Lessons from the Bhutto assassination
Recent events in Pakestan have raised awareness of the all too commonly obvious pitfalls of putting too much hope in one person, rather than allowing a simple self regulating system to run a social order of a people. The cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto is the vilest example of man's continuing inhumanity to man. Regardless of now re-surfacing claims of the corruption of the Bhutto family and their political infamy, the bottom line is that, in 2007 with the existence of writ of habeas corpus, the right to accuse someone and their right to defend themselves against that accusation, no one deserves to die like this. It is simply uncivilized
A different work from California's Persian Pop music scene
Some time ago I saw an advertisement for a new album, of a new singer, on one of the Persian television channels in Los Angeles. Strangely, this time, there was neither any mention of 6/8 rhythms, nor was there a pick-up truck full of dancing girls behind the singer! As the singer sang calmly on the video, images of Persia and its people followed one another beautifully. The title of the album was "Neverending Story", better said "Unfinished Story" (Ghesse-ye Naatamaam), sung by Amir. This is his first album with cooperation of two significant figures in Persian pop music: Andranik and Shahyar Ghanbari. I became curious to hear the rest of the album but just as I had guessed, there was no sign of the CD in the Persian stores of Amsterdam.
- Like always you have forgotten to cook rice for dinner, no?
- Who cares? Don’t stress me out. I still have time.
It is nighttime. It is cold. All day I have wandered around the house. I counted all the pieces of furniture in the house: the brown coaches, our dining table, the Piano, our carpets, our phones, all those paintings and books, my desk, my bed, my parents’ bed, our lights…
- Are you crying?
- No, but I wish I could cry for hours. Have you ever been invaded by the flood of memories?
یادش بخیر روزهای پر از رنگ های نارنجی و آبی
عاشق رانندگی در اتوبانهای شلوغ تهران بودم .ساعت یازده ی هر روز صبح دوباره به مادام ساعی زنگ می زدم تا از تو خبر بگیرم و تو همیشه به پای تلفن می آمدی و با صدای معصومت می گفتی هنوز ساعت دو نشده که تو بیایی ؟ این عقربه های ساعت هر روز دیر تکان می خورد و من در تب و تاب آمدن برای در آغوش کشیدنت پر و بال می زدم .
The constitution has placed a ban on all reforms deemed to be “un-Islamic”
The trigger of violence was officially pulled in Iran when it became clear that the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini’s vision of an Islamic society was to take precedence over all other visions and interpretations after the revolution of 1979. There was disagreement from the start among the various political forces over the definition of the revolution itself. The left and secularists wanted the term „Democratic Republic”, while a spectrum of Muslims preferred “Islamic Democratic”, but Khomeini opted for “Islamic Republic”.
ریش سفیدان نفس راحتی کشیدند
بی نظیر بودی تو در خاکِ پاک خویش
گناه تو بی نظیر بودن بود
زنِ لبخند به لبِ دمکراسی خواهِ امیدوار
در کشوری مسلمان
در کشور کودتا در کودتا
با کوههایی مأمن القاعده
Why not add some ‘Super foods’ to your daily diet instead?
Yet another year goes by and I find myself tracing the same familiar steps I have taken in years gone by. Know the feeling? First, we overdose at Christmas, promising to diet in January, then we make New Years resolutions, normally including some form of diet or exercise commitment, which we solemnly swear to uphold, but by the second week of January, we’re back to our old ways and that extra holiday weight is hanging off our midriffs looking like it’s ready to set up permanent residence. Deja vu? Nice try, but I think we all know it is nothing but pure laziness that holds us back.
Why it's difficult to feel sorry for Benazir Bhutto
I am deeply saddened and still trying to recover from the horrible news of the killings and frankly, more shocked about the “killings”, than the “assassination”. When I look at her eyes, those innocent eyes, it churns my heart as why should a beautiful creature like her be killed in cold blood. What has she done wrong? What did she say to deserve being killed? What was the justification for her death? Poor dear Tatiana. How come no leader of the world blamed Islamic terrorists to be responsible for your death?
چرا دانشگاه يک نهاد سکولار است؟
گيرم که استادان سکولار علوم اجتماعی را از دانشگاه اخراج کردند، گيرم که به استادان دانشکده های علوم تجربی و فيزيکی دستور دادند که کار تدريس را با گرفتن وضو و تلاوت آيات قرآن و انجام نماز آغاز کنند؛ اما، درست در آن لحظه که تدريس دانش فيزيک و شيمی و زيست شناسی آغاز می شود، همهء باورهای مشيتی و تقديری نسبت به نيروهای ماوراء الطبيعه به بيرون کلاس تبعيد می گردند و کلاس درس از حال و هوای وهم زدهء «حوزوی» خالی می شود.
Erfan: Modern day Persian poet
A new generation of Iranian artists are striving for the mutation of our music. For those who have been waiting for a change, the time is now and there is a new wave of talented Rock and Hip-Hop artists reaching out to us. This goes a long way toward explaining the large majority of our Iranian pop music culture. However, every once in a while an album will make its way past reviewer after reviewer and deservedly earn high marks with nary a scratch. I believe this will be the story with Iran’s hip-hop messiah, Erfan, and his debut Album, “Az Khaneh ta Goor”
Iranians must understand that times have changed
Iran was indeed a world power to reckon with during the time of the Safavid, especially during the reign of Shah Abbas. But Iran has been an insignificant world player, and an almost absent one, for more than 150 years, even with the advantage of oil money. Still Iranians still have imperial dreams, dreams of belonging to the preferred nation within a glorious vast empire in which they have one or more idols, kings or prophets, who are also powerful worldly figures, if not the most powerful, who walk with arrogance amongst non-Iranians, who are adorned, respected and feared
کلمات برای هر کسی معنای خود را دارند. من به شما فرهنگ ایرانی با اقطباس
شخصی خودم را تقدیم میکنم. فعلأ سه حرف اگر خوشتان آمد بقیه را خواهم نوشت. الف:
* آرزو: چیزی که میخواهیم ولی میدانیم که بدست آوردنش سخت است: مثال آزادی در ایران
* آزادی : آرزوی قدیمی که تحمل نمیکنیم به مخالفان خود بدهیم
* آهنگر: شغلی که از بین میرود. مشهورترینشان کاوه نام داشت.یک درفش داشت
که افتاد زمین. از آن موقع به بعد هیچکس جرات ندارد آن را بردارد چون
ایرانیهای پشتیبانی بلد نیستند ولی پشت پا خوب میگیرند . همه نشسند منتظر
امریکا یا مریخیها.