Flashback: Jalal Ali Ahmad's "Westernization"

Shah Ghollam

Iran and the West: Hardened fronts the not unexpected result of the western “stunt”

WorldPress / Notsilvia Night
recommended by Shah Ghollam
02-Jul-2009 (5 comments)

Ethnic Cleansing as State Policy

Shah Ghollam

Netan Yaboo's "Peace" Plan

recommended by Shah Ghollam
02-Jul-2009 (3 comments)

Israel kills a Neda everyday, where is the media?

Shah Ghollam

7-Year-Old Palestinian Girl Martyred by Israeli Tank Fire in Gaza

atheonews / atheonews
recommended by Shah Ghollam
02-Jul-2009 (3 comments)

Shame on Obama

Shah Ghollam

Emergency Email to Obama Re Gaza

afterdowningstreet / Cindy Sheehan
recommended by Shah Ghollam
02-Jul-2009 (one comment)

The children of Zion and their own Auschwitz

Shah Ghollam

How Israel's naval blockade denies Gazans food, aid

CSmonitor / Mel Frykberg
recommended by Shah Ghollam

game over

Jahanshah Javid

Iran Unrest Shifts Power Dynamics

Washington Post / Tara Bahrampour
recommended by Jahanshah Javid
02-Jul-2009 (one comment)

Staying away

Jahanshah Javid

Iran's Ahmadinejad faces diplomatic isolation

Los Angeles Times / Jeffrey Fleishman and Borzou Daragahi
recommended by Jahanshah Javid

Finally, Washington dicloses it to the public

Shah Ghollam

US Lawmakers Call For Supporting Terrorists In Iran

Anti War / Charles Davis
recommended by Shah Ghollam
02-Jul-2009 (5 comments)

Nothing Is Over


Trita Parsi on the Iranian Opposition

Washington Independent / Spencer Ackerman
recommended by IRANdokht
02-Jul-2009 (23 comments)
02-Jul-2009 (one comment)
Youtube video by Fitriyyah.Org >>>
Ali Abdolrezaei
02-Jul-2009 (7 comments)
کجا رفت انقلاب؟
دارد سیگار می کشد
و فرزندان ِ مانده را استعمال می کند >>>
Manoucher Avaznia
02-Jul-2009 (one comment)

تشنه لب، آسیمه سر تا دشت حیرت رفته ایم

پس چه شد آن "آب حیوان"؟ منزل سامان کجاست؟

Sahameddin Ghiassi
But she has gone and forgets her lover here in USA. A big great love, but just for three years. I cannot understand her at all? >>>

Reza Pahlavi interview on Europe 1

Darius Kadivar

Le fils du Shah d'Iran réclame une "solidarité mondiale à la cause iranienne".

Europe1.fr / Jean Pierre Elkabache
recommended by Darius Kadivar

Le mouvement d'opposition n'est pas mort !

Darius Kadivar

Despite Suppression, Opposition to the Regime still strong in Iran

le figaro (video Interview) / Delphine Minoui (video Interview)
recommended by Darius Kadivar
02-Jul-2009 (one comment)