Jahanshah Javid
01-Feb-2009 (6 comments)
I was just chatting with our tech guru Foaad and he said "I'm organizing this world-wide event. I designed the website and am running the show in Santa Cruz." Wawawhat?! >>>

Talking Turkey About Erdogan and the Kurds

rosie is roxy is roshan

Interview with Kurdish Author Muhsin Kizilkaya on Kurdish TRT

Turkish Weekly
01-Feb-2009 (one comment)

Another Bush Policy?


Obama preserves renditions as counter-terrorism tool

LA Times / Greg Miller
recommended by capt_ayhab


صیغه شدم

از دفتر حاج آقا منصوری که در آمدیم، یکراست رفتیم هتل گچسر در جاده’ چالوس

01-Feb-2009 (54 comments)
وقتی شبی با مردی آشنا شدم که به شدت برایم جذاب بود، تا صبح کلافه بودم و خوابم نمی برد. وقتی بار دوم در منزل همان دوست دوباره دیدمش و ازش بیشتر خوشم آمد، لابلای حرفها معلوم شد که در حال طلاق از همسرش است. شب خوبی بود، سرهامان گرم شده بود و کمی علف هم کشیدیم. در گوشه ای از اتاق صاحبخانه پیش هم نشسته بودیم. سرش را آورد دم گوشم و گفت: امشب چه خوشگل شدی. برای من تعریف یک مرد غریبه از زیباییم که ممکن است راست باشد و ممکن است دروغ، هرگز راضی کننده نیست. اگر کسی که دوستش بدارم به من بگوید امشب چه خوشگل شدی، چرا، اما نه یک غریبه که بار دومش بود مرا می دید. اما پیغام او جای دیگری در ذهن و در وسط بدنم ثبت شد. او مرا می خواهد.>>>

UN World Food Programme: things don't look so hot

rosie is roxy is roshan

Gaza desperately short of food after Israel destroys farmland

01-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Spain's press photo-interviews young Iranians


El Irán del siglo XXI

recommended by irannostalgia.com
01-Feb-2009 (2 comments)


Iranian or Persian
01-Feb-2009 (one comment)
When someone asks me about my background
To the curious mind, I don’t say a Persian kind
I am not Persian like a lovely cat or lamb
Neither Persian like summer cucumber or melon
My language is called Persian, rightly
I don’t get upset if it is called Farsi
Persian words do not march aimlessly for me
Instead they are needed to read kadkani and Rumi >>>

Hamas and Abbas to visit Cairo tomorrow

rosie is roxy is roshan

Hamas reportedly okays 1-year Gaza truce

jerusalem post
01-Feb-2009 (4 comments)

Iran's Thorniest Issue

Navid K

Iran's police seizes 1,000 kg drugs and detains 14 smugglers

China View
recommended by Navid K
01-Feb-2009 (15 comments)
With President Barack Hussein Obama’s Islamic pedigree, drastic change of if not substance definitely tone and intellectually leftist leanings at the helm, the triumvirate of doom and gloom has been dealt a severe blow that most are still punch-drunk from it>>>

Catastrophic misjudgement indeed...


Recalling the Ayatollah's return

recommended by Haleh
01-Feb-2009 (2 comments)
Composed by Beethoven when he was completely deaf, this amazing piece is regarded by many as the greatest composition of all time. >>>
01-Feb-2009 (one comment)
Singing about dream of an ancient connection from a past life Nazanin describes with intrigue her emotions. >>>
01-Feb-2009 (one comment)

یاد آن روزها بخیر...

Darius Kadivar
Former Polish president Lech Walesa (L) and Iranian Nobel prize laureate Shirin Ebadi give a press conference before a "Solidarity for the future" conference (last December in Gdansk. Poland >>>