Trilateral Commission: Global Elite Gather in D.C.

Food for Thought


American Free Press / James P. Tucker Jr.
recommended by Food for Thought
09-May-2008 (one comment)
09-May-2008 (4 comments)

Every word written or read with this alien alphabet is an insult to our collective self.This choice was made for us through brutal force.Time to dump it & bury it in the dirt along with the rest of the invader,s culture & memoribilia!!

09-May-2008 (12 comments)
Some observations on my most recent trip to Iran. >>>
 I would like to invite all of you to please view this link and please please please have a heart and see if there is anything we as Iranians abroad can do. Thank you JJ and thank you all. >>>

What Happened to once Great America?


Americans selling stuff to pay rising bills / AP
recommended by almo5000
09-May-2008 (7 comments)
ebi amirhosseini
09-May-2008 (one comment)
 مهدی اخوان ثالث >>>
Mona 19
09-May-2008 (2 comments)
Happy Mother's Day....Please Enjoy, and Have a Great Weekend :) >>>
Bang Man
09-May-2008 (4 comments)

Did you know the Austrian Man who Raped Daughter was a JEW!

of course you did not. LISTEN to what the media will not tell you



Mother’s Day
09-May-2008 (9 comments)
Before I became “Mother”
Worry was just a word
Sleep meant long, peaceful nights
Didn’t need fairytales, lullabies or sweet lies
Before I encountered motherhood
Tiny fingers wouldn’t tug at my heart
Someone else’s pain couldn’t make me die >>>


كاتوليك‌هاي ديروز، مسلمانان امروز

در حاشيه ديدار پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم از آمريكا

09-May-2008 (5 comments)
سه سال قبل كاتوليك‌هاي آمريكايي براي انتخاب پاپي دعا مي‌كردند كه مدرن ستيز نباشد و به نص و روح اصول مصوبه در شوراي دوم واتيكان (سال 1965) وفادار باشد. مثلي است كه مي‌گويند خداوند همه دعا‌ها را مي‌شنود ولي بعضي اوقات جواب حضرت باري <نه> است. مسلمانان در آن روزها دستي به دعا نداشتند، ولي شايد بهتر بود آنها هم دعا مي‌كردند.به‌محض اينكه كاردينال راتزينگر سابق <تيارا>ي رهبري كاتوليك‌هاي جهان را بر سر گذاشت، اسقف مايكل فيتز جرالد كه از سوي پاپ جان پل دوم مسوول گفتمان با مسلمانان بود با تقليل منصب به‌كار ديگري گمارده شد و راهبان فرانسيسكن از مذاكراتشان با مسلمانان منع شدند. پنج ماه بعد در دانشگاه ريگنزبرگ پاپ بنديكت شانزدهم اسلا‌م را مستقيما مورد حمله قرار داد.>>>


The Sound and the Fury

The Sound and the Fury

Photo essay: Visiting New York, the vertical city

by Orang Gholikhani
09-May-2008 (8 comments)


09-May-2008 (one comment)
The main suspect who had a direct role in the bombing had been arrested armed in one of northern cities>>>
SCE Campaign
09-May-2008 (one comment)

Excerpts from a letter by Behnoud Shojaee to the victim's mother
translated by Nazy Kaviani



Do you feel it?

Almost 100 signs of getting older

09-May-2008 (6 comments)
When I look intently at my black and white picture on my high school diploma, I realize how the passage of time has taken its toll on me. I remember when I was a kid, any time I did something nice for older people; they wished me to get old, elahi peer beshi. Now, that prayer has been almost answered and I am getting older. But believe me it is not much fun to get old. An aged man is like an old car, out of warranty with not much horse power, going up the hill and breathing rapidly but hardly. The pace of life becomes slower and slower with age. The only thing that is easier to do when you are older is waiting>>>


Paris catacombs

Death is always chasing us

Underneath Paris
There is a network of subterranean
Chambers and passages
Extending hundreds of kilometers
From the Roman-era
Near the end of the 18th century
When real estate was scarce
While the cemeteries were full
Some of the quarries
Converted into a mass tomb >>>