

by emad shadzi

Video by Emad Shadzi

PRLog (Press Release) – Mohsen Namjoo, Iran’s best known, and most controversial contemporary musician, is scheduled to perform his first 6 US concerts, starting September, 2008. Famous for fusing traditional Persian music with Jazz, rock and blues, Namjoo has garnered large numbers of fans and critics alike in Iran, with equal enthusiasm and has been featured in the international press as “Avante Garde” and “experimental” for using his voice as an instrument in unconventional ways, and for his ability to weave fluently in and out of traditional eastern and into modern western music with relative ease.  Namjoo has performed internationally once in Paris and once in Rotterdam in 2007, so the 2008 US tour is a major coup for both the artist and his fans. All 6 Concerts will be solo performances booked at high-end venues, starting in San Francisco on September 6th, at the Palace of Fine Arts, followed by New York, at the Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, Washington DC, at the Ronald Reagan Building, the Museum of Contemporary Arts, San Diego in La Jolla, and the historic El Rey Theater in Los Angeles.   For a complete list of dates and venue which are still in formation, visit


Azadeh Azmoudeh


by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

I love this although it is not original. The best for me is Toranj, it is a masterpiece!


Azadeh Azmoudeh

Namjoo, Mohsen

by Azadeh Azmoudeh on

I'll be there for his Sept. 21 concert in LA. Can't wait.


Party Girl

Thank you.  A nice song. 

by Party Girl on

Thank you.  A nice song.  I am so excited to be attending one of the Namjoo concerts in the US this fall.  My most favorite Namjoo song remains Zolf bar bad madeh....