Bacheh enghelaabi

Photo essay: Child of the revolution

by Jahanshah Javid
My cousin, who just returned from a visit to Iran, called today and suggested that there should be some discussion or a dialogue between us and our children's generation. He said many Iranian youths today commonly turn to their parents and say: "We are suffering because YOU made a revolution." I've heard it many times myself, not from my daughter Mahdiyeh, but others. Maybe it's time to give a sincere reply and explain why we did what we did. I'll work on it! For now here's another look back in time on the occasion of Mahdiyeh's birthday, Dec 1, 1982. These photos are from a album my mother made from photos I sent her by mail.

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What about...

by Anonymous Fan (still...) (not verified) on

this beautiful child he's giving all of you now? What about the life that his generation gave you? Isn't it enough for the moment?
Every person, every generation, does the best they can. The intellectuals who supported Khomeini were caught in a very complex historical moment. They made mistakes. They know it. They were also the children of their parents and their times, as you are of them.
Tell him how extraordinarily beautiful his daughter is, and what a loving father he obviously is, and what a gift he gives you by sharing this with you. That will help to heal old wounds when you have the unavoidable conversation about ultimate responsibility.
JJ, you go out...and take some new photos! Like the ones you used to take all the time..of all the events in the Bay Area. The ones with the amazing close-ups, you know, of people's shoes and fingernails and flies on the makes you so happy...and they're so good...


Quit the Blame Game

by BachehJavan (not verified) on

Its stupid for the youth (ppl like me, I was born in '82) to blame people like you (like my parents, like alot of youths parents who were young students at the time). If thats how they talk, they are ignorant of their own countrys history. So they want someone to blame? Blame the Pahlavis, Blame Khomeini, blame Westernization, blame Islam, blame Imam Hussien, blame the 2500th anniversary parties, the vacays to Italia, blame the CIA coup in '53, blame Mossadegh, blame the Mujahedeen, blame the Tudeh party, blame SAVAK, blame Shariati, Bazargan too, blame Sharia law, blame Taqqiyeh, blame the US fucking A, blame the demonstrations, blame Black Friday, blame Air France, blame the rich, blame the poor, but blame you guys?? a bunch of students??? YOU were responsible for the revolution, haha.. You know what, Shit happens (thats what your cousin should tell his/her kid). If it wasnt an Islamic revolution, either way with how shit was going.. There would have been A revolution. Anyhow, its about what you believe now. Hell, if it wasnt for those pro-IRI student gatherings, my parents wouldnt have met and I wouldnt have been made. Did the revolution turn out Iran the way they thought it would be? hell no... but life went on and its still going on. There is no point in looking into the past and playing the blame game, esp. by youths who have no idea what their parents/aunts/uncles went through during those days.. they need to focus on Iran NOW.


Please do not forget. But, forgive me.

by Suffered (not verified) on

I offer my apology to all Iranians.
Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Please do not forget. But, forgive me.


I agree there should be......

by Sasha on

 I agree there should be a dialogue between the generations for both to understand what happened so long ago and why. Also, so that future generations will never forget the errors of the past in hopes that they do not repeat them in the future.

Natalia Nadia


I am glad you asked

by Tahirih (not verified) on

Mr Javid:I have been praying for a while to be able to forgive people who committed the acts of crulty on my community .Your article is the first step in my healing.Please help me to understand how your generation closed your eye on things that happend to Mona Mahmodnejad and her 9 female companions.You may ask who was she?In that case I like you to go to .She was a 16 year old girl from Shiraz that was arrested with her father and 9 female companions for just being Bahai's.they suffered intense psychological and physical torture for several months.Her father was executed on march 12,1983.She along side 9 other female companions were hanged on June18,1983.
What on earth can justify this?


que sera sera.......

by Lost Child of Revolution (not verified) on

I was born after the revolution and I mostly blame those who were 'college educated' for the revolution. The reason for this is because you guys thought that because you had the education, during a time in Iran where a college degree was very important, you had all the answers. But you forgot that a degree is just a piece of paper and the reality is no body has the right answer for a good and just governance. The reason we don't have a revolution is because people know this and believe that they need to work toward improving the current infristractures. Too bad people didn't realize this before. Its going to be much more difficult to do this now....