
Sussan Tahmasebi

Security Officials ban travel, search home and seize property

Change for Equality: Early this morning on October 26, 2008, security officials at Imam Khomeini Airport confiscated the passport of Sussan Tahmasebi, women's rights defender and member of the One Million Signatures Campaign, preventing her from travel. Following Tahmasebi's return to her house at 10:00am, she was faced with 5 security agents at her door, who presented her with a court order to search her home. The security officials, while filming the home, seized a number of CDs, books, writings, texts addressing peacebuilding, cassette tapes and a Laptop. The security officials also presented a summons to Tahmasebi, which requires that she present herself to Security Branch of the Revolutionary Courts within three days. The summons was issued over a month ago.

In this respect, Sussan Tahmasebi in an interview with the site of Change for Equality explained that: "this morning security officials from the office of the President paged me after I had already passed the passport checkpoint. They proceeded to confiscate my passport, and in so doing prevented me from travel." This member of the One Million Signatures Campaign continued by explaining: "This is the fourth time that security officials have prevented me from traveling under different pretenses. Despite my repeated inquiries I was provided with no information on the reason for their action and the case on which I am being called to the Revolutionary Courts."

Sussan Tahmasebi was planning a trip to the United States to visit with her family and had planned to speak at several conferences on the One Million Signatures Campaign and women's rights in Iran.

 >>> Also:  Campaign Member, Parastoo Alahyaari's Home Searched and Property Seized


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American Wife

I will absolutely say a prayer for this

by American Wife on

wonderful woman and pray for her safety.  This is exactly what Iran needs the most.  A reminder every day of woman's rights. 

Kaveh Nouraee

Keep Sussan In Your Thoughts

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Sussan and I went to the same school for a time. Time flies. It was nearly 30 years ago. It was right after the revolution, which was hardly an easy time for Iranian kids in the U.S.

She is a lovely person. Even through all of the "F**k Iran" attitude that permeated the school and the area in general at the time, the smile you see in the picture above is the smile everyone gets from her. An all-around good person.'re right that she may be naieve. That comes from wanting to see the good in everyone, even those who don't reciprocate the good intentions.

Esha Momeni's detention made the 11 o'clock news here in California. Let's make sure Sussan's detention gets the same attention so that these IRI hoodlums get the message.


History is on their side.

by sima on

These women make me feel like a cockroch, a mere pasheh... Boy, do they deserve respect.

More importantly though, they will triumph. We have waited this long, we can wait a little longer.


Are you surprised? Women rights at this time? Jobs rights first?

by gol-dust on

She should have known better! People are barely surviving trying to feed their families and she worries about her women rights through the west? Under this regime everyone regardless of sex or religion is suffering! She is so naieve! I feel bad for her! This regime is so bad that anytime i go to visit i dont know if they let me come back even though I don't do anything, just visting the family and places!


Have to be continuted!

by Mokhlesse (not verified) on

If these jackals are so afraid of these kind of activities it's because they represent a real threat for their poor life. We have to continue on this path. Thank you Mrs. Tahmasebi for your bravery.