We envied the people who lived in the west, especially the United States
I don’t remember problems when I lived in Iran during the Shah. I remember that we were not wealthy but had everything that we wanted. I guess the reason was that Shah took care of the government employees. My father was a teacher. We lived in a one bedroom apartment, four of us. The school was about 10 minutes from our apartment. At the time I thought that we are living in a backward nation. I thought if we had such happy life in Iran, how life would be in the west, especially in the United States. I envied the kids that were born in the west. To me, going to the west was an impossible dream
U.S. presidential candidates under the banner of change
While America's Fuehrer tours the palaces of his moneyed-buddies in the Middle East, ranting incessantly -- and stupidly -- about Iran... and the inconceivable and "personal" promise of regional peace, the present Democratic pretenders to the Pennsylvania Avenue domicile, who also anticipate dominance over a Reichstag just a short jog away, deliver soft blows at each other as if all these non-sense, non-issues really meant anything. Anything relevant, that is, to the chaotic economic and foreign policies that define the sorry state of our nation these days!
Europe vs. Iran: Using propaganda for social change
The propaganda aimed at social change through creating new norms and values is being directed more and more towards children. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, this new target group was selected in an earlier stage, in the early 1980’s when the new babyboom was old enough to go to school and learn about the values of the Islamic Republic. Schoolbooks had changed, resulting in text books with stories derived from the Qoran, carrying values of martyrdom, submission to Islam, our brotherhood with the Palestinians and last but not least the fight of the good (the Islam) against evil (the West)
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