Feb. 11, 1979 - Feb. 11, 2009

Feb. 11, 1979 - Feb. 11, 2009
by Farhad Zaltash

When narcissist idealist

Takes over the moment,

However imperfect the moment’s truth,


When dust in the wind

Becomes vanishing motto,

Blasting this house apart,


When a lie seduces a simple

Mind, then two lies become bride and groom,

And soon lie-based crowd becomes a mob,


When a preacher becomes a face of all,

And all is lost to its own denials and self-lies,

Fancying theory over laughter in the yard,


When ghetto mind is blessed by intellectual  

Thought, seeing his face in moon,

So-called victims are henchmen in the making

Who will soon blossom with their knives,


When tornado and wave become

Dark cloud, intoxicating young and old alike,

Sea becomes pregnant with a journey in pain,

And misery not recognized by any scale.


Blood of immortal is spilled like a

Helpless sheep at slaughterhouse,

So that clowns can claim they are the new

Champions of the hearts,


Sea, air, earth all become an inferno –

Heart, mind and soul become redemption

Refuge of the remorseful,


Yesterday’s raised fists become liars

That they were never part of that

Mob, since courage is a commodity

Hard to find,


God forgives but mother’s heartache won’t,

Time heals, but some scars become eternal on souls,

Children grow up and ask their father, “You gave it

All up for this farce?”


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On this day

by The Real Princess (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Zaltash,

I can start by saying your poems as diverse as it is expansive. And that this masterpiece although pure and open, delves in to the complexity and depth of this subject as your other works accomplished same task in the past. but..

It seems redundant to admire your work, or to say you're gifted. Many have. Elegantly , exquisitely. As It seems redundant to say, one sees oneself in your world, many have tried ...unsuccessfully.

So, this fan sincerely will confess:

Your heart speaks, my heart listens. I set this heart straight, this heart soars in the skies. Your words comes from sincere love, one that surpasses common joy and relinquishes heart wrenching ail. One that conquers all eternity.

On this day of love, and all days to come, Happy Valentines to you . I wish you health, I wish you love.....from one pure soul to another....
Best Regards from whom the "king" has named "the real Princess"


Nice Poem ...

by Hamedani (not verified) on

Be nodrat az sher haye shoma chizi mifahmam, kheili pichideh hastand !
baad az moddat-ha 1 chenin sher ba vazheh haye sadeh, sarih va monaseb az shoma mibinam.


history in verses

by Divinity (not verified) on

Dear Poet,

Once again you captured the four elements of our being, breathed life into it with your exquisite verses. You depicted our demise,our pain,our life passing by in lies.
Here's to hopes of Phoenix to arise, so be it if Phoenix not be just for those whose blood spilled for loyalty to kings. And In hopes for a day the immortals conquer the Universal imperial court and spew off, the scars and pain to oblivion like Arash's arrow to eternity.
I am grateful for continued blessings from the divine through you and alike.


J'ai bien aimé ...

by PersiangirlinParis (not verified) on

J'ai vraiment aimé ce poème

Les mots sont bien choisis

C'est très réaliste et descriptif

Je vous dis Bravo Mr Zaltsh

Continuez à nous émerveiller avec votre talent d'écrivain et de poète

Bonne continuation,