Seh Rahe Azari

02-Jul-2009 (2 comments)

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Living with chaos, that's what he's talking about...

by Tafreshi on

When other media fail to increase the understanding of the present situation in Iran, when they fail to give you a deeper appreciation of what's happening on the streets and at homes in Iran, a free soul, an artist/composer such as Namjoo takes you there through his music, lyrics and performance. This is how he deals with chaos.

Thanks for posting it.


I don't get it!

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Is this song along the crazy trend of Iran, where nothing makes sense. Where the government (or whatever you want to call it, groupf of incompetent useless morans)has completely lost its senses? Where people do not know if they are coming or going? If it is, this is very fitting song.