Team Melli defeat North Koreans

Asian World Cup qualifying match -- Team Melli had been cruising at 2-0 but were more than relieved to hear the final whistle at the Azadi Stadium as the visitors hit back and almost snatched a point in the Asian World Cup qualifying match on Wednesday. The Koreans are famed throughout Asia for a tight defence but it was breached after just nine minutes as Mahdavikia headed home. Iran continued their good start and were on top for the rest of the half, although North Korea looked threatening at times.  Now four teams have four points in Group Two, although North Korea have played a game more than Iran, Saudi Arabia and South Korea >>>



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Dameh mahdavikia, Nekoonam va tamameh bacheha gharm

Big Boy

Good work!

by Big Boy on

Well done boys!  Keep the wins coming.

And a big LOL to the commentator after Kia scored.  In no other country do they say our "well-mannered" captain scores a nice goal.  Did he really say "moad-dab" or did I misunderstand.  Hahah