Top 10 reasons Islam is not good for Iran

by jimzbund

With the exception of brave men and women who are opposing/suffering under the IRI.

10-  Turned  a proud and equal woman into a domestic servant and sex object with limited rights and no freedoms.  

9- Turned a happy nation with many happy festivals like Mehrega, Sadeh and Now Rooz into a sad and mourning nation always crying for the some Arab dead.

8- Turned a virtuous truth loving nation into a nation of taghieh and white lies , lying is the norm.

7- Turned a goftaareh Nik nation into one of the most vulgar language nations on earth only rivaled by its Arab brothers.

6- Turned a sovereign democratic nation into the number 1 terrorist sponsor nation on earth.   

5- Turned an advanced society into one of the most superstitious nations on earth.   

4- Turned a life loving nation into a dead and grave worshipping nation.

3- Turned beautiful Persian names into often meaningless Arabic names and imposing barbaric Arab customs.

2- Turned Iran into an intolerant Shiite state with no rights for others and death , torture and rape for everyone opposing it.

1- Islam is turning Iran into a Slum.


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Reason #16 Marriage between close relatives(cousins) in Islam

by Sohraby on

Marriage between cousins which is based on a biological risk to offspring. EX; Ahmadinejad (ugly, stupid, criminal, lier....).



by jimzbund on

they say islam has the answer to  and knowledge of everything, ask them show us a couple of Muslim scientists, philosphers, etc who ahve done anything to help the humanity ! I am sure Jews can brag about theirs as most of great inventions of the past century has been from them. islamic intellectuals are busy with next world / under the belly and Jinns.


Bund, Jimz Bund


reason # 15 Azaan

by jimzbund on

This nigtmarish call to prayer through loudspeakers are a torture by itself !  


Bund, Jimz Bund



by jimzbund on

I was going bto say that It is good for Arabs as changed them from desert survivors into a fighting force which conquered many countries with the hope of looting and enslaving ; but I think those days are gone and Arabs/Muslims are the most affected by Islam and are killing beach other under Sunni/Wahhabi and  Shiite . I believe if we let them alone they will finish each other off ! but I rather see them do it outside my country Iran . islam and Iran are not compatible, Iranians have even created their own version of isla ( Shitte) which is considered Kofr by others and are witing in line to uproot Shiism, Imagine Iranians dying for an Arab religion which even Arab themselves don't accept it.

paayandeh Iran and Iranians

Bund, Jimz Bund



by vildemose on

عقب افتادگی فکری سید علی و علوم انسانی

همان گونه که اطلاع دارید سید علی رهبر دیروز رفته منبر و فرموده:

آموزش علوم انسانی در دانشگاه ها منجر به ترویج شکاکیت و تردید در مبانی دینی و اعتقادی خواهد شد

گویا آنها که در آن جلسه بوده‌اند یا شعور نداشته‌اند یا لال بودند وگرنه باید سوال می‌کردند، کدام علم امروزی در دین مردم شک ایجاد نمی‌کند که علوم انسانی نکند!؟
اگر بر اساس خواسته سید علی بخواهیم عمل کنیم باید همه چیز را تعطیل کنیم و در مملکت را هم تخته کنیم و برویم با ابزار و باورهای 1400 سال پیش امور بگذرانیم.
یکی در آن جلسه نبود که از سید علی بپرسد، آخه مردک اگر تو شعور نداری و می‌خواهی از داده ها و علوم 1400 سال پیش استفاده کنی، این مشکل خودت هست، 70 میلیون ملت ایران می‌خواهند با زمان جلو بروند، اگر هم عده معدودی هستند که می‌خواهند مثل تو در عصر حجر بمانند، خوب به جهنم بمانند به ملت چه مربوط است!؟
حضرت رهبر در این روضه خانی در ادامه فرموده:

این مسئله نگران کننده است زیرا توانایی مراکز علمی و دانشگاه ها در زمینه کار بومی و تحقیقات اسلامی در علوم انسانی و همچنین تعداد اساتید مبرز و معتقد به جهان بینی اسلامی رشته های علوم انسانی در حد این تعداد دانشجو نیست.

یکی نیست به این مردک بگوید، خوب پس شما در این 30 سال گذشته چه غلطی می‌کردید!؟ مگر نه این است که شما مفت خوران وظیفه دارید تا جامعه و علوم امروز را با اسلام تطبیق بدهید!؟ مگر نه اینکه شما شیعیان گوش زمین و زمان را کر کرده‌اید و مدام می‌گویید که اسلام پیشرو ترین دین است، اسلام چنین است و اسلام چنان است و برای همه مسائل یک جامعه مدرن راه کار دارد!؟ خوب پس این چرندیاتی که مدام گوش مردم را با آن کر می‌کنید به چه منظور است!؟
از قرار معلوم علمای اسلام حکومت آخوندی در این 30 سال فقط به جمع آوری مال دنیا مشغول بوده‌اند وگرنه امروز می‌باید می توانستند پاسخگوی نیازهای جامعه امروزی باشند. دین پیشرو(!!) اسلام که می‌گویید همین است آقای سید علی فقیه!؟ دینی که واقعا آماده سرازیر کردن به زباله دان تاریخ است



thanks for reasons 11-13

by jimzbund on

Pork, prostituition and khaharaneh Zahra !


I am sue the list can run into 1001 !

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

تا به یاد دارم، جز درد و بد بختی چیز دیگر از این اسلام شامل حال ما نشده است !

چه شد که اینطور خاک بر سر ما شد ؟

چه شد که ۴ تا کون نشور هنوز نفهمیدند که آقا،این مذهب اسلام است که ایران و ایرانی‌ را بد بخت و خانه خراب کرد !!!

در ایران آینده، افرادی که از اسلام طرفداری میکنند،هیچ جا نخواهند داشت.بروند به زیر خاک آنانی‌ که حرمت ایران را با کلمه اسلام و مسلمانی به زیر سوال میبرند، مرگ و نفرت بر شما باد !



Extraordinarily Fantastic Post! Thank you.

by Faramarz_Fateh on

God bless Mr. Bond; what a fantastic posting.

I venture to take your headline one step maybe better to say "top 10 reason why Islam is not good for ANYWHERE".

Thank you again. 


re: Islam

by Afshin_Afshar on

I completely agree with you Leonis. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, pagan, and communist attrocities in former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Persia, Greece, South America, and China were all done with the goodness of the victims in mind. It is only those bloody Iranian Muslims that don't know how to do it right!!!



Very well said

by mahmoudg on

Islam is an old, tired and failed cult.  It's time had come and gone a millenia ago.  Persia needs to rid itselt of it.  we were the first culture and empire to have thrown one religion out to replace it with another (Zoroastrianism with Islam).  We can do it again.  we could be a completely secular country with no ties to ANY religion.  long live Persia and death to Islam.


It is just an excuse

by farokh2000 on

It is really not the Religions that are bad for societies, it is the people who use and abuse them.

I don't believe in any Religions myself but respect people who follow one and learn from the good lessons and are better for it in their lives.

I know the real lessons of most Religions are guiding people to be good to their fellow humans and other animals.

The problem is, people have translated these original writings into so many thousands of languages that the originals have been totally lost and ignored.

What we have now is a melting pot of cultures, opinions, selfishness, and greed and that is very dangerous.

It is not Islam, Christianity, Judiasm, etx., it is the people who are responsible for all the crimes that are being committed in the name of Religions.



by Leonis on

Islam is an insult to human dginity and the Islamic countries are very bastions of barbarism. Islam is not good for the entire planet earth.

khaleh mosheh

13 reason

by khaleh mosheh on

is shameful to watch-how can these people do this?

thanks for posting Pope. 


Thank you, Pope....

by yolanda on

Thank you, Pope, for all the video links. I watched them all, it is sad!




13th reason why islam is not good for Iran

by ThePope on


12th reason Why Islam is not good for Iran

by IranPars on

It has shamelessly legalized PROSTITUTION, the grotesque concept of sigheh, whereby any man can "marry" any woman for as little as 20 minutes. The purveyors of this racket are no other than the filthy mullahs, who are BY FAR the most prolific perverts on the planet. 

Today, there are 600,000 prostitutes in Tehran alone, and according to one study, 40% of them are married, whose husbands KNOW that their wives are walking the streets, but are resigned to it, out of sheer poverty (a lot of these derelict husbands are also drug addicts, who care more about getting high than the chastity of their wives). Of couse, as you may know, per capita, Iran has the most heroin addicts in the world! Thanks to the IRI!





by Afshin_Afshar on
