
Winner of Kiosk's video competition made by M. Moein.

12-Aug-2009 (4 comments)

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Anonymous Everyday

Dire Straits or Mark Knopfler?

by Anonymous Everyday on

Puhleeezzzz!!!! This guy sounds constipated. You gotta be kidding me. 

Originality? Does that say something to you? 


"someone with a better voice" ??

by faryarm on

"someone with a better voice" ??

perhaps you would like to search  Iranian Singers Museum of natural history.

woud you prefer an LA sound? a shahram solati? or Asef?

a Marzieh perhaps?

respectfuly though..

This voice you dont like is in essence,the style, signiature  and the spriit of this new movement; in a way part of the message behind the music that is Kiosk; even if you have never heard of Dire Straits or Mark Knopfler.



Anonymous Everyday

Love the video

by Anonymous Everyday on

Love the lyrics but can they not find someone with a better voice to sing them?

Heife baba.


Great Example of Less is Best..

by faryarm on

This shows how a good concept treated simply can be so powerful..

A great complement to the Music that of course is the FUEL...

Well Done... 
