Balal Balal

Preview trailer for live DVD "Live at the Berlin Philharmonie".

13-Nov-2010 (18 comments)


A Class of His Own

by HHH on

No one before him has reached his level of talent. I can listen to him for hours and he keeps playing new tunes.


Excellent job!

by statira on

Nobody is as talented as Iranians.



by yolanda on

Hi! Comrade,

     You really cracked me up.....LOL!!!

Thank you for the vintage video....the santoor and tombak sounded great!


P.S. Thank you for teaching me the avatar-switching trick!


Always listen to a loser!

by comrade on


You can use my sickle to prune your cactus anytime. Good nite, Yolanda.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.




by yolanda on

Wow! Comrade! Thank you sooooo much! It worked! Thank you!

I followed IC's instructions and checked "delete" did not work......

Thank you for the correct intsructions! Now I can change my avatar more often! I appreciate it!

It is good to know that there is no discrimination! :O)



Racial thorn

by comrade on



It has nothing with race, but maybe ideology! Your cactus is here.

Right click on it to Save Image As on your computer.(wherever you want)

When you go to your edit page @IC, DO NOT check delete picture, just click on BROWSE... open...submit. Let see what happens. You might not see the change immediately, nonetheless.

When on the edit page,I do verify my password as well.

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Dirty Angel


by Dirty Angel on

" Thank god for botox; my facial expressions are wearing rather thin...."





by yolanda on

I was tired of my cactus avatar.....wanted to change to a different cactus avatar


......I tried 20 could not be uploaded......and then IC imposed the Azadi tower avatar on me......I wanted to deleted the Azadi tower avatar and go back to my old cactus avatar....but Azadi tower avatar can't be deleted!

I don't understand why it is so easy for you to change your avatars, but it is so hard for me to change my that because I am not Iranian? LOL! Racial discrimination? :O)



"LOL! Another avatar!"

by comrade on

I think because I was breast-fed or something. Nowadays everything is related to those kinda things. What happened to yours, BTW?

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.




by yolanda on

LOL! Another avatar! :O) You are holding the record for having the most avatars on IC!

Thank you, comrade!

Dirty Angel

at least

by Dirty Angel on

he is one of the few who shines some sort of musicianship, although I prefer the taste of my balal...


" Thank god for botox; my facial expressions are wearing rather thin...."


Another big word...

by comrade on

I don't find him ambidextrous at all. His hand with the Green wristband fell behind and out of rhythm, appearing aimlessly stranded and pounding on a hollow drum...

Kidding of course. The late H. Tehrani would have been proud of him. 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.




by yolanda on

It is amazing that this ambidextrous drummer was able to produce very distinctive sounds with one simple-looking instrument! Amazing hand-eye coordination!

Bahram Gohari

Unreally outstanding.

by Bahram Gohari on

Unreally outstanding.



by SusieVKaufman on



Sure hope he performs in the greater Los Angeles area, as I'd love to see him in concert.  Crazy fast hands and fingers, and all-'round beautiful talent.



Bano Atefeh


by Bano Atefeh on

Amazing! Absolutely beautiful.



I truly enjoyed it

by iamfine on

What a talented young man -  "Honar nazed Iranian ast o bass"



by Khar on

Very Nice.