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Colbert Report

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hello, mr. colbert

by sheila.dadvar on

1. the maps are similar, yet this is the map of syria.


2. i have a crush on stephen colbert :D he brings a smile to my face, he turns my nights into shiny days.

i know, my comments have absolutely nothing to do with the subject, however, it's a free bulletin and i have a keyboard :)




IRANdokht khaanoom

by Majid on

بسیار خوب خانوم، بهش زنگ میزنم و عذر خواهی می‌کنم.

این اولین بار نیست که من اشتباه می‌کنم. 



LOL Majid

by IRANdokht on

I don't know what it was but you took it all out on poor Stephen Colbert! hala khoobeh mesri nabood ;-)


intori mikhay barayeh man shohar peyda koni? ba davaa morafeh?




Now you know IRANdokht, where it all begins!

by Majid on

اولین روزی که من در آمریکا شروع به کار کردم، یکی‌ از همکاران من از من پرسید "سام رو میشناسی"؟

من پرسیدم

-"سام" کیه؟

-نمیدونم، قبلا اینجا کار میکرد.

-چرا من باید اونو بشناسم؟

- من چه میدونم، اون مال مصر بود، همون اطراف شما!!

-آخه مرتیکه احمق، تو همسایه بغل دستی‌ رو نمیشناسی، اونوقت من ایرانی باید یک مصری رو بشناسم برای اینکه مال "اطراف ما" بود؟ 

And may be I  still had "God forbid" next president McCain's comment in my mind.



by Majid on

How similar huh?

If that's Syria, then I stand corrected.




c'mon Majid jan!

by IRANdokht on

Please don't go slamming one of my most favorite TV personalities of all time: map of syria!

These are the best comedy writers and his "tonight's word" is one of the best parts of the show. Witty, smart and always to the point.

I record this TV show (along with the one showing before it) so I don't miss a thing even if I don't catch them live.

It's much better than those reality shows ;-) trust me!




Iran & Syria ???? Oh brother!

by Majid on

Aren't they maps of Iran and Afghanistan ??

After mcCain's intelligent comment of "Iraq and Pakistan border"! this is a new one!

Can you get your facts straight before you make an ass out of yourselves? There is this site it's called "google earth", it's there to help idiots like you, MORON!