رستنی رستموار

بلی، از شور عشقی تازه باید گشت مالامال.


رستنی رستموار
by Manoucher Avaznia

هلا ای رهسپاران دلیر ساحل جیحون:

مگر در ریشه گردوی این دوران

نشان از تیر آرش نیست؟


مگر در پیکر پیکان

گرامی جان آرش را:

نشان مرز ایرانشهر،

فدای مهر یک پیمان نمی بینید؟


مگر آتشسرای بلخ را

دگر دیوان نگهبانند؟

و یا سیمرغ ما دیگر

ز اوج آسمان کوچیده ورجاوند؟

ویا تفتان جوشان درون ما

دگر افتاده از جوش است؟


مگر آن شب شکاران فروزان مه بهمن

دگر یکسر فراموشند؟

و یا آن شعله های سرکش بیدار

که می رقصند در پهنه البرز

دگر خاموش خاموشند؟


اگر آیین این دوران دگرگون است،

وگر از جور این قداره گان ما را درون و دیده جیحون است،

وگر گرگان این صحرا پی بلعیدن مایند؛

پی نوزاده ای فرخنده باید گشت در هامون

به دامان جهان افروز یک دخت پری پیکر.


بلی، از شور عشقی تازه باید گشت مالامال.

ز مهر خانه باید گشت بر خوردار.

بلی، از ریشه باید رست رستموار.


سوم شهریور هزار و سیصد و هشتاد و پنج



Recently by Manoucher AvazniaCommentsDate
زیر و زبر
Nov 11, 2012
Nov 03, 2012
شیرین کار
Oct 21, 2012
more from Manoucher Avaznia

Irandokht Jaan; Myth is

by Saba22334455 (not verified) on

Irandokht Jaan;

Myth is exemplification of nessecities and realities of social life. In our case, they clearly reflect the fact that we as a nation basically owe our identity to defying the destrctive elements of history particularly invasion of Anirani people. Even nowadays this is the heart of all our national challenges. In my beleif, all those efforts have been crystalized in the form of our heroes; otherwise the true hero of all those battles and subsequent survival is the Iranian people. Through that window I look at our mythology.

Manoucher Avaznia


Loved your poem

by IRANdokht on

Dear Mr Avaznia

Like your other poems, this is a beautiful work of art. I loved reading it and it made me very emotional.

It also made me think...   I started wondering if all the epic stories we were taught as kids and if all the historical heroes we have come to love are not doing us a disservice now. It seems to me that we were raised to believe that it will take one extraordinary person, a hero who would have to come and save us.

I wonder if we were taught that each one of us is responsible, would we start uniting against the evil powers? If we were taught that there will be no one hero, that we could all be heroes, then would we have worked together and not against each other?  would there be anyone sitting still and hoping that a foreign power would need to intervene to save us?

Thank you again for the amazing poem. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it with us. 



One Amazing 10 to the poet

by samsam1111 on

You got it right and what matters......long live our godly land away from Bats of darkness.