any other political situation that he may or may not support?  Does any other regime's actions diminish the fact that the majority of people probably DO consider this report "whitewashing".  I've not been to Iran so I'm not about to say I know ANYTHING for a fact.  It may be true that there are more women in the medical field or even the business arena... but I certainly hope that no one confuses that advancement with women's rights.

"Let the Iranians in Iran worry about the Iranian government; those Iranians who live in the Europe or the U.S. (like me) should focus on their own governments in the West."

So you're saying that Iranians living in the West... with families in Iran... don't have a say or shouldn't be concerned???  Uh...I don't think so.



The crocodile tears of a clown

by AnonymousAnonymous (not verified) on

Perhaps Fred's eruptions against the Iranian regime would carry an ounce of credibility if he saw fit to criticize his own government's far larger death toll inflicted on Iraq and through Uncle Sam's training, arming, and diplomatic support for murder-and-torture regimes in Latin America, Africa, and Indonesia (which far exceed the number of people executed by Iran--most of whom were Islamist-Marxist Mojahedin whom Fred imagines to be regime-supporters). Let the Iranians in Iran worry about the Iranian government; those Iranians who live in the Europe or the U.S. (like me) should focus on their own governments in the West.

In the absence of such criticism on Fred's part, we should see his oft-repeated, mind-numbing, and cognitively-challenged mantra ("Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies", blah, blah, blah...) as little more than a pretext to provide justification for an attack on Iran.


The debunking Jewel in Jewell

by Fred on

Since you are on a roll you might as well likewise “debunk” the myths about street corner executions, public lashings, stoning and amputations. As a matter of fact in the name of Anti-war why not take your wide whitewashing brush and paint a misunderstood happy go lucky Islamist regime adored by all Iranians.

Islamist/Anti-Semites and their likeminded lefty allies cove it from all angels


Dr. Nasrin Jewell

by Khebedin.. (not verified) on

It was pleasing to see a lady expressing a fair and honest view on Iran and Iranian women. Not long ago, I saw a 1 hr documentary program on ITV ( the UK based channel ) which was all about Iranian female cinema directors and their success in the world of cinema. It is also noticeable that the number of Iranian female practicing in the field of medicine are the highest in the region. And possibly higher than some of the European countries.

There are a lot to criticize Iran about, but one needs to be fair or the criticism would have a backfiring result.

Thank you for being fair and reasonable in your views about Iran and Iranian women Dr Jewell


Not exactly a fan of the regime

by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

to put it mildly, but it is good to see someone making an attempt at debunking myths created by the propaganda machine for the latest bogeyman out to get the US with Ali Baba's flying carpet and putting some issues into perspective.


Ms. N. Jewell

by Majid on

When it comes to number of news papers? their CONTENTS? the freedom of press?.....and women's issues in Iran?..... I have no idea what you've been smoking before this speech, but it must've been some great s**t !.......

And it made me laugh !

You know what kinda laugh? 

"Khande-ye talkh-e man az gerye gham angeez tar ast" kind of laugh !

I'm pretty sure that you could go around in that outfit and talk as free  when visiting Iran!   

With friends "professors" like you, who needs an enemy?

Go CASH that monthly check before it bounces!


The problem begins

by Abarmard on

When a system or a government is over demonized. If Iranians look at the IR system in a more realistic base or truthfully, then we would not have to even discuss such primitive issues.

Her logic and views are correct only when compared to the far right neo cons and some LA oppositions.

This is the direct result of ignoring Iran and trying to paint a picture about Iran in order to fit it in to our political agenda. Then those who visit realize how they have been lied to and begin to explain the situation the way they see, which naturally is very different than it was presented to them. The image or Iran is so dark that when one visits Iran becomes surprised that life is not as dark!

If we were not lied to, then we would expect a better image of Iran based on realities not lies!

We Iranians must begin to be truthful and realize what we have in order to change it to what we would like to have!

Don't over demonize, it's not necessary because we all know that this system is not fit to serve the Iranian interest in the long run.

Kaveh Nouraee

Complacency At Its Finest

by Kaveh Nouraee on

The prevailing mentality of "Well, It Could Be A Lot Worse", which is the message of Nasrin Jewell's speech is why we continue to go around in circles.

Iranians continue to go on with life thinking that if a tree falls it won't make a sound if no one is in the forest.

It's a shame, because just as the fallen trees and fallen leaves decay, so does Iran.