June 14-June 18, 1999 / Khordad 24-28, 1378
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
* Play: Bayzaie's The 8th Voyage of Sinbad
* Fundraising: Persian Center in San Francisco
* Women: International conference
* Poetry: Masnavi teachings at USC
* Authors: Iranian-American women authors
* Poetry: Karimi Hakkak's poetry classes
* Radio: BBC expands online service
* Play: Bayzaie's The 8th Voyage of Sinbad
* Meeting: Status of human rights in Iran
* Astronomy: Solar eclipse delegation to Iran
* Azarbaijanis: World Congress
* Hearing: Congress review agriculture sanctions
* TV: Amirani's "Hallelujah Hendrix"
* Conference: Third Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies
* Photography: Shirin Neshat in Chicago
* Film: "The Apple" in Washington DC
* Education: Iranian Culture, U. Washington
* Fellowship: Researchers from Iran
* Documentary: Shamlou
* Artists: Exhibit at women's conference
* Art: Center for Iranian Modern Arts, New York
* Conference: Iran and the Second World War
* Conference: Tehran seminar on Caspain Sea
* Conference: Iranian studies, Maryland
* Conference: Iranian academic conference, New York
| Sports
| Arts
| Business| Rights
* The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000
The Tenth International Conference of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
presents: The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000 - July 2-5,
1999 Montreal, Canada Concordia University... DETAILS
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* Masnavi teachings at USC
Dr. Sahabi will continue his teachings of Masnavi Book III at the University
of Southern California (USC). All are encouraged to attend these valuable
lectures on one of the greatest masterpieces of Persian literature. WHERE:
USC Campus, VKC 150 . DATE: Saturday June 19, 1999. TIME: 3-6 pm. ADMISSION:
$10 for students & $12 for others For further information, please contact
Vida Vakilotojar at
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* FUNDRAISING: Persian Center in San Francisco
Niloofar Nouri writes: We are having a GREAT fundraising party on JUNE
19 at 8:00 P.M. for the Persian Center in San Francisco, and we would like
to invite you to attend. We are also inviting managers and executives from
Silicon Valley as well as many SF city officials and supervisors, including
Mayor Willie Brown. Thanks for all of your support and we look forward
to seeing youat the party!... DETAILS
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* AUTHORS: Iranian-American women authors
June 22, 23, San Francisco's Bay Area: Writer Susanne Pari has assembled
a fascinating look at the lives of Iranian-American women through a panel
of authors reading from and discussing their works, the modern immigrant
experience and its impact both on writing and the role of women. Panel
includes Gina B. Nahai, Tara Bahrampor, Roxanne Farmanfarmaian and Susanne
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* POETRY: Karimi Hakkak's poetry classes
Dr Karimi Hakkak will be giving a series of literature seminars on Rumi
and Hafez. The series will start in Oct 1999 and will end in May 2000.
Seminars will be held on second Sunday of each month. Exact time of the
day and place TBD. The cost will be $25 per session, payable in whole on
the first class session. confirm
with me as soon as you can if you are interested AND committed to attend
Dr Hakkak's lecture series ... DETAILS
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* BBC expands online service
The BBC's Jaam-e Jahaan Namaa -- the oldest radio current affairs program
in Persian, is now available online, on demand, every day. The first program
was broadcast more than 50 years ago... GO
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* Status of human rights in Iran
Will be the subject of an unprecedented town-hall meeting to be held
in Washington DC, metropolitan area. Guest speakers will be experts on
Iran in the United States, tele-conferencing with human rights activists
LIVE from Iran. We urge all Iranians to attend this unique event to discuss
your concerns on these subjects.
DATE: Saturday, June 26, 1999
TIME: 3:00 PM
LOCATION: George Marshall High School Auditorium
7731 Leesburg Pike Falls Church, Virginia
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* Solar eclipse delegation on goodwill mission to Iran
June 5, 1999 - Washington, DC: Dr. Alan Hale, Director of the Southwest
Institute for Space Research, and co-discoverer of Comet Hale-Bopp -- which
shone brightly in the spring skies two years ago -- will lead a delegation
of private US citizens to Iran to view the total solar eclipse on August
11th, 1999. He has just made available a limited number of positions for
astronomers, scientists or professionals to join this astronomical adventure
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* AZARBAIJANIS: World Congress
The Second Annual World Congress of Azarbaijanis will meet June 25-26
in Los Angles, California.
For more information call: (310)358-0574
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* Congress review agriculture sanctions
On June 9, 1999, at 10:00 am EST, Iranian Trade Association (ITA) will
broadcast a live audio feed of the US House of Representatives' Agriculture
Committee hearing: "A Review of economic sanctions and the effect
on U.S. agriculture," directly from the ITA web site. Join us on Wednesday
morning and listen live as members of Congress discuss US sanctions policies
and Iran ... DETAILS
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* The Third Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies
The Society for Iranian Studies (SIS), The American Institute of Iranian
Studies (AIIrS) and the Society for Iranian Studies (SIS) are pleased to
announce the Third Biennial Conference on Iranian studies to be held in
Bethesda, Maryland, May 25-28, 2000 ... DETAILS
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* Shirin Neshat in Chicago
Mehran Azhar writes: "Rapture," which opened in early May
will be on exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago throigh August 1 along
with several of Shirin Neshat's photographs... DETAILS
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* "The Apple" in Washington DC
Simin Habibian writes: Samira Makhmalbaf's "The Apple" is
coming to Washington DC starting June 11th. It will be showing at the Cineplex
Odeon Inner Circle, 2301 M St. NW. For show times call: 202-822-2033. Group
sales of 50 or more, call: 202-274-1728
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* Travel fellowship for researchers from Iran
The International Association for the Study of Persian-speaking Societies
is pleased to announce the continuation of our Travel Fellowship Program
by a grant from the Open Society Institute through 1999. Travel Fellowships
are available for scholars and researchers from Iran to take part in academic
and cultural conferences and conventions in the United States ... DETAILS HERE
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* Play: The 8th Voyage of Sinbad
Written By: Bahram Bayzaie
Translated By: Bella Warda and Zara Houshmand
Directed By: Jim Cave
Location: South Berkeley Community Church, Berkeley, California
A joint production by Darvag and Shotgun Players (also based in Berkeley
California). Opening Night: Saturday, June 12, $20... DETAILS
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* Documentary: Shamlou
Would you like to show a documentary about poet Ahmad Shamlou ("Ahmad
Shamlou: Master Poet of Liberty") in your community? Here's who you
should contact: Dr. Bahman Maghsoudlou (producer), The International Film
and Video Center, 989 First Avenue New York NY 10022, Tel: 212-826-8848,
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* Artists: Exhibit at women's conference
The Tenth International Conference of The Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
presents: "The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000"
- July 2-5, 1999 Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
The organizing committee for the 10th International IWSF Conference
is inviting all Iranian women artists to participate in a group exhibition
by submitting their work.
Eligibility requirements: Please submit the following documents to the
address provided below no later than May 30, 1999:
1- Ten color slides of the proposed artworks.
2- A brief description of the project (250 words maximum) including: subject,
title, measurements, medium, etc.
3- A copy of your C.V.
* Due to limited space available for the exhibition the organizing committee
will select works from submitted projects.
* Any proposal received after the May 30 deadline will not be considered
* Please do not send your originals
Address of the Art Exhibition: IWSF C/O AFIM P.O. Box 354 Station "H"
Montreal, Qc. H3G 2L1
Tel: (514) 934-9378 or (514) 369-8836
Fax: (514) 369-4831
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* Center for Iranian Modern Arts, New York
Center for Iranian Modern Arts (CIMA) has opened in New York City with
works by Siah Armajani, Monir Farmanfarmaian and more (through May 28).
Address: CIMA, 24 East 20th Street, Fl 4, (Between Broadway and Park Ave
S), New York, NY, tel: (212) 475-1287.
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* Iranian Culture and Civilization, University of Washington
I am pleased to inform you that the Department of Near Eastern Languages
and Civilization at the University of Washington has approved Iranian Culture
and Civilization as a core departmental offering in term "a"
of its summer quarter 1999 program. As you know, teaching language courses
which has been added to my teaching load since 1996 has not allowed me
to offer this course, which requires no prior knowledge of the Persian
language or Iranian culture. This arrangement makes it possible for me
once again to offer this popular and, to me, all-important undergraduate
course. Whether it will be taught in the future or not depends on the degree
of student participation. Therefore, I ask you to please bring this opportunity
to the attention of all those UW and access students who may be interested
in learning something about Iran and its 3,000-year old culture. Below,
you will see a brief description of the course content and structure.
Iranian Culture and Civilization (NE 250, 5 Credits) is an introductory
level course aimed at familiarizing students with the land, the people,
the history, and the present situation of Iranian and Iranate cultures.
It pursues the dual goal first of fostering an appreciation of the cultural
patterns that have kept Iran a distinct and significant force among world
cultures, and second of examining the part that cultural factors have played
in Irans efforts to come to terms with the forces of modernity without
losing its distinct identity. The course utilizes a variety of means and
mediums to achieve these ends. Historical overviews of the culture and
diverse literary texts will be supplemented by films, slide shows, musical
performances and various other pedagogical tools to help the students broaden
and deepen their understanding of the most important monuments and documents
of cultural significance.
Classes run from June 21 to July 21, 1999, and meet MWF, 1:10-4:30 p.
m. For more information, contact the Department of Near Eastern Languages
and Civilization at 543-6033.
Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak
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* Call for Papers: Iran and the Second World War
The Center for the History of Diplomacy Studies in the Institute for
Political and International Studies (IPIS) intends to convene a seminar
on Iran and the Second World War, on September 25-26, 1999. The main topics
of this scientific gathering are based on two political and cultural dimensions
with the following subtitles:... DETAILS
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* Tehran seminar on Caspain Sea
Seventh Annual Seminar on Central Asia & the Caucasus: "The
Caspian Sea: Opportunities & Obstacles" - June 22-23,1999
Following the disintegration of the former Soviet Union,the Caspian
Sea and its surroundings have gained international attention as a highly
important region of the world. This importance is attributed to enormous
unexploited resources of energy and also its capacity as a transportation
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* Conference: Iranian studies
The Third Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies, May 25-28, 2000, Hyatt
Regency Hotel, Bethesda, MD; organized by the American Institute of Iranian
Studies (AIIrS) and The Society for Iranian Studies (SIS) ... DETAILS HERE
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* Iranian Academic Association conference, New York
Dear colleague:
It is a great pleasure to invite you to submit papers for the 4th IAA
(Iranian Academic Association) Annual Conference. The meeting will convene
at the City University of New York, New York City, on September 18-19,
1999. The theme of this scientific gathering has been chosen as: Oil, Petrochemicals,
Energy and the Environment ... DETAILS
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