Top 10 reasons Islam is not good for Iran

by jimzbund

With the exception of brave men and women who are opposing/suffering under the IRI.

10-  Turned  a proud and equal woman into a domestic servant and sex object with limited rights and no freedoms.  

9- Turned a happy nation with many happy festivals like Mehrega, Sadeh and Now Rooz into a sad and mourning nation always crying for the some Arab dead.

8- Turned a virtuous truth loving nation into a nation of taghieh and white lies , lying is the norm.

7- Turned a goftaareh Nik nation into one of the most vulgar language nations on earth only rivaled by its Arab brothers.

6- Turned a sovereign democratic nation into the number 1 terrorist sponsor nation on earth.   

5- Turned an advanced society into one of the most superstitious nations on earth.   

4- Turned a life loving nation into a dead and grave worshipping nation.

3- Turned beautiful Persian names into often meaningless Arabic names and imposing barbaric Arab customs.

2- Turned Iran into an intolerant Shiite state with no rights for others and death , torture and rape for everyone opposing it.

1- Islam is turning Iran into a Slum.


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Dear Yolanda

by jimzbund on

Thanks for your input and like you I believe that Iran should be way up in the civilized world but unfortunately we are going the wrong way backward!. But Iranians will eventually overcome this and gain their rightful place in the world. Enjoyed your contributions to mjy blog.

Shaad zi, pirooz baashi

Bund, Jimzbund


Dear Jimzbund

by yolanda on

I agree with you that something is impeding Iran from moving forward. I read an article and bloggs a couple of weeks ago about why Iran lags behind S. Korea while the 2 countries seem to have the same baseline 30 years ago. It is an interesting article and really makes me think. S. Korea does not have a drop of oil:


but its per capita income is way higher than Iran:


S. Korea ranks #32  while Iran ranks# 71. There are 3 different reference tables, though.

S. Korea cares about sports, too. Their best World Cup finish is 4th in the world several years ago (11 years ago?).......A Korean golfer just beat Tiger Woods a couple of weeks ago.

    IRI is more interested in banning its athletes from competing against Israelis & enforcing hejab than winning medals! I recall at last year's Olympic Games, an Iranian swimmer had to give up the competition and call in sick 'cause the guy was not allowed to swim against the Israeli swimmer. I feel sorry for the guy, he worked his butt off to make it the Olympic Games, but he could not compete. I think IRI does not care its athletes or medals, IRI is more interested in holding on to its Islamic "principles and ideology". IRI pretty much drives its artists, singers, actresses, and movie directors out of the country! It is sad!

        Iran is blessed with natural resources and human resources. It is the envy of the world!  We just need to have right people in power and have the right policy, with that, Iran can beat S. Korea in economy and sports as well.

Thank you again for your article, blogs, and video. I learned a lot of things here!




Dear Jimzbund

by yolanda on

Thanks for your post. I will respond either Friday or Saturday if this blog is still open. I do feel that something is preventing Iran from moving forward! I have a lot to say on that!

talk to you later and take care!


Anonymous Observer

Samsam and Gitdoun

by Anonymous Observer on

Samsam Jaan, very funny, and very true.

Gitdoun: you should really try to study a bit of history of religions before you come here and slam Zoroastrianism.  The religion of Islam as you practice it today would not be there had it not been for Zoroastrianism.  Many ideas, rules and tenants of Islam came from Zoroastrianism.  Examples are your five daily prayers, the idea of balance after death, judgment for your deeds after death, and even the religious hierarchy that you see in today’s Shia Islam.  Even your beloved Imam Hussein's Ashura story is a re-telling and re-packaging of the ancient Persian legend of "Siavashoon" which was celeberated each year by pre-Islam Persians.  The two stories are almost identical. 

And FYI, you cannot claim that these religious practices (such as the daily prayers) were mandated in the Quran.  If you do a bit of research, , you will see that the Quran, as you see it today, was complied during the time of Caliph Othman, at which time there were at least four different versions of the “heavenly” book floating around.  Othman simply chose one version and ordered the rest burned.  The significance of this fact is that this event took decades after the invasion of Persia by Muslims and the absorption of many Zoroastrian practices into Islam. 

In sum, at the time of invasion of Persia Islam was more of a fluid philosophy that was shaped and organized in the form that you see it today by Persians and based on Zoroastrian philosophy.  So, even if your self loathing hope comes true and Zoroastrianism disappears one day from the face of this planet, we will still have its soul in its illegitimate child, Islam!


Dear Yolanda

by jimzbund on

As you mentioned religion is a touchy subject. It is due to the fact that many people are just following their religion blindly and don't question subjects that seem unreasonabvle and illogical ( eg, heaven and hell) and take everything fed to them based on faith. This is common to all the religions. as for the women and their treatment, catholics until some centuries ago believed that women have no souls !  but they are not saying it naymore and I am not sure what the official opinion of the church is right now but since religion is seperated from state here it is not a big deal . What I am interested in here is about my beloved country Iran and its progress which is being impeded by Islam  the Shiite version.

Shaad Zi,

Bund, JimzBund


to : yek_nafar

by jimzbund on

It all started when Muhammad asked someone to get rid of the poetess who was making fun of him. The person who did the job had to seperate the breast feeding baby from her to kill her  !

cheers ,

Bund, JimzBund


Dear Pope and JimzBund

by yolanda on

Thank you for loading the videos, which are very eye-opening and educational. You are great! I have no idea where to find those videos. I am a big fan of You-tube, what I found are 200 my favorite music videos, only a little bit of documentaries. A Chinese proverb says "A picture is worth a thousand words"


I have to say that "A video is worth a million words!" With the powerful images fom the videos, you don't have to say much or write much. Of course, the classic example is Neda's last moment recorded on video, which makes IRI look very bad and also shocks the world!

Pope, I also want to thank you for the videos you loaded on "Religion Bashing" thread, I watched those also. It shows that IRI gives Christians hard time in Iran. It is sad!

   The Qatari guy with turban reminds me of Jessie Jackson, very aggressive and loud! He is purely mean! Are you sure he has more than one wife? Did the 2nd wife marry him before or after she watched the video? If the lady watched the video and still married him, that lady must be either very desperate or have very low self-esteem!

   The talk show host from JimzBund's video sounded calm, but his message is pretty similar to the turbaned dude: man is superior than woman and it is justifiable to beat the wife. It is just sad! I am hoping that all these are just isolated incidents. (The talk show host said that wife-beating is wide-spread. It is scary!) Thank you for answering my question. I have no intention of making fun of people or religion, I just really did not know the answer. I do have a copy of Qur'an 'cause I am curious. I saw the wife-beating verse there....I was hoping that they really don't practice that!

JimzBund, Thank you for setting up the forum for us, so we have learned from one another. Religion is a touchy subject, it is hard to have deep discussion face-to-face, Internet forum is just perfect....... In California, 6th graders are required to learn Islam in social studies class, of course, other religions also. Sorry to write this long post, I am back to work tomorrow, so no more long post from me, only the short ones.







Lets not forget the concept of a Fatwa

by yek_nafar on

on someone's head.  What a peaceful and humane religion.  Make sure you pass it on to your children.


Yolanda khaanoom

by ThePope on

The mullahs in Iran are much more shrewd than the idiot Qatari mullah you saw in that clip. Iran's mullahs usually avoid such controversial issues of Islam, mostly on national tv (or in public).
But, unfortunately this verse is commonly used in familly courts to defend husband's physical abuse towards their wives.

As I said before in my previous post, this type of behaviour does NOT suit our culture. Overall, women are regarded highly in Iran's culture along with a LOT of respect.

Another reason why we (Iranians) are all against the islamic republic is because islam's code of law contradicts our beautiful Iranian culture.
Vahshigari (beating, whipping, amputating, hanging, beheading, etc...) in any form or shape has no place in our culture.
No matter what some stupid apologists say, it does NOT fit our culture.  


JimzBund, that's the thing that I hate the most; some a...hole trying to justify inhumane acts/behaviours...
But I really liked that women in the clip....  ;-)



only a name will remain from Islam

by jimzbund on

That prophecy is taking place right in front of our eyes , when Muslim themselves ( especially the Akhunds , whom according to a hadith by Muhammad will be the worst of people on earth)  are destroying it by trying to keep it fundamental and stop the progress of civilization by threatening it rather than accepting it and moulding with it.

Az maa gofatn bood !


Bund, JimzBund


The Pope, this is a civilzed version of it !!!

by jimzbund on


Bund, JimzBund


Red Wine, Gol Gofti

by jimzbund on

az maa goftan o az oonhaa nashnidan.

pirooz baashi,

Bund, JimzBnd


Samsam IIII ,

by jimzbund on

Most of them are dormant ommties , pretending to be free thinkers and liberated Muslims at times but as soon as the other people are mentioned their inner dormant hate starts to surface and they forget their pretention. they say " faghat paaloonesh avaz shodeh ".

Shaad Zi,

Bund, JimzBund



by jimzbund on

I am not sure whom you are addressing here as you seem to bee just venting  . If you are adrressing them to me thwn please calm down, read a couple of books and then try to enegage in a proper dialogue, Naneh man gharibam baazi won't work here.

Bund, JimzBund


to Quarantined.

by jimzbund on

yes it is. Zoroastrinism , it was a typo. other than that whtever you wrote was just a repetition of Muslim apologetics blah blah and waste of time for my to even try to answer them. Yolet e Iranians to be free to leave Islam right now and see how many will kick the habit for good. Any way as the regular brainwashed Muslim fanatics, you have no Qlue !.

go back to your masjid for more sermons or maybe Evin prsion


A question

by yolanda on

Do Mullahs preach and enforce An-Nisa 34 in Qur'an literally in Iran? Are they different from the Qutari dude in Pope's video in terms of interpretation of Qur'an?





by ThePope on



" ...
چو   هستند  زنهایتان   ناسپاس        فتادید  از  دستشان  در  هراس
بگویید  پندش   به  روز   نخست         بود   آنکه   آید   به  راه  درست
بگردید   از    بستر    خواب   دور         بجوئید ز آن پس  توسل  به زور
... "

- قران




by ThePope on

Yolanda khanoom,
yes it is sad, very sad.

Unfortunately, Islam treats women as..... !?

ps  "Can his own wife stand him ?" 
-I think you mean: can his wives stand...  



Thank you,ThePope, for the video!

by yolanda on

Wow! You are good at finding videos. The guy (speaking Arabic?) is purely mean, macho, merciless, and chauvinistic. I don't see any Islamic clemency from him. Can his own wife stand him ? is sad!




by ThePope on

Here's another reason:



(Does NOT suit our culture)



by ThePope on

Sam, damet garm.  ;-)


Khodaaaa,,, mordam az khande....

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

این بحث‌ها بی‌ فایده هستند ... به چه زبانی باید گفت که اسلام به درد ایران و ایرانی‌ نمیخورد ؟‌ها ؟؟ شما اگر دلت می‌خواد مسلمون باشی‌،یا برو یمن و سودان یا بنشین توی خونت و انقدر مزاحم بقیه نشو عزیز ... از این دیگه روشن تر و واضح تر نمیشه گفت !

حالا جالب اینجاست که صدی نود درصد آنهایی که اینجا از اسلام خوب میگویند، اکثرا عرق خور تشریف دارند و اگر خانوم هستند،بی‌ حجاب در شهر‌های امریکایی میگردند.

خبر اینجور چیز‌ها رو همه ماها داریم ... آخه تا کی بوقلمون وار زندگی‌ کردن ؟ چرا بساط نفرین برای خودتون و بچه‌هاتون پهن می‌کنید ؟ هنوز وقت هست ... اول باید به ایران فکر کرد.

زنده بعد ایران و مرگ بر جمهوری اسلامی و نوکرانش.


Farhad Kashani

KoroushS jaan   I agree

by Farhad Kashani on

KoroushS jaan


I agree with you totally aziz. The reason these Neo Comms (Ne Communists) personalize it is because they got no avenues left. Their logic (lack of it!) has been proved wrong, their reputation and legitimacy in the toilette, so they have t resort to personal attacks and twisting definition of well known terms and concepts. They have to do it. They have no other choice.


They have a propagandist mindset. This is exactly how their idols in IRI do it. They come up with terms such as “Islamic Human Rights” principles! And their own form of “democracy”!!. They have to do that to remain in power. They have twist definitions.


Good job standing up to them and exposing them.


:) Jimmy the host

by SamSamIIII on


This gem about Zoroastrian conspiracy coming from the one whose first blog was about the size of the black man's penice.. hiiih...., man, Ommaties & tokhmeh Qadesiyeh come in all shapes,shades & forms ...from distortionist Arabo ommaties Seyed Hossein Nasr &his son to Imam Khomeini & our resident Sizist ::)).




gitdoun ver.2.0

Survival of Zoroastrians an OBSESSION !!!!!

by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

you Zoroastrians, with your goftareh nik,   are writing these slurs on Islam because your facing an Existential threat.  Many of your members are either dead or have converted to other religions. Your "boy scout" faith will be dead within a century and knowing this you are forced to attack islam as many Zoroastrians have left joining the Muslim Community.  Infact here in Santa Monica alone, at Ucla, i can safely say your daughters and sons have 0.00 regard for Zoroastrianism and have converted to other religions altogether !!!  unlike you i do back up my arguements with REFERENCES/CITATIONS (read and weep !!!)


it's so pathetic how you people resort to propagating these half truths in this imaginary pipe world called the internet since many of your arguements, in a eye-to-eye debate in the REAL WORLD, would be Dismantled. But for you internet tacticians valid logical arguements is not the ultimate objective. What is the goal for you people is to continue the fight and simply smear Islam with half truths which the internet easily facilitates. And you could do this without reading anyones sound and logical arguements whatsoever !!!!

lastly, i like to point out allll these 10 slurs can be found in other parts of the world, in other none-islamic countries,  as well as the days of the Shah !



not really jims,

by Q on

Iranians were so fed up with Zoroastrianity that they welcomed Islam with open arms

It's "Zoroastrianism." This is not the entire story, but a big part of it and very accurate in itself. In fact Iranians were turning Christian too.

many had to convert to Islam to free themselves from the Muslim persecutions

No, this is not the reality. I know you like to repeat it but no historian has ever explained how "forced" religious conversion works given lack of any enforcement. They could have pretended to be Muslim as many Muslims and Jews pretended to be Catholic during the Spanish inquisition. But they all later stopped pretending, and certainly didn't carry on for later generations. Many European Jews also pretended to be Christians in the 20th century. It logically can't ever last beyond one generation.

This thesis is a cowardly conception of Persians and at the very least it means many other groups who did not convert must have somehow had more courage or faith or integrity than Zoroastrian Persians did. Majority of Muslims in the World live in countries that Arab armies hardly if never set foot in (Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Bangladesh, India/Pakistan, Central Asia, East Africa and Nigeria). How do you explain them?

Forced conversion to Islam is just a fantasy. Forced conversion has worked in rare cases where children were forcibly removed from parents, or entire family became slaves. But all those cases were conversions to Christianity.

Anyway, I won't waste more time on something that has been throughly debunked by historians for ages. It makes people like you feel better because you can't accept that Iranians did and do accept Islam valuntarily. Here's a good video that explains it.


PS. There was indeed a mass wedding in Gaza, but the little girls in that video were not the ones getting married. Another loss for the Islamophobes, I'm sure.


Skhel, Islam in Iran

by jimzbund on

You pasted from Wikipedia  " Seyyed Hossein Nasr suggests that the rapid increase in conversion was aided by the Persian nationality of the rulers " .This goes in line with the famous BS of " Iranians were so fed up with Zoroastrianity that they welcomed Islam with open arms ". The reality is that for centuries iranian fought the inavding Arabs but many had to convert to Islam to free themselves from the Muslim persecutions. Most times they had no choice but to accept living under Islam .

please don't waste your paste ! Wikipedia is not that reliable !

Bund, JimzBund


Islamization of Iran !

by jimzbund on

Such a beautiful prose ! If it as poem , I would have said " Y" bedeh biaad ! Bund, JimzBund


Dear Samsam IIII

by jimzbund on

That video link was posted by some one  and by first looik I realized it doesn't seem to be child brides . As you mentioned that practise is still going on unfortunately but the whole point of misrepresentation and misinformation by various opposing parties on the internet was at  the issue..

Shaad Zi pahlevoon

Bund, JimzBund


Thank you, Detective Sam

by yolanda on

Wow! You have all the scoops!

The Mass wedding in Gaza really makes me feel bad 'cause the widows got married for the 2nd time and it sounds like some of them got married out of religious obligations, not love! In other words, they fulfilled their obligations by sacrificing the love. It is soooooo sad! It is beyond my comprehension. Of course, if there was no war and no losses, this mass wedding could be avoided!

Thanks for the info and thank you for the igloo joke!  I really wanted to tell Press TV that we do have Iranians in Antarctica, but they deleted many my posts before, so I don't want to waste my time trying!

