Nights in Laguna Hills

Nights in Laguna Hills
by Farhad Zaltash

Flickering lantern lights,

Dancing butterflies,

A nervous mist settling in,

Night softening smooth Jazz,

Stubborn thoughts kissed away,

A half-face moon witnessing

The reckless whispers.


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Soheyla Marzvaan


by Soheyla Marzvaan on

Soheyla Marzvaan

Observing butterflies, Mist in the air....
Nature is magic. If allowed to enter whithin, it is essential in clearing the mind from the fog, enabling us to see and cherrish what is real .
Thank you Farhad for reminding us of such.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Intresting . Thank you .

Persiangirl in Paris

Un petit commentaire

by Persiangirl in Paris on

Court et concis

Je trouve votre description très romantique

ça donne envie d'y aller, peut-être pour les prochaines vacances 

Finalement, il n'y a pas que Paris qui peut offrir des nuits romantiques à ses convives


Short and concise

I find your description very romantic 

That gives desire for going there, perhaps for the next holidays 

Finally,  there is not only Paris which can offer romantic nights to its guests