Mehdi Hashemi imprisoned at Evin

24-Sep-2012 (3 comments)
جرم ابراز عقیده و انواع و اقسام توحش>>>
mahmood delkhasteh
24-Sep-2012 (2 comments)
The doctrine of de-violentization in Islam: An alternative to Christian pacifism? >>>
arash Irandoost
24-Sep-2012 (2 comments)
September 2012 has not been a good month for the Islamic Republic in Iran, its handlers and lobby network: >>>
Highlights of "One Day with Hafez", 14th-century Persian poet, Leiden University, Sep. 2012. Video: Persian Dutch Network >>>


Talk But Look Beyond

Under intensified pressures, Khamenei could acquiesce

24-Sep-2012 (11 comments)
The latest tussle over red lines and deadlines on Iran’s nuclear program obscures some of the genuine dilemmas now confronting the international community. For a long time, the major powers had hoped that imposing strenuous sanctions on Iran could produce an interlocutor willing to negotiate honestly and to adhere to an exacting arms control agreement. But time may no longer permit the patient exercise of coercive diplomacy>>>
رأی دادگاه و مدارک افشا شده >>>


Getting Worse

The tide has turned against US-led forces

23-Sep-2012 (2 comments)
I’ve just returned from a week in Kabul, where I took part in conferences. The flow of news and conversations with friends demonstrated that life in Afghanistan is filled with more tension than before. The Taliban who were overthrown by the US-led invasion in 2001 are now in control of many parts of Afghanistan, at least at night, and carry out repeated attacks in areas where they do not have direct power, including Kabul>>>


A Wedding in Virginia

A hundred concurrent “likes” in Tehran

23-Sep-2012 (9 comments)
I had the pleasure of flying across the country to attend a beloved friend’s wedding near Washington D.C., whom I have known since my childhood in Iran. The program started with a much emotional and solemn ceremony that was preceded by recounting of the heroic acts of several relatives of the bride and the groom who were notably absent at the celebration due to either being abducted, executed, or in jail as dissidents in the Islamic republic>>>


چوب دو سر طلا

ایرانیان خارج از کشور

چرا نمی توانیم، قادر نیستیم و نمی خواهیم منسجم باشیم؟ شک، سوء ظن، بدبینی و بی اعتمادی که زائیدۀ رژیم های خودکامه، مستبد و خداسالار می باشند؛ این خصلت های بازدارنده، طی دوران در فرهنگ ما رخنه کرده و جا افتاده است. مانتسکیو می نویسد: "در ایران دامنۀ شک و تردید؛ بدبینی و بی اعتمادی نا متناهی و بی انتهاست." >>>


داستانهای استانبول ۸

ما دیگه تو ایران جایی نداریم. می‌خوایم بریم سرزمین موعود

23-Sep-2012 (one comment)
دو طرف در کنسولگری اسرائیل شش هفت تا پلیس اسلحه به دست وایساده بودن. از دور که نزدیک ‌شدیم ما رو زیر نظر گرفتن. به در بزرگ و آهنی که رسیدیم زنگ زدیم و منتظر شدیم. می‌دونستم از پشت شیشه قدی که اونورش‌رو نمی‌دیدیم انور ومن رو می‌دین. یه صدا از توی آیفون پرسید: کارتون چیه؟ گفتیم: ما یهودی هستیم. از ایران فرار کردیم>>>


23-Sep-2012 (4 comments)
I hear the dirty wounds of laughter
I touch the wreckage of kindness
I see the conceit of pig-nose foes
I smell the blood of frightened lives >>>

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