کون گوزو از خودش بد گمونه!!!!


Israel to bar UN fact-finding team from entering

recommended by Bavafa
26-Mar-2012 (one comment)

Turkey is standing on the path of Freedom


Syria troops shell; Muslim group wants democracy

recommended by Bavafa
Iranian icon and comedian Iron Sheik sends a message to UFC fighter Aaron Riley about his upcoming fight in May against Cody McKenzie>>>
26-Mar-2012 (23 comments)
Celebrating the beauty of Iranian women from around the world. >>>


Breaking the Ice

Pushing to end U.S.-Iran silent treatment

26-Mar-2012 (3 comments)
Thankfully, a commonsense and long overdue proposal has been introduced in Congress by Representative Barbara Lee (Democrat, California) and nine other Representatives to dispense with the absurd "no contact" policy on the U.S. side. The bill, the Prevent Iran from Acquiring Nuclear Weapons and Stop War Through Diplomacy Act (H.R.4173) would finally lift the ban on talking to Iran. Not only would eliminating this policy put us in a much better position to resolve the standoff, it will put the onus on the Iranians>>>


اندرزادن رستم...

... و فرستادن عکس سه بعدی او مر نیایش، سام را

زال ورودابه پس از پشت سر گذاشتن یک رشته درد سرهائی که بر سر راه بهم رسیدن آنها بوجود آمده بود، سر انجام پیوند زناشوئی می بندند و بهم می رسند. اندکی ازین پیوند نمی گذرد که رودابه باردار می شود و هرچه به ماه های آخر بارداری نزدیکتر می شود، شکمش فربه تر، بدنش سنگین تر شده، رخش زردفام می شود تا به جائی که می انگارد بجای کودک، سنگی در میان دارد>>>

teenager to be executed in Iran


Who Deceived Whom?

“An Islamic Republic, not a word more and not a word less”. Which part didn't you understand?

26-Mar-2012 (4 comments)
Recently I finished a book by Ali Gharib. The name of this book was “Istadeh bar armaan” The writer in this book attempts to give an accurate account of events leading to the 1979 revolution and Khomeini becoming a leader. Then he goes on to quote from the memoirs of people like Banisadr, Bazargan, Yazdi, Soroosh and many others as to how Khomeini betrayed all of them along with Iranian nation and diverted their revolution into the path that it was never supposed to take >>>


Cultural Lumpenism (3)

The main force of fascist groups often used as toys

26-Mar-2012 (one comment)
Based on either conformism or ignorance, lumpens claim not to be interested in political activity They do not have any clear political beliefs, they lack mental stability and are confused about political matters. Dowlat-Abadi declared his non-involvement in politics in a December 2011 interview he had with Ali Shoroughi and Sheema Bahremand from Shargh Newspaper, entitled: “Mahmoud Dowlat-Abadi: We are people as well”>>>
Ali Ohadi
ترک ساختمان زندان اکیدن ممنوع است. پذیرایی از بانوان ممنوع است. رقص و آواز و شوخی با نگهبان ها و کارکنان زندان، با توافق طرفین مجاز است. "رویاهای شبانه" اکیدن ممنوع است>>>
26-Mar-2012 (2 comments)

هزاران زن و دختری که  دارند فاسد میشوند



خواب آينه
26-Mar-2012 (2 comments)
نسيم سرد پاييزى قلمى است مرموز
که رندانه زمستان را نقش ميزند.
و مرا که در آغوش سرخ و زرد و نارنجى
در بستر برگهاى ريخته عشق ميورزم
به ژرفناى مايوس حريرى سفيد
26-Mar-2012 (23 comments)
Naked Iranians – all civilians – lying dead in the street with their clothes and limbs torn off from the suicide blasts ... it's Israel and the U.S. who are responsible say retired CIA officers and the CIA's own memos.>>>
26-Mar-2012 (8 comments)
"Syrian Girl" gives her Perspective on regional politics & Iran / Noam Chomsky on Iran / Syrian Rebel Army is Composed of Al-Qaeda fighters.  >>>
26-Mar-2012 (9 comments)
Kudos to BBC Persian for the excellent programming! >>>