Feb 12-16, 2001 / Bahman 24-28, 1379
* Racism:
- Document your complaint
- He's just a child
* Monarchy:
- Monarchist fascists
* Organization:
- Petty little things
* Persian, Iowa:
- Barber
* Revolution:
- Paradox
- Inspiring revolution
- It is time
* Proverb:
- More poetic
* Identity:
- He's Armenian
- It's his life
* Religion:
- Peoples' religious values
* Organization:
- New proposals
- Culture clash
- Just like Judas
- Doth protest too much
* Monarchy:
- Shah's mistake: Didn't shoot rebels
- Why should we believe Pahlavi?
- Compare now and then
- Just like those intellectuals
- Referendum
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February 16, 2001
* Document your complaint
Dear Ms. Sabety ["Punch"]:
There is not a day in the hallowed corridors of our schools that some kid
does not bully another one. While there are a ranger of permissible reactions
to this form of intimidation and harassment, I believe, you should be documenting
your talk with the school officials in writing, setting forth your complaints
against the students who bother your daughter, the teachers and administrators
to whom you have complained and their response, or lack thereof >>>
Guive Mirfendereski
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* He's just a child
Racism is nothing more than fear ["Punch"].
The boy is reacting to what he sees and hears in his home and you justify
his actions by your reaction and violence. He is just another child...
in the first grade!
Kids say mean things. If your daughter was in high school or a little
older I would understand your concern, maybe, but shit! I can't imagine
how confused and terrified your daughter must have been at your reaction
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* Monarchist fascists
It is obvious that Mr. Miniri ["Shah's
mistake..."] has not grasped the essence of my article ["Thy
father's sins"]... As for your statement that the Shah's only
mistake was not to get rid of more "rebels", this shows the
true face of some supporters of the monarchy whose dictionary definition
is Fascists >>>
Fariba Amini
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* Petty little things
It was interesting to read the response from Persian Watch Cat (PWC)
official"] and their threat of lawsuit and how they think their
reply should have been in the features section, etc, etc.
Do these people and others realize that Iranian.com, and for that matter
any other site, has editors and it is the sole choice of these editors
to decide where each subject fits? >>>
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February 15, 2001
* Shah's mistake: Didn't shoot rebels
I normally don't respond to a bunch of anti-Shah people who after 22
years still blame the late Shah for everything that went wrong with Iran...
The late Shah was a gift that my countrymen never understood. I will
agree that he was weak in one aspect and guilty of one crime and that was
not to shoot the rebels and their supporters when he could >>>
Khosrow Moniri
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* New proposals
Now I understand why we had so much fuss on this very productive proposal
of Mr. Mirfendereski. People just don't get it. Well, to clarify the situation,
I would like to state the following supplementary proposals:
-- All Jewish Americans who have any problem in the U.S., please contact
Israeli embassy in Washington, DC >>>
Hamid Estahbanati
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* He's Armenian
I read your article regarding Andre Agassi ["Just
don't do it"]. I thought Agassi was Armenian. I realize there
are many Armenian people who reside Iran However, many people usually associate
Iranians as Muslim and Armenians as Christian. Perhaps, if Andre is Christian,
this may be an explanation as to why he doesn't identify himself as Iranian
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* Barber
I am a barber in Bettendorf, Iowa and have never heard of Persia,
Iowa! Are you still there?
J. Heath
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February 14, 2001
* Paradox
Merci, Setareh Sabety, for mining the essence of the revolution, and
holding it up for all of us to admire its brilliance ["Inspiring
revolution"]. It has been buried for so long beneath resentment
and anger and frustration- all justified. But when has revolution ever
yielded instant, perfect results? Which philosopher was it who extolled
the easy virtues of revolution? Of self-actualization, even? >>>
S. Shirazi
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* Peoples' religious values
Your article in The Iranian is very entertaining, if not sad,
because it is based on the real miseries of my countrymen ["Can't
we get along?"].
However, I must say that I think you are mistaken with regards to your
view of the separation of church and state. The true definition of that
means that people are not given power to dictate their version of religion
through state powers because only of their religious/churchly status. Otherwise,
of course a society's religious values will certainly be reflected in its
governmental policies >>>
Reza Iranvej
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* It's his life
Regarding the article about Andre Agassi ["Just
don't do it"], ... it's his life though, he can do what he wants.
He can say that he is German or Australian, why should we care or stigmatize
him for what he choose to do? If that is what he desires, so be it. We
cannot dictate his life or make him feel contrite for how he chooses to
live >>>
Sasha Tooryan
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February 13, 2001
* Inspiring revolution
The chronology of the early events that shaped the revolution ["Memory
lane"] ... reminded of why I first supported the revolution...
The memory of the Iranian revolution should be an inspiration for the continued
struggle for freedom and justice in our country, like the French Revolution
in Europe many years, and indeed decades, after the Reign of Terror >>>
Setareh Sabety
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* It is time
On the eve of the 22nd anniversary of the Iranian revolution of 1979,
the Islamic regime is celebrating its victory while dozens of individuals-intellectuals,
journalists,writers, activists, men and women are incarcerated in Evin
and other prisons ["Happy
anniversary"]... It is time for Iranians to hold hands and shout
to the world that enough is enough. The time has come for Iran to be free
of hatred, extremism, and violence >>>
Fariba Amini
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* Why should we believe Pahlavi?
I think that it is very sad that after twenty-something years of struggle
for independence and freedom, the events that happened in Iran have not
touched some of us at all... When Khomeini came to power he did not say
that he would lead the country toward another dictatorship, but in reality
he did... Now , why should we believe Reza Pahlavi? >>>
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* Compare now and then
father's sins" lists a series of "errors" and mistakes
by the monarchy as reasons why Iranians are facing the present Islamic
Republic. But just go down that list. Compare any item on that list with
what has happened during the Islamic Republic. It has all been hunderds
of times worst during the rule of the mollas >>>
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* Culture clash
You know, I can't help but think much of the antipathy towards Mr. Mirfendereski
stems from a basic culture clash. His thought processes and use of language
are very Western... Because his use of language is superior, it is easy
to feel he is being condescending... especially if you are insecure >>>
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* Just like Judas
Mr. Mirfendereski ["Power
of one"] is free to exercise his First Amendment rights in the
United States. However, thankfully, his opinion does not mirror that of
the majority of Iranian-Americans. He also does not reflect their interests.
Unfortunately, he appears more like Judas.
Either Mr Mirfendereski is representing an anti- Iranian interest group
(for unknown rewards), or seeking the media publicity (for whatever purpose).
I sent Mr. Mirfendereski a private e-mail responding to his article
a few weeks ago, stating "my friend, you can run but you can't hide
I strongly recommend that you see Fellini's "Bread and Chocolate".
Hopefully, that may enlighten.
Masoud Neshat
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February 12, 2001
* Just like those intellectuals
It is rather sad and demeaning to see that some Iranians, despite living
in a democratic society and calling themselves "Iranian-Americans",
are so narrow-minded and shallow (or shamelessly self-righteous and hypocrite)
that have become totally blind to the facts and realities that are abundantly
clear and transparent to the entire world ["Citizen
These Iranians, including the editors of The Iranian, while claiming
to be the advocates of democracy, are, contrarily, so subjective in their
dogmatic viewpoint that seems incredible. Just like those so called intellectuals
who in 1978/79 sheepishly followed Khomeini >>>
F. Behseresht
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* Referendum
Albate bayad zamine ra faraham avard, javv-e azadi-e sokhan ra negahban
bud, pishnevis-e qanun-e asasi tahye kard. Mardom mas'ulan Jomhurye Eslami
ra az khod bedanand va hamkaryeshan ra jalb konand va ehterameshan ra negahdarand.
Ba ishan zeddyat nakonand. Magar shomar-e ma'dudi ke bekhahand dar moqabel-e
khast-e Mellat beístand. Referandom ra bayad az masúlan-e
dowlat khast ke anjam dahand. Amma mardom bayad dar sahne bashand >>>
Dr Shodja Eddin Ziaian
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* Doth protest too much
Me thinks Mr. Guive Mirfendereski doth protest too much ["Power
of one", "Shocked
and saddened"]. Warning that those who do not jealously guard
their legitimate civil rights in the U.S. risk being unfairly singled out
for mistreatment due to their ethnic/national origin is not "trivializing"
the Japanese internment experience, it is learning from it >>>
John Mohammadi
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* More poetic
Let me offer a more poetic version of Friday's (Feb 9, 2001) quote of
the day (Een hameh khar hast o maa daareem peeyaadeh meereem -- There are
many jackasses around but we're walking.)
The other vesion goes like this: "Piyaadeh raah ravad-o khar beh
een faraavaani". This is part of a verse which I cannot remember in
full right now, but will send it on to you as soon as I have it.
There's also a similar line: "Faqih-e shahr chonin goft bikh-e
goush-e hemaarash (his donkey) / Keh har keh khar shavad albateh mishavand
Hossein Shahidi
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