30-Aug-2009 (167 comments)
More reason at Evin >>>


Empty nest

Where's my humor when I need it the most?

30-Aug-2009 (2 comments)
Humor and practicality have been my safety net through life’s ups and downs, especially the downs. Years ago, I used my imaginative mind to change those wasted summers of youth at my father’s farms into an education. While my older sister nagged incessantly about the unfairness of missing the city fun, I took the three months of life in Abbas Abad as a learning experience and tried my hands on a few native skills: field work, tending to livestock and weaving baskets. During school, whenever I came across a subject too difficult to memorize, I made lyrics out of such subjects as the table of elements, names of fossils, or human nerve passages>>>


A sight for granted, never...
To unlock the lock, I must endure this pain,
To harness the journey’s craft, I must negotiate with
The stones on this path,
To kill the monsters, I must be willing to die first
And then watch how my ashes shall rise against
Another day's sunrise. >>>
30-Aug-2009 (3 comments)
پارسی را پاس داریم >>>


كودتاي مخملي كار من است
30-Aug-2009 (5 comments)
در كمال صحت و عقل و شعور
خالي از هرگونه جبر و ضرب و زور

مي نمايم نزد مردم اعتراف
تا شوم از درد وجدانم معاف

عامل اخراج آدم از بهشت
كشتن هابيل وصدها كار زشت >>>

US Dominance Coming to an End ?


Hatoyama vows distance from US-style capitalism

recommended by k1s1000
30-Aug-2009 (3 comments)

Troubles mount for Ahmadinejad


Isolated, weak and delusional as ever

Tehran Bureau / Muhammed Sahimi
recommended by FG
30-Aug-2009 (3 comments)

Mahmoud at majles-- no plans but with bodyguards

Majid Zahrai
Roozonline / Fereshteh Ghazi
recommended by Majid Zahrai

تایید دفن مخفیانه 44 نفر

Majid Zahrai
Roozonline / Bahram Rafiei
recommended by Majid Zahrai
Iranians are into all sorts in the UK. X factor past an present, and now this years BB. >>>

شاعر سیمین بهبهانی

30-Aug-2009 (9 comments)
If it was up to me I would impale every single mullah and exile their families out of Iran. >>>
30-Aug-2009 (one comment)

Young victim of Khamenei's "beloved" Islamic Republic jumps to his death.  

30-Aug-2009 (one comment)
It is a great pleasure to introduce the Momeni Foundation's year 2009 scholarship award recipients to you. This year we are awarding $11,250 dollars to 21 well deserving students>>>

Full of compliments about himself...

Shifteh Ansari

Cheney: Threat to Iran's nuclear program crucial for negotiations

recommended by Shifteh Ansari
30-Aug-2009 (2 comments)