Persian Ninja

To impress Persian women

A Persian ninja moves from his suburban home to live in the mountains of Iran. He gives up all his worldy goods including his BMW in order to better his ninja skills for the Persian women. Watch him train as he does his jiu jitsu karate skills.




by Soheil (not verified) on



in ham kos khol Irani

by kos khol rashti (not verified) on

بیا این هم یک نمونه دیگر یک رشتی باز قاطی کرده نگفتم به کانادا مهاجرت نکن کس خل می شی باز نگو برای جی برای رشتی ها جوک درست می کند
I am black belt in judo but every day Canadian are going to fuck me many and ,many tim's by racism and I can not any thing's , bro donbal yk logme nan


Extremely stupid

by Persian Boy (not verified) on

...fuck them motherfuckers who post these kinds of shitty trash to insult the inteligence of noble Iranian people in Iran and living abroad ... Amen.