Shahram and Hafez Nazeri's new album
There is such relief in reviewing a piece of music by Hafez and Shahram Nazeri, mostly because nobody who likes Shahram Nazeri will abstain from buying his latest work, even if I give it a bad review! My review is not a technical one, as I am barely qualified to be a good connoisseur of good Iranian music. I am a listener. The one for whom music is written (sometimes) and produced (always). As listeners, some music we hear with our ears, and some music we hear with our hearts. This man’s voice, and his young musician son’s composition, is something I listened to with my heart
Dedicated to Bilawal Bhutto Zardini
It was the noon of January 8, 2008. A large crowd was waiting for Bilawal Bhutto Zardini's speech. He is the son of the famous Benazir Bhutto, the former prime minster of Pakistan who was assassinated two days ago in a mysterious event. Now, Bilawal, a 19-year-old history student of Oxford University was the chairmen of the Pakistan's People Party, the greatest secular party of the nation, although he did not like political jobs. There is a high risk for a terrorist action during or after today's event. For a teenager it seemed so soon to worry about death, but it was the reality of life for Pakistan's new sudden hero
گلابی درشتی بود که درست در پرگوشت ترین قسمتش به سرخی می زد
سرگروهبان قنبری آموزش دیده ارتش شاهنشاهی بود و هنوز بعداز سالها خدمت، بدنی ورزیده داشت.در مدت خدمت و در طول جنگ تحمیلی صدام بر علیه ایران گروهبان جوانان زیادی را آموزش و به قول خودش آنها را به مردان ورزیده تبدیل و به جامعه تحویل داده بود. گاهی وقتها که در خیابان قدم میزد با مردان جوانی روبرو میشد که با احترام و محبت به او سلام میدادند و وقتی با دقت به چهره های آنها نگان میکرد تصویر جوانانی را می دید که سالها قبل زیر دست او آموزش دیده و خدمت کرده بودند.
Long immigration delays and solutions
We, Iranians, complain about unnecessary bureaucracy in Iran and we, Iranian-Americans, complain about the same beau racy in the United States. The point to make about the U.S. bureaucracy is the recent backlog and immense delays in the processing of immigration petitions with an increased fee and official promises to expedite them and remove the backlogs. But, as you know it from your personal experience and I know it from my nationwide immigration practice, there has not been a slight and better change yet.
From The "Time" Of My "Birth" ..
"Unbeknownst" To "Many" ..
I Have "Always" Struggled ..
With "Much" Uncertainty ..
Never "Satisfied" With "Plain" Explanations ..
Knowing The "Great" Depth of "All" Things ..
"Always" Wondering "Whether" I Know "Enough" ..
The "Shadow" of "Doubt" Ever Present ..