You and the Bear

You and the Bear
by N F Probity

Sitting in a room, feeling cavalier
There came to life an ornament
From the ceiling like a chandelier
A bear, reaching for me from the rear

Struggling to escape the brown bear
Calmly I begged him with eyes in despair
To spare me his strength and unintentional harm
He reached for me with all his might and charm
Spectators were terrified, screaming
The bear’s lower body stuck in the ceiling
Seemingly rescued me, I was relieved
Didn’t know from what, but beaming

Dream’s miracle meddled at once
I found myself in another place
In a white room sitting with my friends
Longing for your friendship and astuteness
Yearning for you, happily sitting tight

Dream’s miracle meddled to make things right
You appeared to my surprise wearing white
Like an angel in disguise and bright
You listened to my story with flare
Of the struggle with that brown bear
With the kind eyes and sharp claws

You offered your usual analysis and advice
Then suddenly there was just you and I
You placed me on your lap, oh my...
My legs wrapped around you tied
My sanctuary were your caring eyes
We hugged gently
Our heads resting on each other’s shoulders
Our arms wrapped around jointly,
We became one, caressing softly
The song of our hearts
Was smooth and calm
Lifted us up, to cloud nine
Could it be that you were mine?

My eyes opened to a ray of sun
Then all of a sudden you and the bear were gone,
I realized it was all just a dream,
I went for a cup of coffee and some cream


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Soheyla Marzvaan

Tell me who is the

by Soheyla Marzvaan on

Tell me who is the witness

Of your own seeing

And what is revealed

Through your own looking



Tell me who is attached to experience

Can you experience the space of no mind

If there is not an experiencer,

The experience won't last



The potential is dormant inside

And a "story" triggers it to wake up



Come from a place of no thingness

Of emptiness of your consciousness

From silence of your retreat

You are in the space in which now begins

And ends in "all" and in "one"



Every experience has to have its play

And when it gets to its exhustion,

Then it will move away



Recognize it with no mind

And, use a much more powerful way

That's immediate,

No gaps and no journey and no stay



The ocean does not say,

I only want to experience only small waves

And the titles wave should go away


N F Probity

Dear Soheyla and Nasrin,

by N F Probity on

Thank you for your kind comments. You both analyzed and interpreted it well. Soheyla jon, as you'd guess I am well aware of what my dreams mean. And, I know which dream has some significance and is a reflection of the real life situation of my own and those around me. Believe it or not, I had you in mind when I decided to post it, because even though this was about me, somehow I wanted to deliver a message to you by this poem . I believe it did. Warmly, NF

Nasrin Sasanpour

The magnetic charm of your

by Nasrin Sasanpour on

The magnetic charm of your poem manifests itself with more times
reading it . . . . as one is pulled into the whirlwind of one sequence
after the other . . . . each captivating with presenting our inner
fears, hidden struggles, and longing for passion & kindness
with such an apparent delicacy. To revert to reality
through "a ray of sun" was the beautiful culmination for being "Here
& Now".

Soheyla Marzvaan


by Soheyla Marzvaan on

I'm glad you decided to share "your" insights via your poetry. I specialy liked the " dream's miracle", as dreams go beyond our newtonian laws of physics, and they mean so much , if we know how to read them. I have two spiritual teachers in my life, and one helps me with my dreams.I wonder if you know what your dreams "really" mean to you ...

Thanks again, I enjoyed it.