اين خران خرما نمى‏رينند خاطر جمع دار

در هجو محمدحسين شهريار (سرايندۀ ”آمدى جانم به قربانت ولى حالا چرا“)


اين خران خرما نمى‏رينند خاطر جمع دار
by Mohammad Ghazi

شهريارا اين مديحت‏خوانى ِِ بيجا چرا

هتك حرمت‏كردن از خود اين چنين رسوا چرا

تو كه عمرى شعرهاى نغز و شيرين گفته‏اى‏

حاليا اين گفته‏هاى پوچ و بى‏معنىٰ‏ چرا

خودفروشى در جوانى باز هم حرفى وليك‏

تو كه يك پايت لب گور آمده حالا چرا

آبرو بردى ز شعر و شاعرى با ياوه‏هات‏

آبروريزى چنين بى‏درد و بى‏پروا چرا

روسپيدى در كلامت بود و سودت در هنر

رو سيه‏گشتن به بوى سودِ اين سودا چرا

هست ممدوح تو كفتارى پليد و زنده‏خوار

مدح درّنده دَدى در ظلمْ بى‏همتا چرا

اين خران خرما نمى‏رينند خاطر جمع دار

تو به نام خويش ريدى بهر يك خرما چرا

از همان روزى كه سر زد از تو اين ننگ قبيح‏

مرگت از آن روز بود امروز يا فردا چرا

ناز نازيبد به شعر ياوه در وصف خرى‏

ديگر اكنون با خران رو ناز كن با ما چرا

گر به ممدوح تو خر گفتم به خر توهين شده است‏

خر شرف دارد به ملا شك در اين فتوا چرا

طبع شعرت وقف وصف ماهرويان باد و بس‏

بذلِ ِ رذل ِِ ابلهى چون شيخ يا ملاّ چرا

يا همان شعر و شعارت كرده‏اى ثابت به خلق‏

كه خرى بى‏يال و دُم هستى دگر حاشا چرا

گر ز فرط بى‏حيايى نايدت شرمى ز كس‏

از روان حافظ و سعدى و مولانا چرا

نوشداروى شرافت خواهى اى سهراب پير؟

نام نيكت مُرد، ديگر خواهش بيجا چرا


محمد قاضى‏




by Midwesty on

Thanks. I know he wasn't a professor in western academic way but Ostaad literary translate to professor. As you know the foundation of modern academia started from Neyshabour University and we were the ones started using the title Ostaad (Professor) in its modern way to distinguish veteran teachers in higher education from others. So I intentionally called him professor since my point of reference in this matter was Iran not the west.About the story, I don't know the detail and what you said can be verified. I found this poem of Shahriar exceptionally tender and I know I am not alone in it.Shahriar, supported IRI but this remains to be weighted after we come up with the actual weight of IRI itself. IRI is not an entity rather it is a cloud of millions of variables floating in time.

I apperciate it very much for correcting me.


Midwesty you have it partly right!

by Anonymous4now on

He went to medical school in 1924 and dropped out when the girl he fell in love with was given away to a haj agha.  She did not stay with the haj agha too long and asked for her divorce.  She was divorced when she went back to Mohammad Hossein Behjat (Shahriar) but he responded with the poem you cited. He was never a professor but referred to as ostaad because of his linguistic capabilities, and worked in a bank as a clerk.  He was an IRI supporter until his death in 1988. 


More of professor Shahriar's poems

by Midwesty on


آمدي جانم به


آمدي جانم به قربانت ولي حالا چرا؟                                                   از ديوان شهريار آمدي جانم به قربان ولي حالا چرا ؟
بي وفا بي وفا حالا كه من افتاده ام از پا چرا ؟
نوشدارويي و بعد از مرگ سهراب آمدي
سنگدل اين زودتر مي خواستي حالا چرا ؟
عمر مار ار مهلت امروز و فرداي تو نيست
من كه يك امروز مهمان توام فردا چرا ؟
نازنينا ما به ناز تو جواني داده ايم
ديگر اكنون با جوانان نازكن با ما چرا ؟
وه كه با اين عمر هاي كوته بي اعتبار
اين همه غافل شدن از چون مني شيدا چرا  ؟
آسمان چون جمع مشتاقان ، پريشان مي كند
درشگفتم من نمي پاشد ز هم دنيا چرا ؟
شهريارا بي حبيب خود نمي كردي سفر
راه عشق است اين يكي بي مونس و تنها چرا ؟
بي مونس و تنها چرا ؟        
تنها چرا ؟
حالا چرا ؟


Mohammad Ghazi,

by Midwesty on

Two things:1- Hajv is usually paired with Tanz in Persian literature with a major difference. Tanz is a fruitful criticism but Hajv is simply ridiculing the idea childishly. 2- If your poem is based on the same rhythm of one of Professor Shahriar's most famous and tender poem, “you came but too late” then I have to tell you buddy that you have messed with the wrong one. The original verses of this poem were written when Shahriar was a very young man studying medicine. He fell in love with a young female collogue that caused him broken heartedly drop out of school. Years later when he was in his death bed, his lover came to visit him and to say the final good bye and that was when he recited the original poem and adding some new versus.I am just waiting to see more of these sneaky attacks on our nation and heritage.   



by Ardeshir Keyvan (not verified) on

I think it's a good poetry. However Shahryar was deeply addicted and maybe for getting some drugs he wrote those disgusting poems for Rafsanjani and Khameni and the other mobsters.

A good poet is a human being with some talent in poetry and nothing more or less.

Saady brags about his pedofiliac experiences but an Iranian mentality which whose heroes should be a superman tries to justify that behaviour and somehow patch up his image. Something totally unnecessary! Because nobody should expect a saint Saady.
Unfortunately we exercise this manners about our favorite political figures as well.

Don't make another EMAMZADEH please.


I think that this hajv is

by Ali (not verified) on

I think that this hajv is causing more damage to the reputation of its writer than that of Ostad Shahriar.

Don't mess with the great minds of Iran.


Lets be more responsible

by Concerned Iranian (not verified) on

Publishing incendiary material such as this "poem" is irresponsible at the least.

Enemies of Iran are planning and waiting for an opportune time to divide Iran to many pieces.

Publishing such material has the potential to created hatred between Azaries and Persians of Iran.

Lets refrain from insulting each other. Lets keep Iran from turning to another Iraq.


On Hajviate Grand Idiot kak Mohammad Ghazi

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

You Idiot leave my Turkish heritage alone!!!!!

This is probably in response to the current TC series being casted on IRI channel based on the life and works of my beloved Shahryar.
He's truly the last boyscout of great Iranian classical poets.

Dorood bar Iran va farzandane ghayourash, che Tork , che Fars, che kord va hammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeye Iranian ke ghalbeshan baraye Iran mitapad na baraye chapawol Iran.


Mosalmaanat beh Zamzam Shooyad O Hendu Besoozanat!

by G. Rahmanian (not verified) on

"Roasting" of the dead is a Hindu ritual.

"Desecration" of the graves and "insulting" the dead in Iran became more common after the advent of the Islamists to power there. This is due to the primitive notion held by devout Muslims and believers of some other religions that once dead humans should be respected/hallowed.

Shahriyar WAS criticized by some for his support for the IRA right after '79 forgetting his services to the Iraniann literary world.

The tastelessness of this so-called "poem" is one thing, and its posting on this site by the "moderation team" of iranian.com is another.

I was under the impression that they(the moderation team) was trying to do away with "insults" on THEIR site. Or is it only when "insults" are directed towards certain individuals that they are considered as such by the team?

And here's what Shahriyar would have said to such affronts:

Falak goo baa man in naamardi o naamardomi bas kon
Keh man soltaan eshgh o Shahriyar sh'ereh Iraanam


not right at all

by iran-dokht (not verified) on

I agree with Ali P. too

you shouldn't roast someone after they're gone




by B-Naam on

In very poor taste indeed. 

I guess the author's harsh criticism could be due to Shahriar's support for IRI.  He was a great poet and thinker nonetheless. 



by tony (not verified) on

To the writer of this "HAJV". I am from Northen part of Iran and not from Azarbaijan. I would like to share this with you to be fair to him. As, I remember at the time Shahryar had been forced to write poem for mullahs, I was serving in special military forces, and we were informed the secrete services aressted one of his childs. He suposed to write, regarding danger of his child's execution. If I was in his position, I would do that, too.

Ali P.


by Ali P. on

Was this written before, or after Shahriar's death?

 You don't 'hajv' someone after his death.

In poor taste in any case.