
Zahra Dowlatabadi

Producing Animation

Zahra Dowlatabadi has produced both animation and live-action projects. Currently Dowlatabadi is consulting on animated theatrical features, direct-to-video and television projects. Her client list includes Cartoon Network, Lucasfilm Animation, Disney, Animation Lab, and Oregon Film Group. Following her passion for human rights, she produced and directed a short film entitled The Healing Club Additionally, she produced and directed Grandview, Class of 2004, a documentary based on interviews with pre-school aged children reflecting on their memories, discussing their future career goals, dreams and aspirations. In 2001, Dowlatabadi co-wrote Producing Animation for Focal Press. A first of its kind animation handbook which spells out all the key steps involved in taking a concept from original idea through production and final delivery. Translated in Korean, Producing Animation is used as a textbook in numerous U.S. colleges>>>


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Well-Deserved Nomination!

by Monda on

Thank you for this post. My family and I have enjoyed much of Ms. Dowlatabadi's work over the years.

I am looking for a copy of Grandview... for a project. Does anyone have any ideas? I already sumbitted a request on her site.




by Mokhlesse (not verified) on

Mrs Dowlatabadi is a humanist and well acknowledged in her profession. She should be an example for us all.



امیر کبیر در مبارزه با کشت خشخاش، دفع شیعه و مالاریا (not verified)

آیا ایشان با دولت آبادی که در ایران کاریکاتوریست بود نسبتی دارند؟

Arash Monzavi-Kia

The Land Before Time

by Arash Monzavi-Kia on

Many of my friends' children grew up cherishing the 'land before time' series. Thanks to Ms. Dowlatabadi and her colleagues.

Arash M-K