Maalek e een Khaak

The lyrics to the song come from a poem written by an anonymous poet and chanted by protesters in Iran in response to Ahmadinejad's calling the millions of people on the streets as "Khas o Khashaak."

19-Jun-2009 (17 comments)

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For a list of latest dates

by Yashar (not verified) on

For a list of latest dates and places of the demonstrations:


Hi everyone, when the

by zebel20 on

Hi everyone, when the British government decided to declare war on Iraq, the British prime minister strictly confirmed that people under the age of 18 should not participate in any kind of demonstration what so ever, now they are showing a poor 16 year old girl caught in a gun fire and died a while after.


I really don’t care now if the election was rigged or not, I care about those under 18’s being used as a shield by the opposition to achieve their political goals.


I have to say, if you have a child, you would unconditionally love and care and try to provide for your own. Now on the international level, I have to say, the English or the Americans don’t care a bit about us, they are just interested in their own affairs and interest over our great nation of Iran, as they are taking full advantage of the crises in progress.   


How do yo find out about demonstration? Time and location?

by elli (not verified) on

I want to take part in demonstration but I do no know where they gather and how to get information. How do you find out about time and location? Is any site for that?


very useful instructions

by bikar (not verified) on

Please forward this site to anyone in Iran as soon as possible but is careful, not to put any one in danger.



I am so proud to be an

by Mandgar (not verified) on

I am so proud to be an Iranian today.
Payandeh bad IRAN


Google Earth to update satellite images of Tehran

by puss on

Google Earth to update satellite images of Tehran




peace & freedom


my blood is pumping faster in the veins...

by KayvanAli on

My blood is pumping faster in the veins...

Very nicely done Hamed jaan.



so touching

by capt_ayhab on


touching, beautiful and powerful



Heroes of today and tomorrow

by bikar (not verified) on

By a blogger in Tehran
I will participate in the demonstrations tomorrow. Maybe they will turn violent. Maybe I will be one of the people who is going to get killed. I'm listening to all my favorite music. I even want to dance to a few songs. I always wanted to have very narrow eyebrows. Yes, maybe I will go to the salon before I go tomorrow!

There are a few great movie scenes that I also have to see. I should drop by the library, too. It's worth to read the poems of Forough and Shamloo again.

All family pictures have to be reviewed, too. I have to call my friends as well to say goodbye.

All I have are two bookshelves which I told my family who should receive them.

I'm two units away from getting my bachelors degree but who cares about that. My mind is very chaotic.

I wrote these random sentences for the next generation so they know we were not just emotional and under peer pressure. So they know that we did everything we could to create a better future for them. So they know that our ancestors surrendered to Arabs and Mongols but did not surrender to despotism. This note is dedicated to tomorrow's children…



by bikar (not verified) on

Thanks for beautiful song, you brought tear to my eyes. Thanks again


Thank you, Hamed Jaan.

by Princess on

These days I walk around thinking, I have never been prouder to be an Iranian. God bless them and god bless you!


Beautifully done!

by Monda on

Thank you Hamed jan, khasteh nabaashi. Nazy aziz, good of you to share with us.


Excellent rythm

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Great job! I wish Iranians inside Iran could see this video. Id they do, they will rise up in one day and sen this piece of dirt to hell.

Ali P.

Extremely well made!

by Ali P. on




by sh (not verified) on

What a wonderful idea to take a poem from HAMVATAN in a demonstration and perform it so eloquently.

You have done an excellent job; it also brings so much pain and sorrow to watch what our HAMVATAN goes through. :(

Artificial Intelligence

Very Powerful!

by Artificial Intelligence on



Bravo Hamed jan

by IRANdokht on

I love you man! That was beautiful!
Thanks for posting Nazy jan