IRI's Doctrine of Multi-Front Confrontation


As US fades, Iran ups the ante in Iraq

Asia Times / Shahir Shahidsaless
recommended by shayan123

What else did we expect the murderer to say?


Clash of colors

Clash of colors


by Emad Shadzi
29-Aug-2009 (4 comments)


Amir-Human Orfi

ايذاء دينى در گذشته، حال، و آينده ايران


A new "kordanization" fiasco for mahmoud's cabinet

Shifteh Ansari

IRAN: Proposed education minister accused of making up his degrees

Los Angeles Times / //
recommended by Shifteh Ansari
Sahameddin Ghiassi
در اینجا میخواهم تعلیم و تربیت سه پدر را که با اختلافاتی فرزندان خود را بزرگ و تعلیم و تربیت کرده اند و نیز نتایج آنرا برایتان بنویسم. مسلم است که هرکدام از این پدران فکر میکردندکه راهی درست میروند >>>

The questionable American support for Israel

Shah Ghollam

Appeasing Israel—At What Cost?

Obamaboozled / Jeff Gates
recommended by Shah Ghollam


I’ll make you humble…

History of rape in Iranian prisons

29-Aug-2009 (13 comments)
Raping a man is a definitive act of callousness which breaks his spirit and completely drains him from self respect and worthiness. It so badly screws up the man’s mental state that “overthrowing a government” will be the last thing on his shit-list. A man with no self-worth is no danger to society. That’s why addicts are considered no threat to countries’ national security. The acts of gang rape in Iranian prisons should not come as a shock to anybody. I’m baffled at how Iranians act so staggered about this everyday occurrence.>>>

Yaboo's desperation brings him to Merkel

Shah Ghollam

Netanyahu to Press Merkel on German Trade With Iran, Sanctions

Atheonews / Gwen Ackerman
recommended by Shah Ghollam

A confirmation of Israeli realities

Shah Ghollam

Tutu to Haaretz: Arabs paying the price of the Holocaust

Haaretz / Akiva Eldar
recommended by Shah Ghollam
Film review with video >>>


Closed door

For my child, the excitement of the back-to-school month is one filled with great fear, disappointment and grief

29-Aug-2009 (15 comments)
I call out to you… to those of you who enjoy utmost liberty in your lands … those of you who have the freedom to register your child at any time, at any school, and to send him/her off to acquire knowledge of all that she/he desire… To those of you who sit back in your armchairs at day’s end and give ear to the news of the world … such news as is meant to inform you of patrol resources and of its price fluctuation in the world market … of the rise and fall of stock from this firm and that factory… or of rocket-science research and countries that have developed nuclear power>>>
khaleh mosheh
29-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
AN is getting too big for his boots>>>
29-Aug-2009 (8 comments)
One of the oldest examples of the gods of one religion becoming the demons of another is perhaps seen in late Hinduism and late Zoroastrianism>>>