Shirazi conversation

Two women on the phone



It matters not . . .

by Behzad (not verified) on

I have followed your posts on this website. It is clear to me that you at least have issues involving V62.89, V71.01 and possibly V61.21. You definitely need clinical attention. Kouroush Sassanian is no better than you. In fact, many here have repeatedly stated you and he are the same.


To Behzad

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

Are you the psychologist 'friend' of Kouroush Sassanian? What is a meltdown?


a meltdown

by Behzad (not verified) on

I find your postings amusing but a bit brash. It appears you are having a meltdown. Have you thought about getting help?


To Kouroush Sassanian

by Nader Vanaki (not verified) on

Here is a good opportunity for you to make a nasty remark under my name. It is your line of work since the subject is women. So put the magazine down and pull up your pants and get all your aggression out sonny boy!