Prank call: VOA

"Car dealer" on live TV



Gosh Beda

by Kalvoks on


to al sefati

by sarekar (not verified) on

شايد به قول شما اين اتفّاق ها همه جا ميفته و زياد مهم نيست..اما همه جا اينجور كار ها رو يك عده آدم ِ بيكار و بى عار انجام ميدن يا الكلى ....اما اين آقا مثلا فروشنده ماشين هاى خارجى در نيويورك ِ...ميدونى يعنى چى؟يعنى فقر ِ فرهنگى،يعنى جون به جونت كنن آدم نميشى...اين مهم نيست؟يعنى صد رحمت به شاگرد راننده ،يا بچه حمال،يعنى ديگه چه رسد به اقشار خارج نديده.يعنى توهين ِ مستقيم به عقل و منطق ِ مردم ِ داخل و اللخصوص خارج از كشور ..يعنى اينكه دولت تمام تلفن ها به صدا سيما رو ضبط و ربط كرده،حتما عقلش مى رسيده با كى طرف..بازم بگم؟


happens everywhere...big deal move on!

by Al Sefati (not verified) on

this kinda stuff happens to all countries. That is why they have "pre screening" in more professional TV shoes...and this is what lacks in Iranian TV shows;


Sat he farhangi ro bebin

by Kamangir on

Look at our cultural level. And this an Iranian living in the west




The "Jerky Boys" culture

by Internets on

By no means I intend to say that the Jerky Boys invented the concept of "Prank Calls", but they certainly contributed enormously toward its cultivation and mass popularity. Even to this date, popular radio shows, such as The Howard Stern Show on Sirius, use the same concept repeatedly for material.

It does not surprise me to to see that we may even have a few Persian "Howard Sterns" or "Jerky Boys" waiting in the wings. Afterall, HS has made millions of dollars during his career by being a Jerk on the radio/airways.


sharm aavar

by sarekar (not verified) on

شرم آورِ طرف چندين و چند سال تو نيويورك بوده ولى هنوز از يك رسانه جمعى اينجورى استفاده ميكنه.واقعا بسيارى از ما ها هركجا بريم اين فرهنگ عقب افتاده رو هم به دنبال ميكشيم.چقدر هم ناز داريم با اين فرهنگ ...اشكال از دولت ها نيست،من ملت رو بيشتر مقصر ميدونم. .


VOA itself is a joke, along

by Azad1234 (not verified) on

VOA itself is a joke, along with all the other "opposition" channels.


Too funny (and sad at the same time)

by farrad02 on

Shows immaturity of a culture to handle freedom of speech!