Wedding 1966

Ebrahim and Eshrat Pishevar


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Your Comment, made me cry!!!!

by Aunt,E, BRide,1966 (not verified) on

Thank u. Ali.P. You made Me, Have happy tears.
I realy want to know U.I came out from 8 hours sergery Alive,And Cancer,I have sweetest!5 Grand children,I am happy I am alive To enjoy5 little Angels.U. made me to feel young again.


Ali P.

by Anonymouse on

When you say our generation, are you talking about before and after revolution both? Like after Delkash?

That is a good question. You should blog about it so we can all think about it some more. I think some of 6 va 8 songs like Googoosh can be mentioned. Depending on your liking, Shajarian can be mentioned.

But it is not just us, some songs are forever good. In America for example, remember Celine's Titanic? It won an oscar and a grammy but we want to throw up if we hear it again. But songs like Bee Gees are still played on radio and we don't puke.

Beatles are good but how many groups like Beatles do we have?

What songs from 90s can we mention? So overall we should look at what is good regardless of what generation offered it. If it is good it is good for generations to come.

Ali P.

The voice of a generation

by Ali P. on


Dokooneh maa ro takhteh kardee haa!! :-)

It is indeed Delkash's "porsoon porsoon".

Song, singer, lyrics,...! All first class... 50 years later, it reminds you how fragile life is, and  gets the heart of anyone who has ever loved, beat faster.

What does our generation really have to offer, to match this 50 years old song?!?!?






پرسون پرسون يواش يواش اومدم در خونه تون
ترسون ترسون لرزون لرزون اومدم در خونه‌تون
يك شاخه گل در دستم سر راهت بنشستم
از پنجره منو ديدي مثل گلها خنديدي
آه به خدا آن نگهت ‌ از خاطرم نرود
آه به خدا آن نگهت ‌ از خاطرم نرود

گفتم گفتم به خدا قهر گناهه
دل منتظر چشم به راهه
اي من اي من به فدات ناز مكن تو
با چشم سيات ناز مكن تو
اين دو روزه دنيا مثل خواب و رويا گذرونه با هم آشتي كنيم كه بهار دوباره گل فشانه



could anyone kindly give us

by anonymush (not verified) on

could anyone kindly give us the name of the singer and the song contained in the video? It's very nice...thanks


My Parents

by Afshin Pishevar, Esq. (not verified) on

Indeed. Those are my parents. Mokhleseh aghayeh "C.N." for the Zahmat. Madyoun o sharmandeh ye doostaan.
-Afshin Pishevar, Esq.

ebi amirhosseini

Nostolgic pictures !

by ebi amirhosseini on

Dear Ali

I believe you brought back a lot of good nostolgic memories for all of us,specially me,your friend Afshin &.... who our parents were married in early 60's,and can relate to these pictures.

well done,Jolly good show !!

Party Girl

It's a small world!

by Party Girl on

Salam Ali P.:

Az khandeh mordam!  I can't believe it!  What a small world!  First Irandokht spooks me by recognizing the name, and now you have completely surprised me! You know, as I was watching that clip on YouTube, I was thinking about the love that had gone into putting it together.  You must love your friend and his parents very much. 

Soooo, because this video was really nice, I am tempted to ask you what else you have been working on?  Come on, share!  Send me all your links (immediately!)! 


I born in 1966 shahroud

by Anonymous44 (not verified) on

اگر مطلبی مفید نیست و فقط برای بی احترامی است از روی صفحه بردار اگر حتی مطلب من بود . به یاد ان روزها باشید که این عزیزان همه خوشی ها را برای دفاع از جان و ناموس و مملکت خودشان کناری گذاشتند وعا شقانه رفتند . به نداشتن زندانی سیاسی و عدم توهین به مذهب و مذاهب به امید دوست داشتن و برای بهتر شدن ایران با کینه اگر بودی از خودت خدا را دور کردی . در هر پست و مقام و لباسی که هستی خدمت گذار ملت باش نه خودت چون افراد دیگری هم ان وقت به فکر تو خواهند بود . دروغ نگو چون فرزندان تو هم این گونه خواهند شد از هیچ متر س مگر از گناهت . با وقار راه نرو چون تو بر روی خاک مرد گان سال هی قبل قدم بر می داری و روزی تو هم خاکستر و طعمه زمین خواهی شد


Good Job Ali P.

by IRANdokht on

nice one, good choice of music too! small world huh?


Salam PartyGirl and thanks for replying: you ROCK :0)


Ali P.

The Story of this Video

by Ali P. on

I dedicate this video to all of our parents,  members of Iran's greatest generation


    A friend asked me, last year, if I could do something with these pictures,for his Mom, knowing my interest in  photostories. I know the couple depicted here very well, and love them like my own parents.

 I stayed up late one night, carefully lining up the pictures in proper arrangement. I found an appropriate song,and put this all together  , and published  it on the web, on my private server, and sent the link to my friend.

( It was not really meant for public view. Not sure how it ended up here, but you can imagine what a  great, pleasant surprise for me it was, to find it here on today! I have been away for some time, lately, due to work; not sure if anyone noticed! Not even IRANdokht!)

  It turned out decent, and I was glad to hear my friend telling me he loved it.




 It just saddened me when I heard the bride cried when she watched it, remembering her special night and the youth and beauty she enjoyed once.

So, Aunt E., if you are reading this:

  To the groom, to your children, to me, and to everyone who has has been blessed with knowing you,... you look just as beautiful today as you did 42 years ago at your wedding night...




Ali P.


P.S. Party Girl, you are soooo good at digging things up!! :-)


Great job, Afshin!

by farrad02 on

Well done!

Party Girl

Salam Bar

by Party Girl on

Salam Bar Irandokht:

Thank you for your attention.  This clip was located on YouTube.  Though the clip title on YouTube is "My Mom and Dad's Wedding," it is not clear from the clip information who posted it.  Inside the YouTube comments, however, somebody refers to the poster as Afshin.  So, I suppose it could be Afshin Pishevar, Esq. in Washington D.C., though I'm not sure.  Have a nice day.



by IRANdokht on

Is this the wedding of the Maryland attorney's parents?

small world....

Thanks PartyGirl




What a great job!

by sima on

I loved this. Thank you!