
by Laleh Irani

دستی به هوا رفت و دو پيمانه به هم خورد
با آن دو دل عاشق و ديوانه به هم خورد

دستی به هوا رفت و نگاهی به نگاهی
پيچيد و دو دست و دو دل و شانه به هم خورد

لبخند و نگاهی روی لبخند و نگاهی
آرام فرود آمد و مستانه به هم خورد

آرامش سرسبز من و رامش هستی
سلانه و سلانه و سلانه به هم خورد

شب در کشش و کوشش و کنکاش بسرشد
آسايش شمع و گل و پروانه به هم خورد

دست و دل تبدار دو دلداده بی خوِيش
در هم شد و برهم شد و جانانه به هم خورد

Visit Laleh Irani's 1aleh.blogspot.com




by Hajminator on

Laleh jan you made a very beautiful poeme

As you have to sign your Ghazal, if this story has happenned in IRI I suggest to add

لالها; این دو جوان را بگرفـتند و ببردند

واز حبس ایشان; حاله همه عشاق به هم خورد


your poem

by Ashegh (not verified) on

Farsi always will be like sugar.......


Blowing new meaning to the same old words: Damn Good

by Abol Danesh (not verified) on

...this is a cool poem and has a nice music and on the top of it all it injects new meaning to words...in an interesting way...

That is right under intense pressure of rhythem the words have no choice but to give up by giving birth to new meanings even if it means the opposite of what they first projected as their prime meaning...

Exchange market: dollar is toman and toman is frank...etc., etc., etc.

Micheal Jackson: I am bad... I am bad: meaning: I'm good... I am worthy... I am hot... I am cool...I am way tight!


Dear Laleh

by Anonymoush (not verified) on

I liked your poem, it had a story, nice rythm and beautiful images... one thing was completely out of place and that was the second line:
با آن دو دل عاشق و ديوانه به هم خورد
del be ham khordan usually conveys the feeling of being nauseous
it just gives the reader a jolt at the beginning The rest makes up for it though.

nice! thamk you!