
by Reza Eslami

I can hear the splash of bliss
Beneath the wooden paddle of my dream

The dark night of my memories
In search of good old laughs

No wave
No wind
No light

I can hear
The sound of slackening hope
Through incidents



I guess I am confused :)

by Mehdi on

Maybe I misunderstood your poem. Could be my bad English. I thought "slackening hope" meant that you are loosing hope. But maybe it means the other way around?




Reza Eslami

being a slave

by Reza Eslami on

Thanks for your comment Mehdi,

If I agree to be a slave, then the hope seams to be absurd.

Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity brings courage,

courage brings hope, but also it makes you realize how small

you are in comparison to the incidents, out of your control. So

lets think of hope as the greatest myth a man can live on, the only thing left, would be complaint.

Reza Eslami

Thanks for the comment JJ,

by Reza Eslami on

Thanks for the comment JJ, you are very kind.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

"I can hear the splash of bliss
Beneath the wooden paddle of my dream"

Incredible imagery...


How You Make A Slave

by Mehdi on

By making the subject agree that he is a slave! There is really no other way. If you start agreeing that there is less and less hope, guess which way you are headed. Practice keeping your hope despite what the incidents "seem to indicate." It is hard, I know. But that is the way out. And it does work.