persian westender
02-May-2008 (12 comments)
None >>>
ebi amirhosseini
02-May-2008 (4 comments)
Performed by Darya Dadvar >>>
SCE Campaign
اصل 2 اعلا‌ميه جهاني حقوق كودك مقرر نموده كه كودك بايد از حمايت ويژه برخوردار شود >>>
ebi amirhosseini

 A documentary about Omid- e -Mehr Foundation. >>>

پول نفت را نخواستیم

02-May-2008 (one comment)
Iranian officials also state that Al-Qaeda is constantly posing a threat to them... >>>
02-May-2008 (10 comments)
The International Book Fair in Tehran (May, 2008) is the biggest book fair in the Middle East with ... >>>


Say you're sorry

Clinton's "Obliteration" remark is genocidal

02-May-2008 (66 comments)
Senator Clinton should apologize for using a genocidal term during her campaign. Her recent remark-- stating that if Iranians were to launch a nuclear attack against Israel, the United States would be able to obliterate Iran -- is out of the line, politically inappropriate, and reflects a hawkish approach toward foreign policy based on the Bush administration model. Even neoconservative warmongers who have been saber rattling with Iran over the past 8 years have never used such a term. If the media were not distracted by Rev. Wright's controversial remarks, this comment would cause a huge backlash against Clinton. >>>


A plus

Iranian Scholarship Foundation gala brought in over half a million dollars

02-May-2008 (21 comments)
Actor-Comedian Maz Jobarani finagled his complicated schedule so he could accept Iranian Scholarship Foundation’s invitation to speak at their fundraising gala. An alternate choice for the event had been graphic novelist Marjane Satrapi. But Jobrani was more stubbornly persuasive in beating back his schedulers. A stellar cluster of young Iranian scholars needed his support, and no other engagement seemed more important. Jobrani immediately challenged his audience with a hilariously multi-layered routine about how his mother wanted him to be a lawyer--when he really wanted to be an actor. >>>



Its message and origins

02-May-2008 (56 comments)
Purim is one of the most Persian of Jewish festivals. The story is essentially about how Haman, the Amalekite vizier (not a Persian), tried to abuse his power to massacre all Jews and how this was thwarted by the courage of the Jewish Queen Esther, the wisdom of his uncle Mordechai and the decree of the King Achashverosh of Persia (usually identified with Xerxes) who commanded that Haman and his offsprings be executed on the same platform they had prepared for Mordechai>>>


 بالا تر از شعار

فقدان «منافع مشترک» در خارج از کشور

خارج کشوری ها می توانند در راستای شراکت در امر سياسی ناظر بر داخل کشور به امکانات و توانائی های عملی خود بيانديشند و برای هموار کردن راهی که به انحلال حکومت اسلامی در ايران بيانجامد در ابعاد کارآمدتر توانائی خود عمل کنند. من، متأسفانه، تأسيس حزب و ايجاد اتحاديه های سياسی را از جملهء اين اقدامات نمی بينم و حتی اينگونه فعاليت ها را موجب عقب افتادن کار و اتلاف انرژی تلقی می کنم. اين احزاب و اتحاديه ها، که نطفه شان در لوله های لابراتواری خارج کشور بسته شده و در فضاهای آزاد و فارغ از وبال بال رشد می کنند، در فردای تغيير رژيم در ايران نخواهند توانست نقشی مؤثر بازی کنند. >>>


نام های عزيز

بيدار شو!

02-May-2008 (2 comments)
هزار و يک شب از سنگ های آتش گذشتم
هزار و يک شب از صخره های ذوب شده،
قلعه های سنگ باران
و تازيانه های درد
خواب بودی و جادو، و نمی ديدی
که خورشيد از زخم هايم سر می کشد
Jahanshah Javid
02-May-2008 (17 comments)
This video really made me laugh. You see a while back I was facing a major major crisis>>>
02-May-2008 (2 comments)
MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the US has a special upcoming issue devoted to Iranian American Literature! >>>

may the force be by those who hear me out, literally and seriously.
