Poor poor little duck

Absolutely horrrrrible!!!

Some Iranian guy puts a baby duck on top of a speaker with high volume.



I saw this in Tehran, lots

by Mandi (not verified) on

I saw this in Tehran, lots of people had it on their phones sent via bluetooth. Its disgusts me to say most of them found it amusing. I'm ashamed to say Iran holds no respect for animals.



by Anonymous90 (not verified) on

publishing this video is sick


What a jerk!

by farrad02 on

What a heartless jerk!


The guy out to be shot for such a shameful act

by Mustafa (not verified) on

You don't deserve to call yourself a human being. This is an absolute shameful act of animal abuse.

The guy out to be shot for such a shameful act. How dare you calling yourself an Iranian?



by Nader on

Just horrible.

Bunch of idiots!


Now for a change let's have

by cyrus- (not verified) on

Now for a change let's have a video of the prisoners in Aby Ghoraib , or the poor iranian students in JE prison. And let us all see what a human being can do to another.


could it be vice versa!

by nokhod (not verified) on

jerk on speaker and duck holding volume!
would be nice for FUN. jerk!

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

Are you that stupid?

Or are you that stupid?

Ignorant jackass. You are probably the jerk who did this in the first place.

Just remember, karma has a long memory and payback is a bitch.


this is a typical example of what goes on behind closed

by Miz-abdol-azim khaneh Ghareeb (not verified) on

doors at the Pentagon and Guantanamo Bay Prioson everyday! How come all of you are so silent and when this guys wants to have little fun, you get angry? LOOOL


The man who did this

by ir4ni4n (not verified) on

The man who did this horrible and atrocious act is truly a monster. This is absolutely disgusting.


i recently saw inappropriate

by allow us to flag and remove (not verified) on

i recently saw inappropriate posting being flagged and then removed on craigslist.com
I wish we could do the same here.


I'd love to bitch-slap the son of a bitch who did this!!

by Mani321 (not verified) on

The retard must be real proud of himself

No Comment


by No Comment on

This is incredibly cruel

Kaveh Nouraee

What a jerk.....

by Kaveh Nouraee on

There is absolutely NOTHING amusing about this at all.

This is animal cruelty, nothing else.