Toward that Endless Plain, a concerto for Persian ney by Iranian-born composer Reza Vali, will be broadcast across the US in conjunction with the Persian new year
There are far too many horror stories regarding Muslim’s crimes against Bahais
I just finished reading yet another article regarding the Bahai faith in the Iranian. It seems as if the more I read about such topics, the more I realize how closed-minded we remain. I do not practice any organized religion, yet I do respect them all for bringing peace to a majority of mankind. Years ago, when my children asked me about my faith and wanted to know what theirs should be, I told them I believe in a supreme power, one far beyond man's understanding. And, when they wanted to know to whom I prayed, my response began with stories of the old telephone system and how people needed an operator to be connected.
وقتی توی اتاق خوابم جلوی آینه رختامو می کندم که مایومو بپوشم، تو آینه دیدمش
شنبه صبح وقتی داشتم ناهار درست می کردم، افشین زنگ زد و گفت سرما خورده نمیتونه بیاد. گفتم "تو چله’ تابستون چه وقت سرماخوردگیه، طفلکی!" سر ظهر آمد. پسر بیست و پنج شش ساله’ خوش قد و بالایی بود و موهاشو پشت سرش دمب اسبی کرده بود. نهار آوردم. یک پارچ سانگریای خوشرنگ و خوشمزه هم درست کرده بودم که با هم می خوردیم و گپ میزدیم. صحبتمان بعد از نهار به خانواده اش و تحصیلش کشید. دانشجوی دکترا بود. تعجب کردم. گفتم حتما خیلی باهوشی! لبخند خجولی زد. نمیدونم چرا شیطون رفته بود زیر پوستم و دلم می خواست سر بسرش بذارم. پرسید "افشین خان نمیان؟" تازه یادم افتاد بهش بگم افشین سرما خورده. یادم آمد بهش گفته بودم میتونه بره استخر. گفتم "دلت می خواد بری شنا؟" گفت "تنهایی؟ نه." گفتم "باشه منم باهات میام."
It seems that one doesn’t have to wait four years to find out that Hillary Clinton is just a fraud, very much like her predecessor in the job, Condoleezza Rice.
You cross your 't's and dot your 'i's
And there is no missing hump in your 'm's
You loop your 'y's, 'j' and 'g's
And your words do not fall below the lines
Your paper shines like marble
And your words are deeply etched
As if you were a rock climber
Who pounds the nail in the rock
To make steady footholds
For International Women’s Day
On the splendid plateau of my land
For the last thirty years of choked breath
Cloaked bearded men of Islamic brand
Time-traveller tyrants from old Arabia
Have planted phallic bars of Sharia Law
And celebrated dark demons of deceit
With dictators of worst kind in command
Dream to fly over the rainbow so high else Smokem if you gotm
We all women pray. On this day, let the Lord answer this one. Enjoy this naughty poem and be merry.