"Sen keh resid be 50"

Popular poem about piri, aging



get over it is righ

by mahshid (not verified) on

khodetoon ro loose nakoneen betarbeyat let see how ba tarbeyat u are. donya arzesh nadareh ke ingadar az hamdegeh eraud begreem.


Baba Damet Garm Harky Hasty

by faridk (not verified) on

man in video ra to emailam graftam va hal kardam dombalesh gashtam ta befahmam az koga umadeh - I am so disappointed seeing the comment here - people around the world with different culture and background around the world speak there mind through their songs and everybody else have a good time with it and we except it as being modern and free minded - an now a man speaks his mind and he is extremely funny. I do not want to be judgmental and point finger but don't be my enemy by taking away others freedom of expression - you don't like it, change the channel.


Faithful only when old

by Reza R (not verified) on

I have heard that said before - do you live in NJ? I don't know why but it seems the further east you go the more uptight/repressed people get and therefore need to develop alternative and more elaborate forms of sexual expression.



by Anonymous77 (not verified) on

So much to look forward to! I'm going to be so busy! LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Bi Adabi? Yes, But . . .

by Hakim (not verified) on

I have seen many of the so called funny poems in different family parties. Most of them have a touch of Bi Adabis. That's how our culture has become. Bi Adabi is part of us! Look at Poem by Iraj Mirza, for example, They are full of Bi Adabis, but are considered hi art.This gentelman is a bit over on Bi Adabis, in my book, but still funny (and somehow on target). The thing is that, if you don't like it, make a better one :-)


I thought this man was Siamak or his dad

by Prince Kafka (not verified) on

His resemblance with Siamak is quite obvious. I thought that is his dad or brother. I think this is how he will look like when he gets old and stops annoying us with his culinary hudge pudge....


Lighten up!

by Milan (not verified) on

Leave it to Persians, our socio-cultural behavior is based solely on Taarof and Tazahor. Along comes a free-spirited older Persian guy on an adult site speaking his mind...oh, my god what a Bee-Sho'oor, Bee-Adab, etc. Come on, get over it.


His accent, what village is he from?

by goldust (not verified) on

I guess he has lived outside his village too long that's why he doesn't know how to speak and think proper iranian! no class!


Beh een meegan Ki.r'eh mard,

by Hayf (not verified) on

Beh een meegan Ki.r'eh mard, cheghad adameh bee shakhseeyatee.


Dastay Latif

by Amu S (not verified) on

Shearet agar khafan bood, malumeh ke halet khub bood.
che khubeh adam hamieshe, yaresh be poshtesh bashe.(zanesh ke poshteshe)
sen ke resid be 50, adam mibnineh ranjha
in bar agar shear goftim, yadet bashe gol goftim

Yavash yavash manam ham darim shaer mishim :)

ghaziey in dastay latif ke vasateh kar miumad jelo chi bood?


This guy looks like a 70

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

This guy looks like a 70 year old loser.


Funny instead

by Hajminator on


Ok, the guy hasn't a deepful poetry background (that kind of rhymes are called sh'er band-tonbooni) but neverthless, I find him funny.


Faithful only when old

by Sima M. (not verified) on

Men screw around and cheat on women until they get old and can't get it up anymore; then they become faithful just in time for diaper time, expecting a 'loving wife' to take care of them!



by F (not verified) on

kash be in bi aghli va bishoor shodan ro ham ezafe mikard in baba!!
adame bishoor !