Cover story

From Khomein
A biography of the Ayatollah
By Baqer Moin
June 14, 1999
The Iranian
I.B. Tauris has published a second major biography of an Iranian
leader in less than a year. Last fall, we ran an excerpt from the first:
Cyrus Ghani's Iran
and the Rise of Reza Shah. The following are excerpts from Baqer
Moin's Khomeini:
Life of an Ayatollah. Moin is a specialist on Iran and Islam and
is Head of the BBC's Persian Service. Also see related
photos by Jahanshah Javid.
Khomeini's family are Musavi seyyeds; that is they claim descent from
the Prophet through his daughter's line and the line of the seventh Imam
of the Shi'a, Musa al-Kazem. They are believed to have come originally
from Neishabur, a town near Mashhad in northeastern Iran.
In the early eighteenth century the family migrated to India where they
settled in the small town of Kintur near Lucknow in the Kingdom of Oudh
whose rulers were Twelver Shi'a - the branch of Islam which became the
official state religion in Iran under the Safavids and to which the majority
of Iranians adhere today... GO
Sarkuhi honored at paper forum
By Ernst E. Abegg
Associated Press Writer
Monday, June 14, 1999
ZURICH, Switzerland (AP) -- Iranian editor Faraj Sarkuhi, who was imprisoned
both before and after the country's Islamic revolution, received the Golden
Pen of Freedom award Monday from the World Association of Newspapers.
Sarkuhi, former editor-in-chief of the banned monthly magazine Adineh,
told 1,100 editors and publishers from 88 countries that ``international
support and world pressure'' saved his life after he was condemned to death
three times ``during the tyranny of the Islamic Republic.'' ... FULL TEXT
Soot soot!
June 6,1999 Iran Weekly Press Digest
Iran's Culture Ministry put its first-ever X-rate on a home-made feature
movie after the 1979 Islamic revolution, the Tehran daily Entekhab reported
The film Massaeb Shirin (Sweet Problems), which deals with the
sexual problems of the young generation and suggests the controversial
Siqeh (temporary marriage) as alternative, shall only be allowed for people
over 18, the daily said.
"The culture ministry discussed the public screening of the film
and it was decided that only people over 18 should be allowed to watch
the movie," the film's director, Ali-Reza Davudnejad, told the daily...
Thanks to Laleh Khalili
More Letters
* Childhood memories
Morteza Anvari writes: What
a delectable account of memorable childhood experiences ["Those summer
days"]! No wonder I have never heard an Iranian say he/she would
never go back to visit.
We all have stories to live with and to reminisce. Only a few of us
are eloquent enough to put it in words.
Thanks to xAle for sharing her love story with us. And thank you Iranian.com
for providing the medium.
* California's Gol Aqa
Yasaman Mottaghipour writes:
Hamid Taghavi's article "L.A.
wedding" was humorous and to the point! I think his style is similar
to Gol Aqa writers or Ebrahim Nabavi in Iran -- of course with the
Californian flavor. Interesting enough, it gets the same reaction from
the hard-liners in that part of the world! Thank you for writing.
* Radio: BBC expands online service
The BBC's Jaam-e Jahaan Namaa -- the oldest radio current affairs program
in Persian, is now available online, on demand, every day. The first program
was broadcast more than 50 years ago... GO
Book of the Week

The Subject Tonight Is Love
60 Wild & Sweet Poems of Hafiz
Translated by Daniel Ladinsky
For centuries Hafiz has been called, "The Tongue of the Invisible."
Through his sublime works he continues to sing beautiful and wild love
songs ... GO TO BOOK
featured books
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on Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Iran says more than 13 arrested in spy
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Iran's U.N. mission indicated in a press
statement Monday that more alleged spies were recently arrested than the
13 already accused of espionage for Israel and that they included some Muslims.
It appeared to be the first indication that the number of those arrested
went beyond the 13 believed to be Iranian Jews and that they included Muslims
'Hoviyyat-e Kheesh' banned for "insults"
13, 1999 (Kayhan - BBC Monitoring) - The fortnightly 'Hoviyyat-e Kheesh'
['Self-Identity'] has been banned and all copies of the latest edition have
been taken out of circulation ... FULL TEXT
Khatami: Jews are safe in Iran
June 14, 1999 (BBC) - President Khatami of Iran has made a strong
defence of the rights of religious minorities after the arrest of 13 Iranian
Jews on charges of spying for Israel. Tehran radio quoted him as saying
that he was responsible for the protection of all religious minorities who
live in Iran ... FULL TEXT
Iran Jewish leader seeks justice for 13
jailed Jews
TEHRAN, June 12 (Reuters) - An Iranian Jewish leader called in
remarks published on Saturday for ``true justice'' for 13 Jews arrested
in Iran on charges of spying for Israel. ``As the representative of (Iranian)
Jews, I demand true justice for the suspects. If the results of investigations
prove them guilty, they should be punished ... FULL TEXT

Montazeri defends election choice
TEHRAN, June 13 (Reuters) - Iran's top dissident cleric, whose
influence reaches beyond the confines of his house arrest, has denounced
attempts by conservative theologians to determine who may stand for key
parliamentary polls set for next March ... FULL TEXT
Mujahedeen vows to retaliate inside Iran
BAGHDAD, June 12 (AFP) - The Iranian armed opposition People's
Mujahedeen vowed Saturday to retaliate inside Iran for this week's attacks
on its fighters in Iraq ... FULL TEXT
Japan plans to resume loans to Iran -paper
TOKYO, June 13 (Reuters) - Japan plans to end its six-year hiatus
in yen loans to Iran, encouraged by the reformist stance of that country's
government, a Japanese daily reported on Sunday ... FULL TEXT
Iran keeps tight reign on liabilities
june 14, irna -- during the last quarter of 1998, the islamic republic of
iran reversed the recent trend that has shown an increase in its short-term
liabilities with western banks ... FULL TEXT

Basketball gets exciting
(Donya-ye Varzesh) - Tehran's 24 basketball teams have transformed the sport.
The richer teams have made some major changes but the poorer ones haven't
even had a court to practice. Nevertheless, there's plenty of excitement
BBC expands online service
The BBC's Jaam-e Jahaan Namaa -- the oldest radio current
affairs program in Persian, is now available online, on demand, every day.
The first program was broadcast more than 50 years ago... GO
Persian Service
$ Rate
Updated June 10
dollar now offered at 840-875 tomans in the U.S. and 880 tomans in Iran
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Iran News
"This is pre-issue number 14, which started on May
31st and will gradually gro into full swing within the next 20 days. I will
be grateful if you have a look and give me feedback in terms of usability
and content."
Beyond Iran
Austin Powers
The movie that shagged America to the tune of $53 million
in its first weekend.
web sites
Quote Unquote
daadand do goosh-o yek zabaanat ze aghaaz; ya'ni keh do beshno v yeki
bish magoo
(Listen twice before you speak once = Listen more, speak less)
Persian-English Proverbs"
By Simin Habibian
Photo of the Day

girl targets tourists
Musician of the Week

* Silver Son (Story of Zal)
* The Time for Us is Gone
(Tragedy of Rostam & Sohrab)
* Bijan (Manijeh's gift of love & hope)
* You for Me (Tahmineh's seduction of Rostam)
artists index |