اين مطلبي قديمي است فقط براي امتحان فارسي نويسي اينجا مي گذارمش
بگذار برایت تعریف کنم که همین چند شب قبل در خانه کوچک ما چه گذشت.
About three years ago I had the pleasure of becoming friends with JJ and I can say amongst the first things I asked the man was the million dollar question, when are you going to update the site?
افتتاح عنقریب ورسیون جدید گازته الکتریک
سلام. این مطلب برای امتحان فارسی نویسی در ایرانیان دات کام عزیز و اینبار جدید نوشته شده.
هر چند این اولین باری است که من در ایرانیان مطلب می نویسم اما امیدوارم نظرات و انتقادات خوانندگان فهمیم اینجا کمکی باشد که بتوانم تمرین نوشتن را ادامه دهم.
بالاخره ایرانیان هم به فارسی یونیکد روی خوش نشون داد که بسی مایه خوشحالیه برای افرادی مثل من که فارسی اشون بهتره!
تولد دوباره ات مبارك اي شهر فرنگ
توی کافی شاپ محبوبم مشغول کار/درس خواندن هستم. کلاسهایم هنوز شروع نشده برایشان هزاران کار باید بکنم.
To those who don't know him, the "Nothing Is Sacred" phrase might appear as just another slogan, a cliché.
Chomsky has always condemned the undemocratic nature of the IRI and its violations of human rights
Chomsky’s claim that wild statements made by Iran’s leadership are mistranslated is absolutely correct. That is very easy to check for yourself. And Chomsky would know that because, well, he’s a linguist to put it lightly! He knows where to find the resources for translating it. It should also be mentioned that while Chomsky has pointed out the inaccuracies of the translations of such statements, he has always condemned the nature of these statements. Peyvand Khorsandi gives the impression that Noam Chomsky is pro-Islamic Republic. This is categorically false. Chomsky has always condemned the undemocratic nature of the regime and its violations of human rights. I challenge Mr. Khorsandi to find one example to the contrary.
This summer season’s nationwide public execution tour has a strange new twist to them
by Shahriar Zangeneh
A strange trend is unfolding in the Islamic Republic of Iran. True, it would have to be incredibly strange phenomena to be considered as strange in the context of the Allah-land. And yet there it is in color photographs, even in professionally produced videos alongside the grainy mobile phone-video variety from different parts of the country... The advent of a new uniformed “Morality Corp” tasked to oversee populace’s adherence to heavenly prescribed mode of conduct which includes dress code barely worth’s the mention. It is none of those or a laptop full of other listed oddities that are modus operandi for the Islamic Sultanate.
It is not the Muslim who is blind from hatred
To narrow down all Muslims as sheep, and implying that all Muslims do is concern themselves with hatred of Jews and Baha'is, and which hand to use to wash themselves is not only ridiculous, but if it was about Jews it would be slammed down as downright anti-Semitic. I, a practicing Muslim, have both Jewish and Baha'i friends, and even if the myth was true about concerning myself of which hand to use to wash myself (which is not a concern of a Muslim), I would say that it is ridiculous to think that somehow any of this would blind site me of the realities around me.