Bacheh enghelaabi

Photo essay: Child of the revolution

by Jahanshah Javid
My cousin, who just returned from a visit to Iran, called today and suggested that there should be some discussion or a dialogue between us and our children's generation. He said many Iranian youths today commonly turn to their parents and say: "We are suffering because YOU made a revolution." I've heard it many times myself, not from my daughter Mahdiyeh, but others. Maybe it's time to give a sincere reply and explain why we did what we did. I'll work on it! For now here's another look back in time on the occasion of Mahdiyeh's birthday, Dec 1, 1982. These photos are from a album my mother made from photos I sent her by mail.

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Colon- Cancer, Sasha, Natalia, Nadia, JJ, Rosie & ....ALL

by Samanoo (not verified) on

Your arguments don’t make sense. The point here is that Millions participated (tricked into participation) in 79 revolution, that was in 1979. According to JJ he was a junior in high school at the time in Hawaii!?!?!, 15-16 years of age. You guys can count, can’t you? These pictures show him at age 20 in 83 and later on, looking like a devoted Hezbollah and bache Etalati. He moved and supported the IRI way after the revolution, after all the massacres in Kurdistan and summer of 1360 and execution of many who were true bache enghelabi, mojahed, fadai, meli, piykari, comalehi, democrate, sardar janghali etc. many of whom were having an arm conflict with the regime after their joint revolution. His title for this post is also misleading and don’t make sense, for he was not a bache engelabi since enghelab happened when he was 15 in Hawaii. How he ends up in a position at IRNA-where even today after all the reforms no non-Hezbollah can and without filtering “gozinesh” work- after being in Hawaii is extremely questionable. In the 80’s the filtering was much much stricter than it is even today for these sensitive positions, after all it is part of the big propaganda machine of the regime. Then he is in England looking the same and later in US with this site. I am just saying that his profile and movements looks very similar to the shady high ranking Etelati guys that had same profile and movements like him before and after revolution, some of whom are in US forming a strong IRI lobby in US. I don’t care who he was and don’t need his apologies, I care what he is and now. He has a lot of explaining and convincing to do. Perhaps if there is ever any justice in the world, he and like him would be summed to a democratic court someday to explain these points I made and can clear his name with hard evidence. But for now let’s hear a simple explanation from him. Mr JJ, the stage is yours.

Rosie T.

To Freedom Fighter / Nowrooz

by Rosie T. on

God bless you too, "FF".

"And in sun's chemical space after rising

There is only sound

Sound absorbing the particles of time.
Why should I stop?"



sorkhi-ye to az man,

zardi-ye man az to.

Misuzam. Misuzam. Marg bar marg.



Let go of your hate

by Colon_Cancer (not verified) on

Okkkkkkkkkk, I am not really Colon Cancer. I just made it up to make a point (like all the other pseudonyms that are floating out there). But I sincerely want to tell some of you that you are confined inside a shield called hatred, and you can not free yourself from it because you can barely move in there, let alone free yourself from it. Yes hate is a strong emotion, as strong as love, and it could last for the rest of your life. But hate is a destructive force that can destroy you and others. So, let go of your hate. Ask someone outside of your realm to break the shield for you.

Free yourself from hate.

marg bar Nefrat.

marg bar marg.

mar bar shahid o ghahraman prasti.

zendeh bad zendegi.

Let go of the hate.


I A & FF ........we know.....

by Sasha on

 Rosie, Colon_Cancer, Natalia Nadia/AKA Sasha and many on this thread do know that a "sincere and official apology" would do greatly in the process to a peaceful dialogue  and unity among Iranians.


However even if those that took part in the Revolution that placed the IRI in power ( those where millions of people), who allowed it to happen do not give the necessary apology and accept their responsibility. A resolution will be found "for the future of Free and Prosperous Iran"  and Iranians in Iran and the Diaspora". People are risking their lives daily in Iran towards the goal of setting Iran free. While we discuss/debate/dialogue/mud sling/attack and so on, Iranians are loosing their lives in Iran because they believe that Iran must and can be set FREE. 


My question is what can we do for Iran and Iranians that are NOW in the actual struggle to set Iran FREE?



Natalia Nadia


Colon- Cancer, Sasha, Natalia, Nadia, JJ, Rosie & ....

by I A & FF (not verified) on

You are right & I will stop, Forget about me, but ask any young Iranian with the right mind and they will tell you: A peaceful dialogue will start with a SINCERE & OFFICIAL APOLOGY by all those who are at fault in the past & continue to defend their EVIL past! EVIL is EVIL Khanoome azziz! If You also want to defend the EVIL and make excuses for him & them, then I have nothing more to tell you...
None of the GUILTY parties (including JJ) have come forward with an honest & sincere apology to pave the way towards unity and peaceful resolution for the future of Free & prosperous Iran & her majority's young women and men.
May God guide you toward the light...
Freedom Fighter


yo crackhead, being sober is

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

yo crackhead, being sober is not the right option for you I'm afraid


The less I'm in contact with

by Another lost iranian in France (not verified) on

The less I'm in contact with iranians, the better I feel be khoda. Visiting this webiste once in while is largely enough to feed my iranian cultural side (apart from my weekly kabob injection) specially when I realize how fucked up we are.

I want to become japanese.

p.s : hey HajiAgha, kam peyda shodi, what happened, did you finally achived your ultimate life goal : getting L A I D with a white canadian chick ?


Re: Kouroush Sassanian, IA &FF and others making...........

by Sasha on

 Is this what it is all about? Do you behave this way normally in public when using your real names and people can see your identities? Are you not capable of having a civilized and intelligent discussion on politics and other matters?


Is this how you want the world to see Iranians because others do come to read what we are writing? Is this the example you want to set to the younger generation of Iranians? They truly want answers. They need answers and not to see Iranians insulting each other. There is already enough pain, sorrow, recentment, anguish and enough Iranian blood spilled to last anyone a life time.


It is time to focus on a viable solution to set Iran Free. To figure out how to help those in Iran. We need solutions not futher problems.



Natalia Nadia



by Samanoo (not verified) on

People, having the misfortune of witnessing how etelatiha hack and work and how intelligence ministry is interested in profiling and gathering info on the net especially on the opposition or potential opposition forming outside iran, (they already have all opposition profiled and under their thumb in Iran), I suggest to you to use anonymous proxy servers when accessing this site and make sure you leave no trails of personal info that can later be tracked back to you. There are lot of info on you computer that can be hacked so use caution and very strict settings for your browser, the least, when using sites like this. I smell rat here, he may be innocent or not or have changed (though my personal view is contrary to that claim) but better be cautious than sorry. JJ: you censor this like my last cautionary comment and I will know for sure that you are a “Anten” (Etelati) and use other means to expose you and your mission with your site on the net and beyond. There are many various ways to do that. So do the sensible thing. I didn’t use any derogatory language or drew any absolute conclusions, just giving a general cautionary advice to my fellow Hamvatans, things they should’ve already been doing when surfing the net, and expressing my own PERSONAL VIEWS. Let them do their own judgment.
Thank u all



by Atafeh (not verified) on



Kiosk concert!

by IA & FF (not verified) on

I Found who you are Mr. Atheist (Aka Colon/Ass- Cancer)!
I'll be waiting for you at the Kiosk concert (Oct. 7th)
You are making a threat against peaceful & civilized people? OK, Gay man ! I'll show you...I want you to say hello to my little friend at the concert... :-)


Guantanama Bay vacation... :-)

by Freedom Fighter (not verified) on

Dear Colon- Cancer,
YOu need a vacation!!!
We would like to send you a one way ticket (Christmas gift)to sunny island of Guantanama... It seems that San Francisco is a little cold for you these days!!! You want us to go to doctor! OK sweetie, I'll go for a check up! As for you, please expect our free gift (vacation ticket including air fair) at a 5 stars resort, so you can join the rest of your brothers for a nice long vacation... (you really need it Koochooloo).
Happy Holidays...
P.S. For you only, It will be special delivered at your door by a U.S. Federal Marshall...


Guys the new Iranian

by Anonymousa (not verified) on

Guys the new Iranian generation are damn right, for the first time Iranians are looking at politics through self interest rather than pure emotion.

I am currently travelling in North Africa on business and cannot leave my hotel room for a walk because of the stench of garbage on every street and beach and and and..... Begou Marg Bar Shah!

There has never been a nation collectively as mad as Iranians and JJ your cousin is wrong, he should hang his head in shame and recognize that there is nothing he can say to justify our collective madness.


RE: Irani & Azaad..I thought you might want to know............

by Sasha on

 I just thought you might want to know that Colon_Cancer is an atheist. He is actually very proud of it too. He told us about it in another section of this website. I also think he told us, he was not in Iran in 1979 when all the events took place that led to the placement of the IRI.


I just thought I would clarify it before he comes back and tells you so. You know, not as nicely as me. :o)


Have a nice day. :o)



Natalia Nadia


What about the war

by Anonymous_yekroo (not verified) on


How come you didnt go to the war? How come you went to London in 1985 while the whole country was mamnoo khorooj...mmmmm...fishy...fishy....fishy

Rosie T.

To various:who've addressed me: / PS STOP!

by Rosie T. on


Now to my original post:



To Niki: Thanks for the info. I truly believe Truth and Reconcilation is the ONLY way for any nation at this time. The global situation is just too dire. Mercy MUST triumph over Justice or our collective goose is cooked. .

To the shut-the-fuck-uppers: I'm guessing you didn't like me much even before this thread so perhaps you're not reading me closely. I'm HIGHLY critical of JJ here. Our differences (yours and mine) are simply that I consider his actions, this website, an apology and you don't. And that's fine and it's that simple. So I'm with you now just because you exist as a group with heartfelt convictions. So I'm waiting for him to address your concerns squarely, with as little ego as possible as befits a leader. So stop fucking cursing will you, you cocksuckers? :D :D :D You only undermine your legitimate concerns. when you do.

Aquaman wrote: "And Rosie, please stop apologizing for Mr. Javid... He is an Iranian who understands the culture & sentiment of Iranians. He knows how he can put a stop to all this..."

If his being Iranian were the criterion for putting a stop to "all this," "all this" would've stopped long ago, I mean ALL THIS in capital letters...ALL of it...And I agree with you wholeheartedly, he KNOWS how to stop this, as do the others, and that's why I keep using the mirror imagery...but you forgot to say one thing: JJ's not just Iranian, he's an Iranian MAN, as are most of his attackers. So pride gets in the way.  And I have rarely seen an Iranian man apologize for a misquote on this website, let alone for an entire decade of his life and accusations of being a murder. To quote JJ from his last blog: "How disingenuous."

 To "Spinal Tap": Hmmm...spinal fluid does come to mind.

Well, as I've done in this post, from now on I'll only post here if someone addresses a post to me.  So don't tell me to shut up again, anyone,  if you REALLY want me to shut up, because you can be SURE I'll reply to you if you do...

Good luck,
Robin Jayne Goldsmith


Colon cancer, you are the real scum bag...

by Irani & Azaad (not verified) on

How about coming out like a real man & identify yourself and beg for mercy ! Inflicting pain? Are you kidding? Watch out you Terrorist Asshole!!! You and your Islamic Republic's terrorist/agents will soon be arrested by Homeland Security (in USA) & it's affiliate in other parts of the world for your crimes against humanity... You have already been reported... You are not even safe in IRAN anymore...
Try me bitch...


To all the assholes out there

by Colon_Cancer (not verified) on

I want to tell the assholes that are attacking JJ that he is friend and he never has to worry about me ever give him a hard time. But, for the rest you hatemonger I am on you like a plague. You better check with doctors regularly, as a matter of fact make an appointment right now just to be sure. From now this is how it’s going to be, either you let go of hate or I’ll inflict so much pain on you that forever you will sorry you said a hateful word in your life. What do you guys want to do? Kill your local shoemaker, teacher, grocery store owner, and anybody else, and all the Iranians with an Arabic name? When does all this hate is going to stop?

I, my self, don’t have to comply with the above rule. It’s my nature to get rid of assholes like you. So, here are the people who need to worry about their future (unless if they immediately post comments to declare their desire for a more peaceful solution): Kouroush Sassanian, Scammer, Anonymous432, Man-nabodam Dastam Bood, Irani & Azaad (B.S. Freedom Fighter), Ostovar II, Samanoo, Anonymous-yekro.

Have a rectum examination right away


We are just getting a headache with Rosie's nonsense

by We are just getting a headache (not verified) on

We are just getting a headache with Rosie's nonsense left and right. You have littered this site with bullshit and keep babbling. Just use the US constitution and shut the fuck up and let us take a nap!


Re: Observer and Yes Rosie shut the .........up!

by Sasha on

 The Bill of Rights of the US Constitution provides for the freedom of speech. Just like you feel you have the right to speak in a derogoratory and dehumanizing way, Rosie has the right to express her opinions.


By the way in case you did not notice many on this thread are able to express themselves intelligently even though they have endured great hardship due to the IRI and other circumstances.




We are not living in Iran in which there is no freedom of speech.



Natalia Nadia


Yes Rosie shut the fuck up!

by Yes Rosie shut the fuck up! (not verified) on

Yes Rosie shut the fuck up!



by Aquaman (not verified) on

Samanoo does make a lot of sense, Sorry JJ, but the pictures are very wrong!!! The more you connect, how you first lived in the U.S. (Hawaii) and then going back to Tehran (Narmak) & then U.K. & back to the U.S with the profession you had & continue to have, the more suspicious the picture becomes...
Maybe, you had a change of heart! And that is OK, but if you are honest, you should apologize to ALL IRANIANS & IRAN who suffered, displaced & were victims of this Islamic revolution...
And Rosie, please stop apologizing for Mr. Javid... He is an Iranian who understands the culture & sentiment of Iranians. He knows how he can put a stop to all this...
Note: The American & Persian (middle Eastern ) mentalities are quit different! For example, Had the United States government, sincerly apologized to the all those people who have had suffered due to their unfair foreign policy in Middle East, I strongly believe The United States would have been in a much better & safer situation today...

Niki Tehranchi

Truth and Reconciliation

by Niki Tehranchi on

It worked in South Africa because they gave immunity in order for the criminals to come forward and speak how they had tortured, imprisoned and murdered thousands.  That was a HUGE pill to swallow.  Back in uni, I asked my professor, who was a Judge sitting on that commission, why?  He said because otherwise South Africa risked continuing having two histories: one version for the whites, one version for the blacks.  They wanted to ensure a new beginning, and a history that encompasses everything that happened good and bad (lots and lots of bad) so there is no question about it and they can move to the future as ONE.  But would that model work in Iran? 


RT, with all due respect . . .

by Observer... (not verified) on

shut the f*k up! JJ has not apologized to anyone. Show us where he has apologized. You seem to be doing all the apologizing for him here.


Khak too saram shod

by Anonymous_yekroo (not verified) on

How could you?

You looked like and ASS. The sight of the picture of KHOMEINI in your room/house was like a dagger penetrating my heart. You were a HEZBOLLAHI...when did you see the light. It takes guts to put these pictures online, but wooooow. Have you really changed? Or is Dorooi one of your traits?

Rosie T.

Fair Judge: Truth and Reconciliation

by Rosie T. on

My dear Judge: I have spoken tirelessly on this website about the Truth and Reconciliation process that went on neighborhood ny neighborhood, community by community, from grassroots to government levels in order to forge a new South Africa. Elsewhere I have advocated it for Israel/Palestine and a one-state solution. TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION IS THE ONLY SALVATION OF THE FUTURE OF THIS PLANET. South African blacks did NOT choose to expel or punish the white masters, they chose this path instead. And they were also willing, those terribly victimized blacks, in these meetings, to admit when THEY TOO had done wrong to the whites n an individual basis. The New South Africa is a troubled and tentative democracy, but she is trying, and that is enough for the moment.

You and I differ about the question of apology and that is fine. I believe JJ HAS apologized by his actions, has shown truth and reconcilation, and you believe otherwise. And that is fine. And to mysurprise and disappointment I found JJ's response has served to corroborate your viewpoint, not mine. That doesn't change my faith in him whatsoever and I still think his response was due to factors I've mentioned below. I hope he is learning from all this, as we all are.

When he first published this photo essay I had fervently hoped, and expressed this hope, that most readers would agree with ME that his ACTIONS over the past twelve years constitue a sufficient apology and that the conversation between generations which he proposed should focus on EXPLANATIONS, not blame. However this did not turn out to be the case. Many obviously don't agree with me and even if it's only a minority, it's a vocal minority speaking from conviction, and more importantly, from suffering and pain. So that is that. These concerns have been voiced, they exist, they are loud and clear, the suffering people who voice them exist, they are part of this community whose underlying purpose as I understand it is to find enough common ground to forge a viable democratic Iranand so I now defer to you. Your concerns, which most most cogently represent the voice of this group, must be addressed.



Thank you for sharing....

by AnonymousJPN (not verified) on

Thank you for sharing these pictures with us. You all look very pretty. Please share more pictures....


HeFFzolahi ya Eteleati, I think both

by Samanoo (not verified) on

Hmmm, you were a junior in high school in Hawaii and then all of sudden you are sitting in Narmak, living in a single room that looks like Amadinejad’s house (Ironically his 2 room house is/was in Narmak) and you, your wife and entire family look like heFFFzolahi and komitechii working for Iran news agency. No ordinary guy could’ve ever gone through “gozinesh” and filtering to happen to just work for IRNA. You had to be a pretty devoted hefzolahi AND much further than that a Eteleati to even be considered to work for such a sensitive organization close to velayat fagihe. Then you are in Britain still having the same etelati look. Again no ordinary guy would be sponsored to go abroad without being part of intelligence ministry to spy and orchestrate terrorist acts against opposition (don’t tell me out of that shit hole in namak you had the money to go to Britain) and then all of sudden you are in US and starting this site with just your pocket money ;;;( something is very wrong with this picture. Knowing and seeing how bache Etelatiya/sepaha ghodsiya operate, you pretty much fit the profile.


Rosie, Thanks for clearing the misunderstanding but

by The Fair Judge (not verified) on

Rosie, thanks for clearing the misunderstanding as I thought you had meant something different.
But we have to see things as they are and JJ's actions in creating this website is not an act of apology. It is an act of having changed his opinion and having developed a new mindset and value system over time. This is different to expressing a direct apology, which is important.
However, when I say " should apologise", I am not singularly referring to JJ. I am actually referring to all those who had a hand in varying degrees in the establishment of the revolution,.... and my god there are so many of them!!!!
Let me reiterate that it is not for the benefit of people like me who lost loved ones, to get self satisfaction out of this.
This is a process of national healing and one of the fundamentals of this is an explicit apology to the whole nation. Not just to me.
It is unfortunbate that the majority of Iranians in general cannot take criticism and they do not learn from other countries.
Mandela showed us how it should and could be done in the early and mid 90s. And although we don't have leaders of his calibre, we can learn a lot from him and others such as Gandhi.
I have seen three or four comments here which seem to be along the lines of advocating a reconciliation, and this is encouraging.
Can I ask all those who believe we should take this route, to leave a short note here?? Just a line would be great so that we can see how many are ready for this. Particualrly I would like to hear from those who lost loved ones and whose lives were directly affected by the revolution.


I will forgive you if...

by Freedom fighter AKA Irani & Azaad (not verified) on

To all you so called Iranian who betrayed your Motherland,
I will forgive you, if you come out like JJ...But also, you have to admit,confess and apologize for your crimes (directly and indirectly)against Iran ,Iranians & most importantly those who were/are jailed, torchered and killed (and their families)by the criminal Islamic Republic that you support and or helped!
I am still alive & will continue my fight against this criminal regime...
My only hope are the young Iranians (especially the ones inside IRAN) who are the future & identity of our Motherland. Please believe that some of us tried really hard in the past & if alive, will continue... Thousands of true human beings who happened to be also Iranians, lost their lives for your freedom & prosperity in the future... Please remember & do your best for Freedom & IRAN...
God bless you,
Freedom fighter