How should we spell Norooz, or however it's supposed to be spelled?
Leftist NY Times has yet again failed to understand the reality.
Progressive and democratic Iranian groups condemn the reactionary fundamentalist regime's misogynist policies on Iranian women.
To quaify, you have to have done something truly ridiculous and
moronic, and hurt or embarassed the general image of yourself and/or
Many times I have come across people who simply want to prove that they are right
Over 30 years ago in Tehran, I worked with an American who was a native of Virginia and had spent most of his life in the Middle East working on engineering projects. He had lived and worked in such countries as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and many Persian Gulf States. We used to discuss many topics from life in America to historical sites in Iran, and of course politics. He showed a great deal of interest in Iran and the people of Middle East. I asked him after spending so many years in Iran and the region, what he thought was the biggest problem facing the people? His answer amazed me to this date