کوه نخست

تمامی کوهها از خاک برخاستند – به جز البرز—و منشاَ شادمانی انسان گشتند.

21-Mar-2008 (2 comments)
درسفری اخیر به تهران خود را برای اولین بار شیفته البرز یافتم. گویا یک آشنازدایی رخ داده بود که مرا دلباخته کوهستانی میکرد که سالیان سال با بی تفاوتی نظاره گرش بودم و این در حالی که هر روزم را با نگاهی به البرز آغار کرده بودم. باید سالها میگذشتند تا دور از وطن و در شهری عاری از کوه، به ارزش صلابت و استفامت البرزپی میبردم، چراکه علی رغم آنچه در طی قرون و اعصار بر ما رفته است، علی رغم اهانتهایی که به میراث فرهنگیمان منجمله تخت جمشید و پاسارگاد روا داشته اند، این کوه ها را نتوانسته اند از ما بگیرند. هزاران نگهبان هم که به البرز روانه شده اند تا از درهم آمیختن دو جنس جلوگیری به عمل آورند، کوه ها همجنان با استحکام ایستاده و پذیرای عاشقان عشق و دوستداران طبیعت بوده اند.>>>


The Spider Killings (10)

Ramin had enjoyed the interview with Roxanne more than he should have

21-Mar-2008 (one comment)
Roxanne had been grilling Ramin for a half hour now, about the state of crime, in particular prostitution, in Mashad, his crime statistics, his office hierarchy, the qualifications of his staff etc. It had all boiled down in the end to the recent murder of the woman found on a busy city street a couple of weeks ago. The woman Roxanne believed was maybe the third or fourth victim of a serial killer, nicknamed the Spider Killer behind closed doors. Her friend Peyman’s informant would not elaborate on a precise number of victims, just that there had been more than two>>>


Pre-emtive failure

Results of US invasion of Iraq

21-Mar-2008 (39 comments)
Iraq was occupied by the US-led troops from March 20 to May 1, 2003. Five years have passed since the Bush administration launched the war on terror beginning with the campaign entitled "Operation Iraqi Freedom" to topple the Saddam regime in Iraq. Yet the panoramic picture of Iraq continues to remain in a sombre situation. The US was yet to reach its target to “disarm” Saddam Hussein’s regime of weapons of mass destruction in the fight against “terrorism”, but nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons were never found in Iraq after the military occupation>>>


87 days and 50 pounds

How is my diet going?

21-Mar-2008 (15 comments)