حاج خانم، دستتون درد نکنه!

چند درس جنده بازی‌ در تهران


حاج خانم، دستتون درد نکنه!
by Shazde Asdola Mirza

در ایران اسلامی، دیگه همه چی‌ تلفنی شده.

طرف زنگ زد که؛ "حاج آقا - وقت آزاد دارید؟"

پرسیدم؛ "جنسش تمیزه ... بافتش ظریفه؟"

فرمودند؛ "مثل هلوی پوست کنده!"

درس اول: هیچ بقالی نمی‌‌گه‌ ماستم ترشه.

چادرش رو که ور داشت، بجای هلو بیشتر به هندونه میزد. بدک نبود، اما از بر‌آمدگی شکمش میشد حدس زد که یک دو باری زاییده. سی‌ و چند ساله، با موی قهوه‌ای و چشمان میشی‌ ... صورت گرد و پوست سفیدش جذاب بود و دلنشین.

تعارف کردم که؛ "چیزی میل دارید؟ شربت، شیرینی‌ یا شراب؟"

خندید و جویا شد؛ "کشیدنی چی‌ دارید، حاج آقا؟"

از این لفظ حاج آقا بدم میاد. تا ریش و سبیل آدم دو رنگ میشه، تو ایرون، همه بهت حاج آقا، حاج آقا سوار میکنند!

عرض کردم؛ "شرمنده عزیز ... همین یه قلم جنس رو ندارم."

براش یه گیلاس شربت آبلیمو با عرق مسیو قاراپت ریختم، که بهمراه دو برش نون سوخاری و پنیر لیقوان خورد. بعد از استکان دوم، خستگی‌ راهش در اومد و سر شوخی‌ و خنده باز شد. از فلکه دوم صادقیه، یک ساعت و نیم تو راه بندون گیر کرده بودند - چون ظاهرا آژانسی جوون و نا بلد بود.

جویا شد؛ "پس چرا خودتون لب تر نمی‌‌کنید؟"

خندیدم که؛ "بنده باید حواسم جمع باشه، تا بتونم خوب از شما پذیرایی‌ کنم!"

درس دوم: قبل از عملیات موشکی، از نوشیدن هر گونه مشروب الکلی پرهیز کنید.

مشغول مالیدن و سابیدن شده بودیم، که موبایل خانم زنگ زد! از روی آهنگش فهمید که کیه.

عذر آورد که؛ "دخترمه، ببخشید، باید جواب بدم."

درس سوم: در کشاکش آماده سازی برای حمله نهایی‌، لطفا از روشن نگاه داشتن هر گونه وسیله ارتباطی‌ خود داری فرمایید.

با نگرانی گفت؛ "الو ... حالت خوبه فاطی جون؟ نه‌ ... خاک تو سر کثافتش ... در رو واسش واز نکنی‌ ها! غلط کرده - پدرته که پدرته ... وقتی‌ خرجی و نفقه نمیده، پدری به چه دردی میخوره؟"

درس چهارم: در چنین مواقع حال گیر - برید تو دستشویی، هواکش رو روشن کنید و گوشتون رو محکم بگیرید.

ناله کنان ادامه داد؛ "نه‌، تو رو خدا در رو براش باز نکن! دوباره میاد تو خونه و موندگار میشه ... زندگی‌ مون رو سیاه میکنه ... باز تنتو با سیگار میسوزونه! مگه دست و پای کبود ممد یادت رفته؟ اصلا، یه دقیقه صبر کن - من همین الان راه میفتم."

موبایل رو که قطع کرد، توضیح داد؛ "با هزار بدبختی از این حرومزاده لاشخور طلاق گرفتم؛ ولی‌، ول کن ما نیست! میگه تا دوباره ازدواج نکردی، هنوز می‌تونم رجوع کنم! پدر سگ کثافت معتاد، فکر میکنه که منم بچه محصلم که بتونه کتکم بزنه و بلا سرم بیاره. دار و ندار زندگی‌ ما رو به باد داد و هنوزم کشتیار مونه."

در این گیر و دار، شازده کوچولو کاملا به حالت اغما افتاده بود؛ و قامت سرفرازش از هسته خرما کوچیکتر ... بقول ناپلیون: بهوت افسرده ‌ها هی!

پیشنهاد فرمودند؛ "براتون بخورم، تا زودی دوباره بزرگ بشه؟"

ولی‌ بنده به یاد آن بیت سعدی شیراز افتادم که:

تو مناره ز پای بنشانی ... شهوت من چگونه جنبانی؟

بعد از کلی‌ تعارف و اصرار، پنجاه تومن رو گرفت و موقع رفتن، یه ماچ گذاشت به گوشه لپم. اما دوباره اون لفظ لعنتی رو بکار برد؛ "حاج آقا، دستتون درد نکنه!"

درس آخر: در هر عملیاتی احتمال شکست وجود داره - بنابرین باید نقشه یدکی داشته باشید.

نوار امانوئل ۲ رو گذاشتم تو ویدئو، و مشغول تماشای زیبایی‌های تایلند شدم.


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Haji SAM - you have a good/productive year

by MM on

درس مابعد آخر

hang this sign at the entrance: //tinyurl.com/3kxumyg

Mash Ghasem

بادا بادا "مبارک" بادا

Mash Ghasem

" ۱۳ بدر" خوش بگذرد: به یاد "دامادی های" شازده

و در استقبال سال نو، با این آواز :

بادا بادا  "مبارک" بادا
سید علی "مبارک" بادا  

ترانه سرا : رضا دقتی

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

ELS, tis  an observation by J.D. from another "discussion," but it also 'apllies' to your query!


"تا دخول انجام نگرفته است شک و تردید جایز و...

یا مصطفی پایان، خودت برس بدرد غریبان !

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Is getting a lap-dance in a strip-bar equivalent...

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

to having sex with a prostitute!? 



Don't sensor yourself Shazde

by divaneh on

I think you have already heard that message from everyone else. There was only one person who attacked you and a few other who followed. These people live in their own universe. A universe where all men are bad and all women are good. They view this issue as a war of sexes and not a social debate. That is why they label any woman who can identify with your writing as traitor. I liked it and I think you have done an excellent job in showing the reaction of a decent man when faced with the realities of the prostitute's bitter life. I also think calling a woman a fruit of your choice is not different to calling her honey.

For those idealist who think prostitution is forced on women, please note that there are different types of prostitute.

1- The women who are  trafficked, deceived and forced into prostitution.

2- The unskilled women who do it because of their needs.

3- Women who do not need it but do it for their wants.

4- Those who view it as a profession of their choice.

In my book you have no decency if you sleep with the type 1, but the other three are all matters of consents between people. Men like the one in Shazde's story will pay the Type 2 without having sex.

The way to combat type 2 prostitution is to teach women skills that can allow them financial independence and a society where they exercise the same rights as men and in which they have free choice. That is why I think a man who believes in equal rights is more of a feminist than a male hating woman.


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

A phone call turns the plot inside out. Supposedly the story takes place in Haji's house, but all our imagination and emotion is spent at the prostitute's house. 

Shazde Asdola Mirza

"حاج خانم" هم شدیم !

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Dear good friends: I am very grateful of your kind continued support.

Another friend who has seen the piece told me how much he laughed when he saw the title that JJ had made for this article - that is: "Haaj Khanom dasteton dard nakoneh".

I hadn't paid much attention to that title, so couldn't follow when my friend elaborated that any guy who loses his rise and can't get it on with a woman, especially when he is paying for it, is not a Real Man! So he found JJ's title funny and to the point.

This was the type of reaction that I excepted for this piece, because Real Men don't eat quiche, walk away from a fight, or turn down a ready pussy. However, being attacked as a pig (which is by the way the closest animal to us genetically), an A**shole and an Akhoond, was totally unexpected.

Most guys know the peer pressure that boys and young men go through in their female relationships. I recall my best friends' excitement at meeting my gorgeous highschool girlfriend, and their next day raw roar at me to: "F... her, f... her, f... her". Like the humanity's future depended on that single act!

And yes, the humanity's future depends on that singular act. It is a very strange, complicated, messy and involved procedure ... which has had to be so strongly hard-coded into our genes and psyche, that makes it almost impossible for a young healthy man to turn down pussy.

I am no saint, but don't like pigs either. So again I am telling the dumb fools who think that this story is based on my own whoring experiences ... It Is Not! Yes, I have been a "Haaj Khanom" and yes, I have turned down paid and ready pussy ... but I have never ever have had sex with that woman ... Bill Clinton.

The scary part is that, now I find censoring myself in me writings, just in case some other idiot accuses me of being something nasty, and the hateful bunch of the "Lord of the Fly" island follow that fool and shout; "Kill the pig ... kill the pig!"

Yes, I have been to the brothel districts of Europe, have even had drinks and chuckles with the Working Women ... but have never been able to have sex with them. Call me a foggie, cuckold or haaj-khanom ... as for some reason I have never been able to have physical relationship with someone whom I didn't like, and who didn't like me.

But I am against the fact that prostitution is illegal in so many countries. There is no comparison between the condition of legalized European sex-workers and the poor enslaved girls of Vancouver Eastside or Toronto Queen St. It is the oldest profession on earth, and it may as well be legal ... not that I am going to be a patron of it ;-)



by ComraidsConcubine on



MG and Ferferzi and Soonam Khanoom

by ComraidsConcubine on

 Frankfurter Schule, ich bitte Sie....

I read and yes, understood so much between the ages of 14 to 17. Is that OK with with you? 

Mashy Pashy, there is no need for your personal attacks, if you continue, I might think that there's too much oestrogen in your dictatorial water-supply.


Ferferzi, I can't really say anything anymore. Sahabam ....................----/////----====[[[===[[]]]]]''''''''';;;;..... 


Soosan Khanoom .... ding ding ding... ;)


 P.S. that vesrion, MG , really? Why? Why should  spend time on writing lyrics on that? Why?


Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

This post is dedicated to SAM, one fo the few in here, who has actually read, and understood  Erich's message.

Damet garm o sarat khosh bad.

Art of Loving - Erich Fromm


Anahid Hojjati

Dear MG, be nazare een bande hagheer

by Anahid Hojjati on

I personally do not identify with not having humility or not having a great sense of humor, since I have plenty of both. But you have a good point which I agree with where you write that a good writer even if activist, can write about light- hearted material.

Soosan Khanoom

Now a poem to ponder or wonder

by Soosan Khanoom on


The perfect man


The perfect man is gentle
Never cruel or mean
He has a beautiful smile
And keeps his face so clean.
The perfect man likes children
And will raise them by your side
He will be a good father
As well as a good husband to his bride
The perfect man loves cooking
Cleaning and vacuuming too
He'll do anything in his power
To convey his feelings of love on to you.
The perfect man is sweet
Writing poetry from your name
He's a best friend to your mother
And kisses away your pain.
He never has made you cry
Or hurt you in any way
To hell with this endless poem
The perfect man is gay.

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

They also deleted most of my comments which I made and the charge was personal attack ...   But Azadeh's comments is still there !!

I personally think each male reader here is guilty as charged......

I am totally agree with ELS on this ..... May god never let that country be ruled by some of us  the women of IC .....

and I am listening now to MG and have been very respectful to the elders with this post of mine which I am hoping to not get deleted this time 

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

A.H. merely trying to make a point. I don't think Jackson Brown wrote those lyrics because he felt " passionate about, or care about" self-pleasure. It's just a silly  'remembrance' song (you see the faces of his backup singers while they're singing..) and imagine some of those kids thinking this is a romantic love song. A good writer could make any topic memorable! Each theme has its own 'inner logic.'

Point being, if someone like Jackson Brown: an activists artist, and by all accounts a serious man, could write such light hearted stuff, it demonstrates  great sense of humor and humility on his part, then again, great sense of humor and humility is what's sometimes missing on these virtual pges.

C.C. as usual your dilettantism shines through. You just never do your homework, do you? The song is at the bottom of this thread. Let's see if it gives you inspiration, or perspiration, or..

Dasteton Dard Nakoneh.


Porcupine Pffft Pffffty!

by Faramarz on

My comment was in response to the insightful comment by 123, a few comments below!

p.s. ever since Selma Hayek played Frida, I have been a fan of her eyebrows!


MG Sure, within a jiffy

by ComraidsConcubine on

sure , babes, just post the lyrics and I'll do it, just for you my rooster


I think , I would like to know why this comment totally disappeared earlier on.


Seriously?  I've already started my own page. Only come here out of noblesse oblige



Ferferzi, chi gofti

by ComraidsConcubine on

man hatta bil ham naraftam.


No, seriously, just went below my head. 

Anahid Hojjati

MG, most people can not come up with songs on demands. CC,...

by Anahid Hojjati on

Dear MG, unless someone is a professional song writer, they can not come up with a song that you ask them to come up with. For most people, writing poems and lyrics, it has to be about something that they are passionate about, or care about. For instance, even though you are a guy, you may be able to come up with female version of Rosie. Reason is because you like this song.  I will still try to set aside a time to come up with female version of Jackson Brown's Rosie, emphasis is on "try" :).. By the way, CC, good comment.


آقایون ناشی و خانوم های ناراضی!



امان از دست این آقایون ناشی که بعد از اینهمه تجربه و سن و سال هنوز این خانوم های معصوم و بیگناه را تشنه در رختخواب جا میذارن!

واقعا که کار بدی میکنن. انشاءالله نفرین بشن خیر ندیده ها!

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

C.C. not bad, but can you write a female version of Jackson Brown's Rosie?

Dasteton Dard Nakoneh.


for what it may be worth. A personal anecdote

by ComraidsConcubine on

 College Common Room.

Woman walks straight towards me and insists on putting a bumphlet into my hand about women's whatever.

Me: "Why did you do that?"

 Person: "Don't you believe in equal rights?"

Me: "Yes, I do, which is precisely why I'm not going to join your group. You completely ignored all the men, [there were only men and 6 of them] around the table." 


hamsade ghadimi

abc123, my latest comment

by hamsade ghadimi on

abc123, my latest comment was about how the hateful commenter, who is labeling anyone who disagrees with her, mistook my comment to you at a comment directed at herself.  she seems to be obsessed with me and likes to take time out to bash me and wrongfully label me for having disagreed with her on a previous occasion.  i would secretly giggle at her preoccupation with me if she wasn't creepy.  you may label me as well even though you don't know me.  yes, perhaps in your opinion, i must be a whoremonger if i comment on a story about whoremongering.  very quick analysis on your part.  and wrong i may add.  the question is whether certain subjects are taboo to write about in the form of fiction (or any other form).  you may not like someone's writing based on their style or even the content of their stories, but do you really believe that certain subjects should not be even used in stories?  that's the gist of the argument that this story has generated.

stating your preference for a story is a different matter than declaring a subject (whoremongering) taboo and anyone who reads such story withouth criticizing it as whoremongers.  i believe that is going overboard in the same way as ershad ministry goes overboard.  as for the hateful commenter, i think she's just mentally unstable to go after only one commenter (me) and falsely accusing me of engaging with her.  she's a bitter lady who likes to seek attention.

Mash Ghasem


by Mash Ghasem on

abc123, with all due respect, I would like to humbly suggest if we could approach and  treat tis  not as an "old boys" party, but rather as a workshop in creative writing. Can you relate to that?

SAM also had a story on the ocassion of March 8th, how come no one mentions that? I would really like to read a feminists critique of that story, not holding my breath though. Does writing a story like that make him a Feminsit? No. Does writing one about whore mongering, make him a whore monger? No. (Are most men, if left to their own volition, whore mongers or border line W.M? Yes. The exact same could be said about women). 

SAM has many works, a few are great , most are above average. Belive it or not he's been pouring out his heart, only if you had paid attention to ...

Writing has a logic all its own, lets not confuse the text with the writer. It's only half personal!

Dasteton Dard Nakoneh.


hamsadeh G and all his friends

by abc123 on

Thanks for the title, I can't accept that. Please keep it for yourself! I didn't mean to look at the subject morally. Plus, I feel that this is like an old guys having party talking about their sweet and sobber unsuccessful or sucessful memories, enjoying talking about their penies, hloo and hendevaneh...and some female outsiders put their nose in the party and crash it. I thought this is a public blog and women also can express their feelings. I don't want to waste my time here...just to let you know, it's not about style, or about sex or using "bad" or "good" words. Sex is a beautiful subject and is a different story. I bet most of our countrymen don't know how to satisfy women, a high percentage of our women die without enjoying their bodies and that's because of "Nashigari Aghayoun".

The Chobak or Chekhof style and similarity or technicality of this writing is not also my point, you can enjoy your friend's writing. What I meant is very hard to understand for male looking at women like Hollo or Hendevaneh. Woman is a human being, even prostitute...it's hard to understand, isn't it? and prostitution is a social desease. It only exists in a poor and unhealthy society! Is it that hard to digest? If so, then sorry...I don't want to crash your party...have fun!


hamsade ghadimi

it's funny that my comment

by hamsade ghadimi on

it's funny that my comment to "abc123": calling her naayeb vazir ershad was taken by the hateful commenter as a response to her.  she spent a good deal of time calling me names for insulting her!  i was just impelled to give her the full title of vazir ershad so she won't feel ignored.  i let the readers judge who the stupid one is. :)


Of Men and Women, Whores and Johns!

by Faramarz on

My Take on the Current Conversation (or whatever you may call it) about the Prostitution Discussion!

I have to say that I was taken aback by the strong response to Shazde’s blog about a prostitute encounter in Tehran. I thought that the story was smart, genuine and described a problem in the Iranian society today. But what do I know?

It didn’t take long until the floodgates opened and came all the reprimands! “How dare you talk like that about women? Don’t you know about the history of abuse and addictions? I have read your stuff and you are a pig!”

Please! Let’s not kill the messenger, if we don’t like the message!

I have said it before and I will say it again, “What is the difference between having sex for cash and having sex for a new house or a new washer and dryer? It is the same! Only the prostitute is more honest about the nature of the transaction than the suburban housewife and the mother of two (and the dog and the SUV!)”

Shazde became an easy target like some of us who choose to open our hearts and share our honest opinions and life experiences about the state of things. And what did he get? Condemnation by some and more disappointing (in my book) a walk back by others who actually read and liked his stories and blogs.

We will overcome this one too and we will be better people as the result!

Nader Vanaki

شازده خیلی پسر خوبیه

Nader Vanaki

و هیچ موقع برای این کارها پول از جیبش خرج نکرده و این داستان رو دوستاش از تهران براش تعریف کردن.  پس نتیجه می گیریم که انتوان جکف واقعی و صادق هدایت بدلی هردو در تهران زندگی می کنن و شازده فقط راوی داستانه.   اصل داستان اینه که اگه مفتی بهش تعارف می شد بدش نمیومد یه سانفرانسیسکو با حاج خانمه بره ولی برای خوانندگان داستانش بالاخره باید یه خورده کلاس بزاره تا یه خورده هندونه زیر بغلش بزارن.

Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

Shazdeh: Which one is worse SoS or SoA!?

by Everybody Loves Somebody ... on

God have mercy on Iranian men if and when SoA and the likes will be in charge in Iran! I think every man will be castrated!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

Female vs. Male chauvinism - Black vs. White racism

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on


Female chauvinist: men are mostly just a bunch of "Pigs, A**holes with akhond mentality, and ... mother, sister, wife and daughter!"

Black racist: whites are mostly just a bunch of exploitive, ruthless killers and slave runners, and ... mother, sister, wife and daughter!

FC: men should listen to women, obey their instructions and hail a new age of Maternal Dictatorship ... as described in my 189 page thesis, which I blogged last year and none of you Pigs, A**holes, ... mother, sister and daughter ... read and commented on.

BR: we should eliminate all the white men who are distroying the earth and mate with their females, in order to eradicate the evil white gene.

FC: read my thesis on Maternal Dictatorship !!!

BR: get me some white women !!!

Conclusion: Black Penis Good ... white dingy bad.

khaleh mosheh

A matter of perspective

by khaleh mosheh on

I think SAM's article is written from the point of view of the narrator being a lascivious guy. It is humorous but is also indicative of sex being a basic desire and indeed it shows how prostitution survives as there is a large demand for the type of service provided.

 The other side of the coin of course is the situtaion of the prostitute and naturally this is another story that needs telling .Clearly it will be more of a drama  but with a a talented writier it will be a piece worth reading and perhaps the situation can be redressed this way.