Corporal Joe's Last Thoughts

On the fifth anniversary of Anglo-American invasion


Corporal Joe's Last Thoughts
by Mohammad Reza Tavakoli Saberi

Why am I here, I don't know
"We are here to protect them oil,
Kill bad guys, set the people free and then go."
Sergent Bill said this to all of us.
Ma ol' man says it is all about the oil though
Dick and Georgie who sent us here know it all
Mamma said take The Book with you and save them souls
I don't know the truth, I am so confused.
It ain't half hot, I wrote to her.
Sand dust is everywhere, in my bed, in my mouth and nose
REMs are always hot
So is my water can on my side
It taste like gun powder good.
Everyday I dream of goin' to Louisville Bar
Drown myself till Jilly comes and shout and cry.
The other day an old woman stared at me eyes
Then she spat hard at me
I sent the whore to hell so fast nobody could see
I shot a boy too when he aimed his gun at me
I told myself one bastard
less in this troubled world
Later I found it was his toy
I was defending myself too
I ain't see even a half friendly boy
Angry faces everywhere
I want to see some smiles
What I am doing here I don't know
I have my hand on the trigger all the time
Ready to shoot them when I want
I want to go to my home
Kiss my wife and hold my kid
I heard Jilly is expecting my second boy
I am happy and full of joy
I want to sit on the front porch
Watch people come and go
Smile at them and say hello
I want one hand on Jilly's breast and one hand on a beer can
Nothing feel better than this in this world
What I am doing here, I don't know
What are they sayin', I don't know
Everybody at home says I am a hero
But that man in the corner of street signals me to go
We got to bomb them all
Everywhere explode IEDs
They shoot at us, SOBs
In the market I saw a bomber who killed
himself and many more
I collected Sergent Bill's body pieces a week ago
His head was in gutter, his boot in the hummer
His foot still in his boot
I lost this man forever
I lost myself more than ever
I used to vomit seeing these things, not any more
Now I have to watch anywhere and everywhere
Whether its a man or infant in cradle
What was that bang... that orange light?
Oh! I can't stand up, I can't feel my arm
Where is my gun?... my helm...
The vest is getting heavier on my chest
Pray for me mamma, I don't see the light
Save my soul Lord... save me...
Save me... Lord Almighty God



I really liked it. I haven't

by n.zanincanadai on

I really liked it. I haven't read anything this interesting in a while. It has rythm, accent and so much more. Kheily khub bood. Vaghean. I will save this one. WOW


Thank You.

by Feshangi on

That went right to my heart. It is as charged as the situation it describes. 



